Has anyone found pills or weightloss plns that work?



  • JayVarys
    JayVarys Posts: 37
    I was just wondering what are people experiences with things like this.

    I've used Hydroxycut (Pro Clinical) worked good for me. check it out or research
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    people on heroin always seem to be thin...

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    I did try Alli which is a commercial brand containing approximately half prescription strength Orlistat.

    I did not carry on with it after my initial months supply ran out as the benefit seemed limited. It is definitely one to try though as it seems to be based on solid research.

    They are now discovering Alli is causing liver and kidney failure in some people.

    That and I'll pass on anything that *MIGHT* make me crap myself.
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    Lots of water and sweating will help with the fluid retention.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Nothing that "binds" to the fat in your food is good for you. The fat in the food is needed for the brain to function normally.
    There are plenty of success stories of peeps here losing weight the sustainable way. A permanent lifestyle change.
    For me it was ending the weekend habit of sitting in my lazy-boy, watching netflix and eating Doritos by the bag.
    It took a lot of work to get fat. I needed to put at least that much effort into losing the fat.
  • clen, but I don't recommend it

    Why would you suggest an illegal (in Australia at least) product which can have massive side effects? Oh also it is a product used in veteniary care for horses, I'm not sure why you would suggest an equine bronchial dilator to the poster. Maybe because guys who are using steroids think it's awesome for stripping fat and toning up, and that's about the only people it is useful for.

    Clen is not going to help anyone who is already over weight and not working out hard and following an extremely strict clean diet. That is the least of the problems with it.

    What are you gonna suggest when she wants to tone up? Test and Dbol?

    Sorry but giving irresponsible advice which could really harm the girl is not smart!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I won't promote anything other than what MFP tries to get you to do for yourself.

    What I will do, though, is share what I have tried BEFORE I found MFP.

    What I Tried: Trimspa, when it was a huge and green horse pill that smelled f***ing AWFUL, tasted like road biscuits, gave you bad breath for hours, and had a warning to drink a lot of water lest it get caught in your throat and swell.
    What It Did: Helped me maintain the high weight I was at, and as soon as I stopped taking that turd-tasting pill, my weight SHOT UP.

    What I Tried: HydroxyCut, before reformulation.
    What It Did: Gave me a ton of energy that I used to jump rope, do jumping jacks, and basically ANYTHING during downtime on games/during TV commercials/etc. It matched the symptoms of someone on speed from what I heard, because a lot of people guessed that I was on it. I did lose, but I was exercising a lot. Then I had the "caffeine effect". I would take a pill, which had the equivalent of 2 cups of coffee in it (may not anymore), and I would GO TO SLEEP. That's when I decided to stop taking it,and with less energy to bounce around, I gained everything back, plus 20 more pounds.

    What I Tried: HydroxyCut, after reformulation.
    What It Did: Smelled bad. Otherwise, it did nothing.

    What I Tried: Relacore, the "sleep aid fat burner".
    What It Did: Not a damn thing, frankly. It sits in the cupboard as a reminder that I've fallen for some pretty stupid *kitten*.

    * I haven't done any fad food diets because I 1)hate "diet" food, and 2)refuse to cut out bacon/bread/sugar/whatever the fad is to cut out for that diet.

    What HAS worked: Logging EVERYTHING that I eat, seeing the NUMBERS for fat, sodium, and trans fats (yep, they're still around) in what I was eating, and learning what I should (but did not absolutely have to) avoid. If I had my favorite food for lunch, it was probably calorie heavy and I needed to go light for dinner. If I wanted to go out for ice cream, I had to plan it out for the day (which resulted in MUCH better eating (both quality and portions), and I got some more exercise than planned.

    Know it's not what you want to hear, but it weighs just as much as advice on pills. You want what does work, and this does. The pills that I listed above... did not.
  • mkanak
    mkanak Posts: 38 Member
    Eat healthy and exercise. Thats about it. If you are looking for a shortcut it means you are not ready for what you are doing.

    However a pill that works, together with the above, is Nutrex Lipo 6.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It's calories in/calories out even for the people on heroin. They eat less.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    I say Yes there is a magic pill. I have seen it first hand. (my own son kept his off for 18 years so far). These people took the opportunity to learn a new way of life. To create healthy living habits, to leave their old fat self behind them and never look back. These people did not have the health problems that others did. But these people are not on this these message boards. These people are busy living life. These people are not on here to lose weight some may be here to maintain but the vast majority of them I believe have already learned and made second nature all of the things we are here to learn and accomplish. Real Doctors with years of Real Medical Training with Real degrees doing Real research in Laboratories for years have decided that the pharmaceutical drugs on the market are safe and effective in a significant segment of the population. Take Phentermine for example, it has been on the market for years, why? because it works. Why do people gain back their weight? because they want the pill to do all the work instead of using it to learn and accomplish a new lifestyle. Because they skip meals and hope for a fast weight loss instead of making sure they get good nutriction. because they let the pill work instead of learning to love exercise. Why is it physically dangerous to them? Because THIER system is built that way, why do some people develop addictions, breast cancer, etc, because that is what is happening in THIER bodies, But not everyones. Okay go ahead, get out your pitch forks and photo copied degrees.....
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Adios is a fat binder. It lowers your calorie absorption by binding fat in the gut before it can get into your bloodstream. If you overeat fats whilst taking Adios you will have instant and explosive diarrhea. Anything that does this to your body is not healthy and not sustainable. I've had friends who took pills, shakes, potions and injected substances (medical ones) to aid their weight loss and to a man (and woman) they all regained weight once they stopped the medications.
    As 99% of the folks on here who have commented say - No. Just No.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my plan includes apple fritter donuts. my plan also includes skittles. I love skittles! I don't sprinkle anything on these things for a miracle deletion of calories, I simply eat them, and enjoy them. the plan is called, eat less food, move your body more... its free, simple, and satisfying!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Adios is a fat binder. It lowers your calorie absorption by binding fat in the gut before it can get into your bloodstream. If you overeat fats whilst taking Adios you will have instant and explosive diarrhea. Anything that does this to your body is not healthy and not sustainable. I've had friends who took pills, shakes, potions and injected substances (medical ones) to aid their weight loss and to a man (and woman) they all regained weight once they stopped the medications.
    As 99% of the folks on here who have commented say - No. Just No.

    whew! Two places i would not want to have taken that med and then have the side effect you mention -

    on an elevator
    on the bus or train commuting

    Thats just enough for me to NOT want to take it.
  • dzarello
    dzarello Posts: 119 Member
    I have tried Adios and it just didn't help at all. A friend of mine is using Herbalife and has dropped 2 dress sizes on it.
    I was just wondering what are people experiences with things like this.

    *Some comment have been far from helpful all I wanted was to be informed, before I made a choice that could effect my body. Yes I know there are no magic pills, or anything like that. I only wanted to be infromed some of you thank you for your input, experiences and advice.*

    There is no "Magic" pill. It is called hard work, consistency and dedication!
  • I eat only the finest of unicorn meat for last weight loss and currently on the Air-only diet.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    Diet Pills only work while you take them and they are not good for you. Trust me been there. There are no quick fixes, Eat Healthy and Workout. I was 186 and am now 142 and it took six years but it worked and I have not gained any back. QUICK FIXES DONT WORK!