Has anyone found pills or weightloss plns that work?



  • bouncingrl
    bouncingrl Posts: 16
    While I do agree that weight loss pills are bad, I have been drinking a shake. I'm sure a lof of you have heard of it. It's called Shakeology. I have lost more weight drinking this daily than with anything else.

    Before anybody posts bad comments about drinking "shakes," this shake just isn't about losing weight. It provides a lot of beneficial nutrients. There are no bad side effects.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    I have tried Adios and it just didn't help at all. A friend of mine is using Herbalife and has dropped 2 dress sizes on it.
    I was just wondering what are people experiences with things like this.

    The story of my life is this: I took chemicals in one way, shape or form my WHOLE life. I dont anymore. Not one pill, at all, ever. Not for mental depression, not for weight loss, not even a multi-vit. Why? Because eating right and exercising has SAVED MY LIFE. It is the big LIE that we need a pharmaceutical to IMPROVE us. "God" gave us everything our bodies could EVER need in the form of food, air, and water. You only need to go LIVE and enjoy what the planet has to offer to change you. Run~it cures a myriad of ills. Eat~ GOOD FOODS THAT NOURISH. You CANT go wrong with that formula. Please for the love of all things good, do not DECEIVE yourself, or BUY the LIE that freedom of any kind is found in a PILL.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    I am a pharmacist, and a question I get from patients all the time is "Which diet pill would your recommend?" Then they look at me all stunned when I answer "None of them". Both the prescription and non prescription diet pills available are a rip off and are chock full of potentially quite harmful side effects. I don't know why people want to over complicate things in an already hectic and crazy world. You don't need a fancy plan or pills or shakes or gadgets or gizmos. You need a willingness and commitment to change. You need to decrease your calorie intake, and move more. My customers and other other store employees have noticed my weight loss and seem almost disappointed when they find out I'm not on Adipex, or HGH, or herbalife or some other crazy thing.

    This. From a Pharmacist. Thank You!!!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I know what works! A calorie deficit.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Herbal life = don't do it. Actually, all you NEED to do is eat healthy foods in moderation, pick up some exercise, and be patient. If you think you need to drop 30 pounds in 2 months, you're likely going to be very disappointed. Slow & steady wins this race.
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member

    I was one the diet pill train for years, I struggled with anorexia (still do because it's a constant battle) and part of that struggle was the use of diet pills and laxatives. One thing I can tell you is diet pills do not help at all in the long run. All I was left with was a seriously messed up metabolism. They negatively impact not only your body's natural ability to digest food but also can do serious damage to your heart and cause seizures.

    The best thing to do, and what I have come to live by, is to use natural remedies that only aid you in your weight loss. For example, I drink a cup of green tea or sage tea once a day as both have been found to help support a fast metabolism and burn the bad fats. I also take Acai Berry Organic Supplements as they do the same thing. It's all natural and WON'T leave your body with all the toxic crap you find in diet pills! Also, Dr. Oz (who I love) supports the use of sage and green tea as a natural weight loss remedy!

    Hope this is helpful! Be healthy & treat your body well! Feel free to message or add me if you have any questions!

    Good Luck!
  • robynatk99
    robynatk99 Posts: 4 Member
    I did Herbalife for 2 months and lost 29 lbs...but once I quit...I gained it back, plus a few more. That was too hard to drink just shakes then try to go to a regular diet. I still have some, and drink them when I'm too lazy to make something...but its not a staple in my diet. I've tried Alli too...this sounds gross...but I felt like I was gonna crap my pants constantly. Right now, I'm trying out skinny fiber (no I'm not a rep) and it seems to help fill me up quicker, but am doing Atkins...and I think its gonna soon replace my skinny fiber...I am at the point now where I beleive I'm at the point where I can figure out a good diet plan for myself...I guess its all about finding ones "groove"
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    First off, I was recently taking NV Caffeine Free after getting a bottle of it for about $5 (the ingredients are completely safe...just some stuff in regular "herbal" detox supplements). Absolutely nothing happened...didn't really expect it to, but there was some ayurvedic support to the ingredients. Anyway...nothing. So, no surprise there.

    However...I had gotten a product from Bally Total Fitness when I was about 18 called Fat Burner or something along those lines. It was low on caffeine and I only had 3 ingredients (one was green tea) so I was okay with it. Starting taking it, dropped like 5 pounds instantly and continued to lose for a while. Felt like I was super energetic coked- out all the time, but was losing weight ..and then I did my research...

    Turns out the reason I was losing so much weight was because of Bitter Orange Extract (Advantra Z- or Synephrine on the label). They had taken my Bally Total Fitness Fat Burner off the market STAT because of young people having arrhythmias and heart attacks because of that ingredient. Turns out it's just the modern substitute for ephedra...another thing that will soon be gone I'm sure.

    But I did notice when picking up the NV Caffeine Free, many products (some very popular ones in fact) all still have synephrine and Bitter Orange Extract in them. Like, a freakish amount. And it's in combination with some crazy other amounts of diuretics and caffeine. You will lose weight...but you may lose your life too. It sucks to know how well it works...and I still have that haunting bottle in my bedroom. But I haven't touched it in years...I just don't feel like taking that risk. And being a smoker and on BC pills, I'm already being dumb with that...no need to make more mistakes over here!

    In the end, yes, there are ones that work. But no, they are not healthy or good for you...and in fact will probably kill you. Don't take the risk! If you want a good old energy boost, drink a few cups of coffee or green tea before you start your day. That way, we can still see you on this board in the future :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    So if you know that they won't help, why are you asking if there is a pill that will help?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Amphetamine pills ÷ paleo diet
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Honestly, since you've said previously that you struggle even to eat 600 calories, I think diet pills are probably one of the worst things you could do.

    Most of us here have tried some quick fix or another, but in the end this should be about learning how to live a healthy life. Diet pills, even if they work, are not going to help with that. You are 19 and weigh 120 lbs. Focus on getting enough nutrition and eating at least 1200 calories. Get some exercise. Enjoy your life.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Just had a look back, you've said before, recently, that you struggle to hit 600 calories a day. You do NOT need to be looking for something else to do to your body.

    I think this point needs to be reiterated. This is not a healthy amount to be eating on a daily basis. Please take better care of your body.

    If you are looking for some sort of pill to reduce hunger, but are "struggling" to hit 600 calories, this does not add up. You are hungry because you are not feeding your body enough fuel, and obviously, if you are hungry, you are not struggling to hit 600 calories.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    my experience with diet pills is I had to call my mom from three counties away and get her credit card number to stay in a hotel after thinking it would be a great idea to go find my surfer new BF without an address or anything because they made my mind hyper. then after the weekend where I never found him and he of course had been at a beach 2 blocks from where I'd stayed but it's hard to hear your cell phone with all the waves crashing, and harder when GF isn't even dialing your number because she forgot her cell phone at home because she rushed out the door all hurried cause diet pills, so yeah we didn't connect that weekend, I wasted tons of money on gas, my mom's money on hotel room, anxiety staying there alone, etc.

    When I told this story to my dr. he wondered why this happened and re-examined the medicine he put me on for pain which is why my mom told me i should tell him. Then he saw nothing that should cause this so he ordered bloodwork and came back mad asking why I lied about taking street drugs. I said I'm not lying. This went back and forth a bit and then he left the room. At some point he came back and said, did we ever send you to that weight loss class you wanted because my paperwork doesn't show it but you look thinner? Oh i'm taking pills that's why. And you have the sniffles? Yeah, so? So did you take cold medicine too? Yes. Bingo! Diet pills +cold medicine combined in your system to look like speed on our tests. They also looked like speed in your blood stream so that explains that ridiculous trip you took. and your wonky mind set.

    that's my experience with diet pills. it made me look, act, and blood test like a junkie. No thanks.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member

    *Some comment have been far from helpful all I wanted was to be informed, before I made a choice that could effect my body. Yes I know there are no magic pills, or anything like that. I only wanted to be infromed some of you thank you for your input, experiences and advice.*

    The comments you call "far from helpful" are probably the most helpful comments on the topic! Just because you don't like what they say or how you perceive the comments have been made doesn't mean that they aren't the best possible advice.
    Also maybe you would benefit from using the search function before you post a topic in future, there are a wealth of exactly the same topic to choose from usually ending in precisely the same way :flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    if there was a pill, or a magic dust that you sprinkled on your food that made you lose weight, everyone would be skinny. eat less move more... AND ITS FREE!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I recommend Deadlifts and fish oil.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I bought 2 watermelons. Last time I remember it made me pee a lot. so i am going to see if this will help make me lose more water weight.