Insert Sexual Vegans and Stuff

The last couple of times I posted something looking for advice or opinions, no one responded. So, I thought I'd try a misleading title referring to the kind of topic that gets a lot of attention.
If that didn't piss you off too much, read on. If it did...ooops.

I'm putting in the work, but I'm not getting the results I want.

I'm 51 years old. 5'10" 215 lbs. I've been working out at pretty much this intensity for the last year and tracking my food intake here for the last several months (my diary is open).
In that last year I've had a lot of great benefits from my working out and eating. I'm off BP meds. My blood test numbers are great. My resting HR is around 50 bpm. In short, I'm in the best shape I've been in 20 years. On the down side, I'm only down 10 lbs from a year ago and I really want to be down another 15-20. I just can't seem to get a consistent movement in the right direction.

Navy method of body fat shows me at 23.5%. No idea where I was last year, but I suspect higher.

This is my workout.

5 days a week. 75-90 minutes a day.
The HRM says I'm burning 1000+ calories a day, I count half of those.
20 minutes of cardio (Stair Master or Ellliptical)
Weights (Rotating through these different every day)
Day 1 - Chins and dips. Curls and tricep cable extensions. Crunches and roman chair between weight sets.
Day 2 - Chest and shoulder presses with dumbells. Shoulder flys. Crunches and roman chair between weight sets.
Day 3 - Leg press. Leg extensions. Leg curls. Crunches and roman chair between weight sets.
Heavy Bag 8-1 minute rounds

Tell me what I need to fix to drop some pounds and get down to under 20% BF.


  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Stop eating meat, fish and dairy :smile:

    Sorry, just had to.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Stop eating meat, fish and dairy :smile:

    Sorry, just had to.

    Hey, considering how I'm going at this, you have every right.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Stop eating meat, fish and dairy :smile:

    Sorry, just had to.

    Hey, considering how I'm going at this, you have every right.


    Hey, I'm one of the rare vegans that doesn't force opinions!

    Your workout schedule looks pretty cool to me (I'm no expert though) how about more cardio? Or watching your carbs (if you aren't already). Well done on your great progress and its so cool that you are off the BP meds!!!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'd switch your routine and it seems you're using the weight machines?

    Look into Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strengths.
    Pick up heavy things
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    Your weight will drop if you go in to calorie deficit, your need to check your food intake and record as well as your exercise calories burned.

    Your doing a lot of cardio, might want to change up to burn more fat by doing HIIT - (bag work is hit as its explosive) add this type to your Stair Master and Elliptical sessions - one minute on full burst followed by a 1-1.30 minute rest, repeat for 10-15 minutes.

    Have a look at 5x5 strength training and maybe add in this 3 times per week, this will give a all over body resistance work out and will aid recomping your body.

    You could drop the cardio to 2 times per week as you stated your resting heart rate is 50, 50 is athlete standard at our age.

    So 3 times per week lifting and or 2-3 times per week cardio with 1 or 2 rest days, will need rest days when weights get challenging on 5x5.

    Good Luck.

  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    Have you tried HIIT? I found that HIITs helped me break through a plateau.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd suggest going here:

    And asking the powers that be (Sidesteel and Sara)
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hey there.

    I read your diary. You might try reducing your calories by 100 or 200 a day and/or change your workout routine to include more big lifts. (squats, deads, overhead press, bench)

    Maybe check out in addition to AngelAmberL's suggestion that you read a few links in the eat, train progress group. And scooby's workshop as well. Scooby's workshop has been helping me figure things out.

    I am the cook in the family most of the time and have to feed a guy with similar dimensions. My husband is 5'10" and getting close to 200 pounds during a bulk. He eats right around 3000 calories while bulking, but below 2000 when cutting. Usually around 1800-1900.
  • Lookin at your diary, I'd try knocking 300 calories a day off your goal (before exercise). See how that works over a month.

    I'm 5'10", 160lbs and at 20.5% body fat now and it's TOUGH trying to get below that.

    I find 1600 calories a day plus exercise is more than enough for me. Of course it's all individual and trial and error.

    Might just give your body a kickstart and get teh scale moving again.

    What is your waistline like though? Maybe you have been building muscle over the year so the scales might not have moved as much as you'd hope. Your other stats look good (BP/resting etc) and you are feeling fitter.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Re: Reducing calories.
    I've been indulgent the last couple of days, but I'm usually already 100-500 calories a day below my stated goals. Still, I am considering dropping it down lower.

    Re: HIIT suggestions. Yep. HIIT looks like a great idea to me. That's why I added heavy bag work a few weeks ago. That's 8-1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between. You should see my HRM for that. Very HIIT. It's only been a few weeks, maybe I'll see more from that with more time.

    Re: Machines. I do use machines for my leg work. I am considering going to regular squats, but I've had problems with a knee and I'm a big chicken when it comes to injuries. Spoke to a trainer I trust today about showing my how to do it without hurting myself, so that may happen.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    I'd suggest going here:

    And asking the powers that be (Sidesteel and Sara)

    ^ Yes. Post this there.
    Hey there.

    I read your diary. You might try reducing your calories by 100 or 200 a day and/or change your workout routine to include more big lifts. (squats, deads, overhead press, bench)

    Maybe check out in addition to AngelAmberL's suggestion that you read a few links in the eat, train progress group. And scooby's workshop as well. Scooby's workshop has been helping me figure things out.

    I am the cook in the family most of the time and have to feed a guy with similar dimensions. My husband is 5'10" and getting close to 200 pounds during a bulk. He eats right around 3000 calories while bulking, but below 2000 when cutting. Usually around 1800-1900.

    ^^ And agree with this. I'd add stepping back and really taking a look at how you are tracking your calories and make sure that you're weighing and measuring everything. It is very hard to accidentally add a few hundred calories a day if you're not careful. I'd also definitely look at Wednler's 5/3/1 program or similar for weight training, understanding that right now you're cutting so you're not going to get great strength gains. Just get the weight off for now and hit that in a bulk later if you want.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Re: Reducing calories.
    I've been indulgent the last couple of days, but I'm usually already 100-500 calories a day below my stated goals. Still, I am considering dropping it down lower.

    Re: HIIT suggestions. Yep. HIIT looks like a great idea to me. That's why I added heavy bag work a few weeks ago. That's 8-1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between. You should see my HRM for that. Very HIIT. It's only been a few weeks, maybe I'll see more from that with more time.

    Re: Machines. I do use machines for my leg work. I am considering going to regular squats, but I've had problems with a knee and I'm a big chicken when it comes to injuries. Spoke to a trainer I trust today about showing my how to do it without hurting myself, so that may happen.

    I am careful with squats and my knee as well. I don't go *kitten* to grass, have widened my stance and go right around perpendicular. It has helped a lot in keeping knee pain at bay. I also do a full leg stretch bracing on the squat rack right before I start my lifts. That has also helped.
  • dzarello
    dzarello Posts: 119 Member
    You have been working REALLY hard for the last year. When was the last time you have taken a week off and not done ANYTHING i.e. no lifting, no cardio, no anything?

    Instead of the most common advice like dropping more calories, why not take a week off of everything and eat your maintenance calories. Give your body and mind a break. Let everything recover. After the week is up, reassess and move on.

    Along with eating your maintenance calories, I would suggest just taking 30 minute walks and just get some fresh air. This may do wonders for you.

    Good Luck!
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    You have been working REALLY hard for the last year. When was the last time you have taken a week off and not done ANYTHING i.e. no lifting, no cardio, no anything?

    Instead of the most common advice like dropping more calories, why not take a week off of everything and eat your maintenance calories. Give your body and mind a break. Let everything recover. After the week is up, reassess and move on.

    Along with eating your maintenance calories, I would suggest just taking 30 minute walks and just get some fresh air. This may do wonders for you.

    Good Luck!

    I was thinking the same thing! Sometimes all you need is a breather,,, or even upping your cals... especially if your only logging half the cals you burn.... your in more of a deficit than you show. I have quite a few friends once they started doing lifting and strength training they upped their cals and saw a fat loss.... good luck! And PS: your dog is gorgeous! I have a berner as well amazing dogs!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I have knee issues too so I know where you're coming from there.

    (Also, I totally didn't look at your diary)

    I worry less about my knee since I started doing squats in the squat rack/power rack.
    The Smith machine was making it worse and I was scared to up weights with the leg press due to my knee.

    I also did weighted step ups (from New Rules of Lifting) and that helped my knee too (though I felt awkward doing it since my only step available was a ledge in front of the window lol). It also helped my balance and I think it helped strengthen my ankles (those don't hurt much anymore)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Long weekend coming up. That'll have to do for rest. I need that morning trip to the gym to keep me from killing anyone.

    I recently started weighing more foods and I'll be trying to overestimate where I can't weigh. Sometimes I just add 100-200 calories because I can't believe something is as lo-cal as I'm being told.

    I'll check in to some of the heavy lift programs.