bumpusburn Member


  • Welcome, it sounds like you know what it takes and where your struggles are, once you know that it is just a matter of controlling. Perhaps when emotional eating reach for some jerky or almonds at least that way ti is healthy. I know what it is like to go up and down, I am 33 and three times in my life I have lost 80 lbs…
  • Good luck and congrats on your decision to start, I finished it a few months ago and had great results. I have lost 120 lbs over the last 18 months using beachbody products as long as you stick with it you will get the results.
  • Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior, it has a 15 minute ab routine in it that will crush you.
  • Stick with it sounds, like you are hitting a plateau try making a few changes to what you are doing, this includes amount you are eating a day and the type/intensity of the workouts you are doing. Every now and again the body needs to be shocked into something new to get the process going again.
  • Beachbody has a good beginner series called 10-minute trainer that I have seen get good reviews, it is an entire program with eating guides etc. that might be one place to look. Also, I am a big fan of Bob Harper DVD's some of them are very hard and some are not all that bad for a beginner. There is a biggest loser walking…
  • I started running after I had already lost around 85 pounds last year and now I am up to about 115 pounds lost, don't get me wrong I didn't lost the additional weight just by running, I have done a round of Body-for-Life, finished P90X about a week ago and started day 1 of my second go with P90X this morning. I see serious…