utahk Member


  • My doc has me keep calories in 1000-1200 range. I notice that my losses really increase when I’m also exercising (peloton bike and weights, or just walking). It’s been a slow but steady loss. Drink lots of water and use Miralax if you need. Good luck.
  • I just recovered from a broken foot - a metatarsal break. It took me longer than expected. Here are my suggestions: 1. Stay off your foot and keep it elevated, as much as possible. Simple, but it helps. 2. Get a great ice wrap you can use frequently when you elevate. 3. Start swimming, if you don't already. I was able to…
  • I've been last. I got off course on the bike and ended up dead last. It was actually kind of fun because everyone cheers you on. I enjoyed it and ended up with a great experience. Instead of fearing last place, FEAR NOT RACING AT ALL! You win y racing, regardless of where you place!
    in The Fear Comment by utahk May 2012
  • Alternate walking and jogging. Try 3 minutes jogging, 1 minute walking. If you feel strong, try it in a 5/1 ratio. Adjust as needed. Important point: don't try to do too much or go too fast -- doing this without training is how injuries happen. I've been told not to increase time or distance by more than 10% per week. That…
  • I've had success in the past with packing a lunch consisting of 1 C. low fat cottage cheese, lots of sliced fruit mixed in, a few nuts sprinkled on top, and some cinnamon for added flavor. This was compact and very satisfying. Try it for a change from salads.
  • Thanks so much! Great to get the feedback, and also the additional info. I'm 15 lbs. from goal, and would indeed like to lose more than .5 per week. Your suggestion was fabulous. Good luck to you!
  • Yes, you should increase calories. But due to your back pain, I'd suggest backing of the running for one or two days a week and substituting yoga or swimming. Much better for your back! Also, use a treadmill more frequently. Easier on the back than the pavement.
  • I'm in.....More than reasonable to accomplish!