Diet Mountain Dew. Then of course desserts...
Is there a sizable low carb community in the UK? The health patrol over there seems to be more rabidly low fat than the states.
There is plenty of evidence out there that coconut oil does not cause heart disease, nor does it have any adverse reaction to pre-existing heart disease. I never said that they were not knowledgeable or not serious. I'm saying that it is ok to question their advice when it comes to nutrition. This is an area where they…
I would recommend that you don't take any 1 person's advice as gospel. Whether they be a pre-eminent cardiologist or a health conscious message board poster. Do research on all points of view and then come up with what you feel is best for you. Good luck and good health to you!
We appeal to authority too much. I don't see medical doctors as a reliable source for nutrition advice. I was shocked to learn how little in regards to nutrition is taught in our medical schools. Observing 2 close friends go through med school and become doctors has really changed my opinion about the profession all…
Nobody was implying that age = out of touch. Everybody was reacting to his advice to avoid a harmless, healthy, natural food that has been safely consumed for thousands of years. The advice was oversimplified and sounded like it came out of the 80s.
The 'saturated fats are fine' idea is far from new. Many culture's traditional diets were higher in saturated fats than what we eat today. They never thought that the foods they were eating were anything other than fine. If anything the 'saturated fats cause heart disease' idea is relatively new in the grand scheme of…
Thanks! I was too tired last night to cite anything to defend my stance.
I will use coconut oil. There is very little evidence to suggest I shouldn't. The "experts" have been wrong before...
The "equation" (1lb of fat = 3500 calories) has been debunked by numerous overfeeding and semi-starvation clinical trials. The fact that eating too much makes you fat has not been. Depends on which was being referenced.
1.) Vegetables 2.) Whole Grains 3.) Lean Meats 4.) Legumes 5.) Fruits You must eat nothing but refined sugar fried in trans fat to reach optimum health.
Sounds like your cardiologist still thinks its 1988. Coconut oil will not hurt you and is very good for cooking.
I doubt it was the sodium in the Gatorade that was raising your blood pressure. The electrolytes in it are pretty balanced. More than likely it was your liver processing all of the sugar that led to the high blood pressure.
I had fought this battle for the better part of a decade, but could never seem to kick the diet soda addiction. I tried going to plain water cold turkey, fruit in the water, tea, stevia, pretty much everything. Last year I simply declared the battle lost and returned to my 6- 20 oz bottle a day habit. (terrible I know)…
...and I apologize for being picky, but I have always hated "everything in moderation" as a catch all for dietary advice.
Thats just not a simple truth at all. I would maybe call it oversimplified advice but not a simple truth. Entire government bureaucracies have developed to try and regulate what is fit for eating and what isn't. Plus that "simple truth" does absolutely nothing to help people determine what "moderation" even is for them.
Yes... but it gets you thinking and researching. Its everyone's personal responsibility to take in all the information out there an form your own opinion. "Everything is fine in moderation" always leaves you at the same state of being informed.
My point was that the ORLB may not be as "cult-like" as they are perceived. I consider myself to be a card carrying member of the ORLB and I eat 80/20. I know many others that meet the qualifications of the ORLB that constantly warn of the dangers of processed foods yet eat 80/20 themselves. People ask for opinions on…
If someone already said this then I apologize... I'm not reading 15 pages of posts. Being thin does not always cause health and happiness. Many people eat to optimize their health and don't care / don't obsess about their weight. Whole foods are the best sources to draw nutrients for feeding your body and maximize health.…
The Man Who Knew Too Little...
I'm surprised that Alan said that. Its seems as though he would agree with Fathead more than he would Super Size Me. Then again sports nutrition guys can be just as arrogant as the "Bros" they are constantly bashing.
Nice! the same website cited 3 times in 10 minutes!
A good way to hear the other side is to read many of the scientific critiques of the "China Study" that are readily available online. Here is a few. Then after that read the rebuttal from a Vegan. This study is cited…
I have solved this dilemma by cutting out most forms of exercise. :tongue:
Saturated fats are healthy fats. They are fine to eat from quality sources. No need to be scared of them.
Usually the label will say the preparation method for which the nutrition facts were calculated. Bones don't count in the weight for serving sizes.
Don't be afraid of healthy fats... Organic nut butters are good. I like Almond butter for a change-up Grass fed cream cheese A fried egg REAL BUTTER!!! :smile: With cinnamon or sweetener or both. Add honey where appropriate.
You burn calories doing anything including breathing *Thank you captain technicality* :smile:
Walking.... Or I play the guitar (insert your favorite hobby).