Good alternative for peanut butter on toast

Every morning I've been eating toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter, for 180 calories and it keeps me full until lunch. While this is fine, I noticed on my pie chart that I am a little over on fat and protein, and I'm sure it's the peanut butter contributing. Anyone have a good alternative to put on toast? I don't want jelly or butter and I love nutella but if I buy it I'll eat the whole jar in one day!


  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    There are various kinds of Nut Butter...Almond/Cashew/Etc...

    Also I believe there are low fat versions of PB.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with going over on your protein - in fact, you probably SHOULD go over on what MFP has suggested for you. PB is awesome for you - if you're having 1 TB/day, then I think you're good. Keep in mind, you're eating good fat. It's not like you're waking up and eating a candy bar. I'd stick with your PB - but, you should check out some of the natural brands with no added sugar. Adams is yummy.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Nothing wrong with extra protein, and the fat in PB is good for your brain!:wink:

    I lost 36 pounds having a slice of wheat toast and tbls of PB for snack each nite (within my calories of course)

    As a matter of fact, thank you! I am have some cals left for the day and am going to whip up a slice!! :drinker:
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    As a matter of fact, thank you! I am have some cals left for the day and am going to whip up a slice!! :drinker:

    Lol I was just thinking it sounded delicious as well...luckily I have plenty of cals left for it.
  • There is something called powdered peanut butter, it as 45 calories per two tablespoons, it comes in a powder and you mix it with water. It's pretty good I like it on toast with a bit of honey on it. Sometimes it's in store otherwise you have to order it online. One of my FB friends was raving about it and I like it.
  • PaulS70
    PaulS70 Posts: 70
    Don't be afraid of healthy fats...

    Organic nut butters are good. I like Almond butter for a change-up
    Grass fed cream cheese
    A fried egg
    REAL BUTTER!!! :smile: With cinnamon or sweetener or both.
    Add honey where appropriate.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I've been using the PB2. Its in a powder form and you mix it with water. Its super yummy and way less fat then regular PB.
  • agree buy reduced fat pnut butter or almond butter:)
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Justins hazelnut butter. Kinda expensive but, its delicious!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Reduced fat pb is an abomination! It's nothing but extra sugar and fillers. Don't be afraid of dietary fat! It will NOT make you fat!
  • goodcat
    goodcat Posts: 11
    Eggs are a superfood! I have a hard boiled egg and a piece of toast... sometimes mix the egg with a tablespoon of low fat mayo... more like a lunch but, I'm totally full and it's something different. OR, I make up a breakfast sandwich that lasts me a long time.... english muffin, piece of low cal cheese, egg and a piece of ham - about 300 cals but, I'm good until almost mid-afternoon on this breakfast. Good luck!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    If you're going over on the fat I doubt it's one tablespoon of peanut butter causing it and it's probably the healthiest fat you eat all day. Nuts, nut butters and seeds are among the healthiest fats there are.

    I'd recommend you keep with the peanut butter (I personally have fallen in love with almond butter, but no less fat) and look at your other fats, especially foods that have trans fats in them (bad, bad, bad) or saturated fats (bad, bad, but not as bad as trans fats). Keep the healthy fats in.
  • PaulS70
    PaulS70 Posts: 70
    If you're going over on the fat I doubt it's one tablespoon of peanut butter causing it and it's probably the healthiest fat you eat all day. Nuts, nut butters and seeds are among the healthiest fats there are.

    I'd recommend you keep with the peanut butter (I personally have fallen in love with almond butter, but no less fat) and look at your other fats, especially foods that have trans fats in them (bad, bad, bad) or saturated fats (bad, bad, but not as bad as trans fats). Keep the healthy fats in.

    Saturated fats are healthy fats. They are fine to eat from quality sources. No need to be scared of them.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I wouldn't get stressed about the fat/protein numbers if they are coming from nuts etc.

    I also wouldn't recommend going for a "low fat" peanut butter - if you read the label you will see that you are just getting a whole lot less peanuts and a whole lot more of miscellaneous and unpronouncable sugary/starchy fillers.

    Look for peanut butter (or almond, or cashew etc) that contains just peanuts and watch your portion size.

    Or ring the changes with cream cheese and tomato on toast, or avocado or an egg or, if you can get it and don't mind sodium - Vegemite (I'm Australian though, so I have to say that!).
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    Egg whites with sweet potato!
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Stick with the PB. It's great for you. I love it also I actually eat 1 tbs on a gram cracker right before I go to bed. It keeps my blood sugar level during the night and my metabolism burning until the am. Jiffy natural is my favorite. It doesn't have all te oil sitting on top.
  • Cream Cheese. You can get the fat free versions and I think they taste the same and they are low in calories. Once of twice a week I have a slice of toast with some original fat free cream cheese on it an it's delicious! For more protein, you can cook up an egg to have on the side.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    If a 180cal breakfast that I liked kept me full til lunch, I'd keep on eating it. You're obviously keeping a careful eye on your macros.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    There are heaps of Natural Peanut Butters out there which are loads better for you. But don't worry about going over your protein! There's not a day that I'm under it haha.
    And Natural PB is full of healthy fats :) Brain food!!

    Also maybe you could have wholegrain toast instead of wholemeal. Also much better for you. And yummier I reckon!!
  • A slice of 2% cheese