Feedback on Coconut Oil?



  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    When did your cardiologist get his diploma? 30-40 years ago? Has he kept up with modern science?

    Not to pick on you... but what the hell is up with this attitude? I keep seeing it (you're not the first to post something like this). Why does "old guy (or gal)" automatically equal out of date, out of touch. Some of the best research scientist I know are *gasp* OLD. They got their degrees ages ago. Should I automatically dismiss every research article that comes out of their lab.

    Age has nothing to do with quality. In many ways, age is an asset. I'll take an experienced, competent doctor over a greenie any day of the week.

    Sure, some doctors don't keep up with the research, and that's unfortunate. That's why it's wonderful for patients to be aware and to advocate fight for the best possible care. But... let's say this cardiologist has 30 years experience under his belt. Isn't 30 years worth of saving lives worth something? That experience is priceless.

    So please... everyone (not just you)... why don't we judge the MD by the quality of his/her work and not by his/her age.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I just got some organic coconut oil but once I saw the number of calories I have not used it yet. But I have read cool stuff about it. It was $6 for a jar of it so I am going to start using it soon.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's saturated fat, so it's a mixed bag. It does have some health benefits, but being a saturated fat, it still helps contribute to atherosclerosis. So, it's ok in moderation, but I wouldn't take it just to take it.

    Sooo wrong (the bit about contributing to "atherosclerosis" - it is one of the one "good" saturated fats.......

    Coconut oil contains MCFA (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) which help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. It is primarily due to the MCFA in coconut oil that makes it so special and so beneficial. (as per Coconut Research Centre)

    There are some excellent information on the Coconut Research Centre's website about why coconut oil is different to the other saturated fats if you are interested...

    No offense, but a site called the "Coconut Research Centre" is not exactly something I'd consider an unbiased source. Most studies I've read haven't found any evidence that coconut oil doesn't contribute to atherosclerosis. It raises both LDL and HDL cholesterol, making a more favorable cholesterol profile, raising HDL has nothing to do with atherosclerosis, while raising LDL does.
  • Also, because the 'saturated fats are fine' idea is relatively new, it has not been time-tested and it is therefore up to the MD and the patient- not you- to decide whether a high fat, high saturated fat diet is 'right'. There are PLENTY of studies to contradict every study you've posted.

    The 'saturated fats are fine' idea is far from new. Many culture's traditional diets were higher in saturated fats than what we eat today. They never thought that the foods they were eating were anything other than fine.

    If anything the 'saturated fats cause heart disease' idea is relatively new in the grand scheme of things.

    It is a huge misconception that there are PLENTY of studies that indict saturated fat consumption as a significant risk factor for heart disease. This gets thrown out there all the time. The usual result after looking at these "studies" is what happened in the article NatureMade posted earlier.

    This one:
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I've never used it to cook at all, or for any nutritional stuff at all. BUT, my nose and cheeks get really dry in the winter and coconut oil has proved to be the best defense. Worth seven bucks in the organic section at Fred Meyer? yes.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I have heart disease. Cardiologist told me not to use it. He said triglycerides are triglycerides and the saturated fat would be dangerous to me. He also said the numerous health claims -- weight loss, cure for diabetes, etc.-- are all nonsense.

    Use coconut oil if you wish, but I'm staying away from it. I'd like to stick around for a while.

    When did your cardiologist get his diploma? 30-40 years ago? Has he kept up with modern science?

    Obviously, you missed my later post where I indicated that my cardiologist is pre-eminent in his field.

    And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I use coconut oil to replace some of the butter when baking.
  • DelilahFreeman
    DelilahFreeman Posts: 29 Member
    I use it as a hair conditioner and on my wonders

    This is what I'm going to do, thanks!!
  • When did your cardiologist get his diploma? 30-40 years ago? Has he kept up with modern science?

    Not to pick on you... but what the hell is up with this attitude? I keep seeing it (you're not the first to post something like this). Why does "old guy (or gal)" automatically equal out of date, out of touch. Some of the best research scientist I know are *gasp* OLD. They got their degrees ages ago. Should I automatically dismiss every research article that comes out of their lab.

    Age has nothing to do with quality. In many ways, age is an asset. I'll take an experienced, competent doctor over a greenie any day of the week.

    Sure, some doctors don't keep up with the research, and that's unfortunate. That's why it's wonderful for patients to be aware and to advocate fight for the best possible care. But... let's say this cardiologist has 30 years experience under his belt. Isn't 30 years worth of saving lives worth something? That experience is priceless.

    So please... everyone (not just you)... why don't we judge the MD by the quality of his/her work and not by his/her age.

    Nobody was implying that age = out of touch.

    Everybody was reacting to his advice to avoid a harmless, healthy, natural food that has been safely consumed for thousands of years. The advice was oversimplified and sounded like it came out of the 80s.
  • And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?

    We appeal to authority too much.

    I don't see medical doctors as a reliable source for nutrition advice. I was shocked to learn how little in regards to nutrition is taught in our medical schools. Observing 2 close friends go through med school and become doctors has really changed my opinion about the profession all together.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I have heart disease. Cardiologist told me not to use it. He said triglycerides are triglycerides and the saturated fat would be dangerous to me. He also said the numerous health claims -- weight loss, cure for diabetes, etc.-- are all nonsense.

    Use coconut oil if you wish, but I'm staying away from it. I'd like to stick around for a while.

    When did your cardiologist get his diploma? 30-40 years ago? Has he kept up with modern science?

    Obviously, you missed my later post where I indicated that my cardiologist is pre-eminent in his field.

    And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?

    Where is his nutriton training from?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?

    We appeal to authority too much.

    I don't see medical doctors as a reliable source for nutrition advice. I was shocked to learn how little in regards to nutrition is taught in our medical schools. Observing 2 close friends go through med school and become doctors has really changed my opinion about the profession all together.

  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?

    We appeal to authority too much.

    I don't see medical doctors as a reliable source for nutrition advice. I was shocked to learn how little in regards to nutrition is taught in our medical schools. Observing 2 close friends go through med school and become doctors has really changed my opinion about the profession all together.

    Well, given that this man saved my life, I would trust his knowledge and advice over that of posters on a message board. If he tells me something is dangerous, I'm going to listen. I don't want to die again, at least not yet.

    As I said before, if you or anyone else here wants to consume coconut oil, fine with me. Were all supposed to be grownups here. I'm just sorry some people felt it necessary for their self-esteem to trash my doctor without knowing anything about him.
  • And where and when did YOU get your medical degree?

    We appeal to authority too much.

    I don't see medical doctors as a reliable source for nutrition advice. I was shocked to learn how little in regards to nutrition is taught in our medical schools. Observing 2 close friends go through med school and become doctors has really changed my opinion about the profession all together.

    Well, given that this man saved my life, I would trust his knowledge and advice over that of posters on a message board. If he tells me something is dangerous, I'm going to listen. I don't want to die again, at least not yet.

    As I said before, if you or anyone else here wants to consume coconut oil, fine with me. Were all supposed to be grownups here. I'm just sorry some people felt it necessary for their self-esteem to trash my doctor without knowing anything about him.

    I would recommend that you don't take any 1 person's advice as gospel. Whether they be a pre-eminent cardiologist or a health conscious message board poster. Do research on all points of view and then come up with what you feel is best for you.

    Good luck and good health to you!
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    Raw cold pressed organic coconut oil is considered a superfood. It contains antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial saturated fatty acids, which helps to naturally fight off viruses, bacteria, and fungal overgrowth. I usually have a tablespoon or more a day to help fight off candida overgrowth and help burn fat.

  • NannetteAdams
    NannetteAdams Posts: 23 Member
    I just bought some recently to try it. So far I've used it for frying eggs and it was very tasty to me. I'm going to try it as a moisturizer as well.
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    Here i a good website I saw the other day.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Read the coconut oil miracle, and decide for yourself.
    I buy it 12 bottles at a time from FIJI it's more economical that way.
    I use it for cooking, in coffee, and a separate container for body lotion.
    LOVE it
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have heart disease. Cardiologist told me not to use it. He said triglycerides are triglycerides and the saturated fat would be dangerous to me. He also said the numerous health claims -- weight loss, cure for diabetes, etc.-- are all nonsense.

    Use coconut oil if you wish, but I'm staying away from it. I'd like to stick around for a while.

    Sounds like your cardiologist still thinks its 1988. Coconut oil will not hurt you and is very good for cooking.

    She said she has heart disease and that's why he said it would be dangerous to her.

    Saw your other comment, I think cardiologists are highly knowledgeable. Do you realized what extent they have to go through to get to be one? My aunt has been in college and doing internships since I was 5 I'm 20 now. Being a cardiologist is for people who take it seriously.
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    good to know. my dog has occasional skin issues

    I love coconut oil and use it whenever possible. I also give it to my dog as a supplement (along with salmon oil). He's also had skin allergy problems for the last couple years, but last summer I started rubbing coconut oil onto his belly and he hasn't had a single skin issue since then.