Georgexx92 Member


  • There's not much you can do until he is ready else he will never be totally committed! When he she's your progress and confidence grow hopefully that will spur him on to join you! All I would suggest is cooking healthy dinners for the pair of you, that you know he will enjoy to show him that it's not all bad! But most…
  • I'm 5 ft 8 and size 14 bottom & 12 top.. I'm out of my comfort zone with my size.. but I wouldn't mind if I was tonnes all over and this size! I thought my goal weight was 11 stone however I'm nearly there now & not quite where I want to be! So will be aiming for 10 stone 10 now. Im exsersising 3 times a week with a…
  • Thats the hardest i swear! I've cut alcohol out apart from about once a month... twice max! As generally with a hangover I will often polish off a KFC lot make me feel remotely alive... then a Chinese for dinner haha! Just better off without it!! I now have vodka and diet coke as have found it to be the lowest calories (I…
  • Hi :) im 22 & from the uk. Hope you don't mind if I add you.. I've been on and off mfp for ages now however I have so much motivation at the moment so back at it properly! Feel free to look at my food diary! I'm looking to lose another half a stone.. lost about 15 lbs so far :)
  • Well done for choosing to become a healthier you :)!!! I wish you all the luck on your journey, stay focused, work hard & you will see results. All the best
  • I won't often go over my daily calories to be honest.. (normally only by 60-70) But it's nice to know that I can plan for an event that's happening in my life & it won't effect my healthy eating :)!! Thanks all x
  • Brilliant :) thanks for the advice all I weigh on a Tuesday so hopefully should have balanced out by then! Xx
  • I'm going to take a look at that portion sizes link now, thanks! Think I'm going to go for Beef in black bean sauce (as its my favourite) With boiled rice & a few prawn crackers (as I can't resist) and hopefully it shouldn't end to badly! I weighed myself tonight instead of tommorow as I knew what I was in for! Thanks for…
  • Thank you for all your responses.. I had a blow out meal on Sunday as a 'treat' so didn't want to be too cheeky & slip into bad habits again! I didn't even think of exscersising more to allow for more calories!! I shall make a big effort to walk the stairs several times at work tommorow & hopefully it'll make a dent in the…
  • This is true.. I may just have what I want but like you say, stop when full! I don't have much control when it comes to Chinese :/ Thanks
  • I actually stayed within my calorie limits today! It meant turning down that extra bit of garlic bread but I'm super proud :)
  • Heyy :) I'm 5'8 SW: 173lbs CW:163lbs GW: 150lbs I want to get back down to the weight I felt comfortable at 2 years ago!! :) I'm trying to incorporate excersise into my routine aswell... But I do get lazy sometimes!! I started trying to eat better in February this year!! So it's taken me a very long time & I have eaten an…
  • I cook for 3 people each night so I normally just divide total weight by 3 (which I was getting wrong lol) Though I think my knowledge of 'portion' sizes is rather distorted coming from a family of BIG EATERS! But I'm going to work on that ... In fact I'll start researching now' :)
  • What I thought was 185calories of (cooked) pasta is actually 455!!! What a school girl error!! ... Thought it was too goo to be true haha! I will weigh everything 'uncooked' from Now on & make sure that I select the uncooked weights in my diary.. So glad I learnt this lesson sooner rather than later Thanks for all your…
  • Hi sorry, ive ha an account for a couple of years but only just started using the site!! I will use that tool in futer :) And check out the links you posted adini. Thanks anyway confuzzled, that is exactly what I am right now lol! & Emily, I would but we store ours in a plastic container and the packaging was long gone!…
  • I'm glad to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel haha! I'll make sure I press on through... How does everyone feel about rest days? Do you have them? If so how often? ... Good luck everyone <3
  • Im in!! :) tonight will be day 3 for me... And I must say my calves are KILLING ME!! How long till you work through the aches and pains haha?!
  • I just added you as we'll :) I'm looking for the same I'm pretty motivated at the moment but sometimes just need a kick up the *kitten* haha :) good luck on your journey!!
  • I completed day 2 of the 30 day shred! Even though I ache like a b*#$ch :) We'll done everyone else on your victories!!!
  • Started 30DS after having it sat in my DVD collection since last august.. Hope my before & after pictures are as good as all of yours!!! Does anybody have any tips? Did you eat ALOT healthier in this time or stick to your normal diet?? Thanks guys, wish me luck! xxx
  • Love this thread :)
  • Hi :) I've only lost 1lb since starting this... Though this year i have kept off 11lb (since April so a bad show!) but it's still in the right direction! I'm looking to lose another 15 to 20 lb Feel free to add me for support & motivation as I could do with Some! xxx