

  • Any type of cardiovascular exercise such as running will be beneficial for burning abdominal fat...crunches, leg raises and bicycles will help strengthen and shape your core.
  • We all from time to time get down and depressed when we focus too much on the negatives that happen in our lives. Look to the positives and understand you have greater things to look forward to. Stay strong & Love life.
  • In just taking that step to decide you want to change your mindset is a positive sign. Have your short term and long term goals in mind ( write them down ) Believe you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, as our mindset has control over all our body functions. Block out all negativity and most importantly commit…
  • Believe in yourself and don't ever let other people try distract you from achieving your goals. It will be a tough journey but keep that vision in your mind and you will exceed what you think you are capable of.
  • Just one would do just fine. High in potassium (cramps etc) and Low GI carbohydrates to fuel your run.
  • Have a small meal 15-30mins before you workout, mainly a carbohydrate filled food, moderate proteins & fats. Immediately or 15-30mins afterwards a high protein meal will benefit you.
  • Easy to carry around in a bag,Muscles will absorb a liquid quicker other then eating a whole meal (post workout) Also if you are aiming to get in a certain amount of protein just eating whole foods, protein shakes are a great option to help you.
  • cottage cheese egg whites
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