Self esteem issues

How do I keep myself from falling back into really low self esteem? I feel pretty good most days. But others, I wake up and don't even want to look in the mirror I feel so bad. It's not a good feeling. I've battling depression for the last five years so that doesnt exactly help anything. Is there anybody else that feels like this? :/


  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    tell the mean voice to STFU and focus on the good things about yourself any time the negativity starts. That works for me most of the time. When it fails I go crying to my SO :P

    Also, I hope you are getting treatment for the depression? Professional one that is.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I have some..........
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    tell the mean voice to STFU and focus on the good things about yourself any time the negativity starts. That works for me most of the time. When it fails I go crying to my SO :P

    Also, I hope you are getting treatment for the depression? Professional one that is.

    ^^ yep, tell that voice to shut the hell up and go away! It would be worth looking into some professional help, you deserve to be well and happy.
  • Michael_23
    We all from time to time get down and depressed when we focus too much on the negatives that happen in our lives. Look to the positives and understand you have greater things to look forward to.

    Stay strong & Love life.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Lacy, you are a very pretty girl. You may have issues to deal with, but looking in the mirror shouldn't be one of them. :) Everyone has esteem issues now and again, you just have to learn how to lift yourself back up.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Dont let anyone tell you wht you can or can't do.. not eve the voice inside... do what you want to do. The negativity has to move on.... and you will live on. Its hard.. we all know it.. but we are here to motivate each other.
    You shouldn't! Everyone is beautiful in their own way- whatever it is that you don't like about yoursetlf, I guarantee that someone out there finds it absolutely gorgeous and unique. I have cried in the mirror before. I found myself taking hours to get dressed, changing in and out of outfits, making sure that I could look as perfect as possible, then breaking into a depression and crying, hating myself because I felt as though I was unattractive.

    This is what helped me. I looked around. I graduated with a girl and I always felt so bad for her. She was the one who was always picked on for being overweight. She would cry in school, she would talk about this to anyone who would listen. When I have a mirror battle, I think about her. She had a heart of gold. Truly one of the most beautiful personalities, but I thought of how she probably wished to be my size (even though I'm not skinny) and here I am throwing a fit because I'm unhappy about how I look. That isn't limited to having a perfect body. So many people now are self conscious about their nose, their breasts, their *kitten*, whatever. I GUARANTEE that there will always be someone out there who 1) Wishes they could be as fortunate to have some of your features or 2) finds they incredibly flawless.

    Keep your head up.
    Self esteem issues put up a pretty tough fight.<3
  • shalishaowens1
    Self esteem issues are damaging to a persons mind. But you have to continue to tell your self you are going to be ok. some times you have to encourage your self just to make it through.