rrabe78 Member


  • I strongly recommend reading Starting Strength. Riptoe walks you through the form for each exercise in detail, and offers tips on how to check and improve your mobility. It starts you from square one and walks you through doing it right. It is a great resource with lots of pictures and descriptions on how things should…
  • Although I agree that you want to look at your sleep cycle and possibly go to bed a bit earlier, nothing improves my mood like lifting. I recommend taking that anger out on a big pile of plates :)
  • A single kettlebell is not too expensive and you can get a pretty intense quiet workout with it.
  • Swai is inexpensive and very mild. I will usually bake it with some seasoning or occasionally pan fry it. We actually refer to it as "miracle fish" at my house because a group of non-fish-eating teens ate it and asked for more.
  • My favorite, "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you".
  • It is possible that prior to your weight loss you had more muscle just because it takes more to move around a heavier body. Now that those muscles are no longer needed they have gone away resulting in less overall muscle. I recommend finding some kind of resistance exercise you enjoy- your muscles, bones and appearance…
  • I've stood for several years and love it. At my last and now my current job I have cobbled together boxes and shelves to allow me to stand (most of the time, a girl has to sit some). Make sure if you go the homemade route that you are really careful with the ergonomics. My first desk needed tweaking because I was reaching…
  • I see your getting a lot of flack for taking care of your husband, but I understand. I get up and make mine breakfast and lunch before I head to the gym and after work I make dinner for the family- we choose our burdens. - That being said, there are ways to find time for yourself. I get up early on gym days (which I know…
  • Another vote for Fit Notes- easy to add exercises and simple to use
  • My main gym is $47.50 a month for a family membership. Great pool, all brand new equipment (it was built like 2 years ago with the best of everything). 3 beautiful power cages that are rarely in use and wifi to stream my netflix if I get on the dreadmill. Some free classes and some for small ($3) fee. What makes it even…
  • I finally broke 500 today!! Sq- 195 3*5 Bp- 105 3*5 DL- 205 3*2 :( I was supposed to do 1*4 and 1*2 today) then finished up with 70lbs farmer walk (2* 1/12 of a mile) and lat pull downs 100 3*5
  • In addition to the great tips of getting everything ready the night before (absolutely required), find something you enjoy doing at the gym. For me that is lifting. I am out the door by about 5:30 because I know that my PR is waiting for me at the gym- I just have to go get it. I go to the little gym at my work for a…
  • I've used a stand up desk for several years and love it. I even had my new employer rig one up when I switched jobs. I do tend to sit down for portions of my day and I have a separate area to sit at when I need to do a lot of writing. Standing has not lost me any weight, but it definitely increases my movement. My sister's…
  • Well, this is the internet, so you're gonna get a lot of opinions and they are gonna contradict each other, so it will be up to you to decide who you are going to listen to. My take, as a larger girl (230 @ 5'7") I love weight lifting. It is what gets me out of bed before 5 am and out the door to work out. I started with…