weight the same but look fatter?



  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It's possible that you've lost some muscle and gained some fat. It's also very possible that the stress in your life is affecting what you see in the mirror. How do your clothes fit? Do you take measurements? Out of all the tools you can use to monitor your weight (mirror, scale, tape measure, etc.), I would trust the tape measure to tell the most objective story.
  • rrabe78
    rrabe78 Posts: 15 Member
    It is possible that prior to your weight loss you had more muscle just because it takes more to move around a heavier body. Now that those muscles are no longer needed they have gone away resulting in less overall muscle. I recommend finding some kind of resistance exercise you enjoy- your muscles, bones and appearance will all be better off.