Standing or treadmill desk

I work long hours at a desk job, which is a huge source of my weight problems. My first year at this job, I gained 12 lbs while really not changing what I eat.

I'm now experimenting with standing instead of sitting at work. So far I really like it - I've got more energy and focus, and at the end of the day my legs feel slightly but not unreasonably tired, like you would after a long walk. Right now my desk is makeshift, but I was thinking of buying or building something better - possibly even one that can wrap around a treadmill. I'd have to change my work setup substantially, though. So my question for you is:

- Anyone have success with a standing or treadmill desk? Did you like it? Did you lose weight?

- Anyone try either and hate it? Why?

- How many excess calories per hour do we think I'm burning standing as opposed to sitting? What I've read suggests it could be as much as 30 extra calories per hour just by standing up.


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I could not imagine a treadmill desk. I mean, with the phone, the computer, the writing, I can see accidents happening like tripping or losing your pace, etc. It's hard enough to read on a treadmill, let alone do work.

    Standing desk may be better.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I think typically people walk VERY slowly, like at 1 mph. Seems easier than texting and walking to me.

  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    More and more secretaries around here are getting the stand-up desks, and the ones who've had them for a while love them. I haven't taken the plunge yet but am seriously considering it.

    Oh... and just yesterday a couple of us had the treadmill-desk debate. We came to the unanimous conclusion that not one of us is likely to be able to handle that without breaking half the bones in our bodies. An uncoordinated but brutally honest group are we.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i have to say... i see people reading on the treadmill all the time. i tried it a few times and couldnt concentrate on a single paragraph... i can read on a sit down machine but on a treadmill... no. my brain is trained to pay attention to where i am going, even if it is nowhere slowly...

    maybe before doing something like that consider trying on an actual treadmill and see if your brain likes it.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Hmmm, I doubt our company would allow it due to possible injury and liability issues I guess.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Just talked my manager into buying me an attachment for my desk that allows me to stand or sit. So when I've been sitting too long, I stand up for a while (and often dance, depending on what Pandora plays for me). I couldn't stand all day, but it's nice to be able to choose to stand if I like. It hasn't necessarily contributed to weight loss but my back certainly feels better.
  • AMW47
    AMW47 Posts: 23 Member
    I've had a stand up desk for about 3 weeks and I LOVE it. My desk has the option to sit, but I've been steadily finding myself standing more and more of the day. After years of a sitting desk job, my body had a little adjustment period but now I'm fine for almost 8 hours straight.
  • rrabe78
    rrabe78 Posts: 15 Member
    I've used a stand up desk for several years and love it. I even had my new employer rig one up when I switched jobs. I do tend to sit down for portions of my day and I have a separate area to sit at when I need to do a lot of writing. Standing has not lost me any weight, but it definitely increases my movement. My sister's office provided her with a treadmill desk and she gets 5+ miles in during her 8 hour workday, all while answering phone calls, writing emails and generally doing her job (and she is not super coordinated- I think you just get used to it). I would recommend standing to anyone though, anything is better than sitting all day.