

  • Seriously, I am in the same boat that you are - I am SOOOOOO frustrated!!!!!! I wish there was a SAFE magic pill to keep me from stuffing my face!!!
  • I read that you are supposed to eat 20% of your body weight in protein. I try to eat way more than that... I like to be around 75-100 a day.
  • I am not sure if I replied in the correct place or not earlier - but I am IN and very excited to have found this little group!! Now: 184 Xmas: 154 I will send you a friend request right now.... THANKS!! Margaret
  • I'm IN!!!!! I was down to 164 last year in April and now I back up to 184. Boooooooooooooo!! Now: 184.5 X-mas: 154.5 I will send you a friend request.... I had my nutrionist friend help me set my cals/protien/fat and carbs last year but I still have trouble finding foods that make me happy and full, etc... like today, I am…
  • It's not really long term habit that you could do as a LIFESTYLE but it's great for a short term weight loss for sure! I do a Shaklee Cinch chocolate shake and Latte shake with a banana and some vanilla extract - TONS of protien which keeps me full. But 2 a day and I would miss regular food just too much! i would LOOOVE to…
  • I always thought protein shakes were AWFUL!!! But my nutritionist recently started me on Shaklee and I like it!!! I have the Chocolate shake with a Banana thrown in every morning and it's yummy!! I couldn't believe it!! Margaret :wink:
  • I make sure to have a protein bar or protein shake in the car on the way home from the gym. Protein just after a wrokout reallllly helps!!!! -Margaret:wink: