Meal Replacement Shakes

ktrichards87 Posts: 67
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am doing 2 meal replacement shakes, and then 1 regular meal of around 400-500 calories. Well I'm just wondering do people think I'm taking the easy way out by drinking 2 shakes a day. I've been doing them for a week, and I love them. I have about 20-30 different recipes for my shakes of things to include in them so they range around 300-400 calories/meal. Like one of my favorite is a shake that tastes like a butterfinger or reeses P.B. cup.

So what do people think of meal replacement shakes?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I drink Ensure on a pretty regular basis. As long as you are getting all of your cals in and don't feel hungry, I'd say go for it.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    i use the special k shakes and meal bars and use that for 1 meal a day. what kind do you use and what kinda recipe do u have where it taste like a peanut butter cup?? id love to try it as i loooooove peanut butter!!
  • I have all of mine on the sheet from teh place I got it from, and then some index cards so I'm going to type them out and I can email them to you later on, or sometime this week depending when I get to
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    i don't know how you do it! Me like FOOD!!:laugh:
  • It's not really long term habit that you could do as a LIFESTYLE but it's great for a short term weight loss for sure!

    I do a Shaklee Cinch chocolate shake and Latte shake with a banana and some vanilla extract - TONS of protien which keeps me full. But 2 a day and I would miss regular food just too much!

    i would LOOOVE to know your butterfinger recipe!! Sounds GREAT!!

  • Whats your plan for when you get to your goal? Are you just going to drink those shakes forever? Thats the bad thing about quick fixes. You don't learn how to eat properly. Thats why people almost always end up putting the weight back on... I'm not saying that is definitely going to happen to you guys but just be careful.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Like most things, they work for some and not for others, as long as they are well balanced nutritionally and you get on well with them then go for it!

    EDIT: The thing is, most diets aren't sustainable indefinitely but if you need to lose more than just the few extra Christmas lb's then whatever method works best for that particular person is the right one to do (within reason of course) The NHS in england recommends the lighter-life diet for those with more than 42lb's to lose which is a diet of soups and shakes.
  • It's easier for me because of the work schedule I have, and with school too. There's days I close at work, and then have to open the next morning and I"m not a morning person so I was usually just stopping at BK or mcdonalds getting breakfast or dinner and it was just making the situation worse. I've seen people do these shakes and tehy can now eat regularly and I know its possible. I'm alreayd starting to crave more fruits and veggies, or healthier foods. So, eventually i will incorporate it into where I'm only doing 1 shake a day and then none at all and eating all 3 meals.
  • Nope....I'm already eating healthier foods. This isn't a quick fix for me, rather something that works for my lifestyle. If I wanted to I could still drink my 2 shakes/day, and then eat BK for my meal. But instead I don't, i like to eat chicken, salads, fish, i like to make shrimp fried rice, and im slowly learning as I go. I've never eaten this healthy in my life, so no I don't htink it is a quick fix, because I still have to choose to make the healthy eating choices which I've done. As I said in my other post i'm slowly making the changes and I will eventually being eating 3 regular meals.
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    I do the same thing, but I only drink slim fast meal replacement shakes. I would love to try some of your recipes, would you mind sending them to me so I can have some variety too?? Thank you and good luck!!
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    well you're 15lb down so you're doing something right :0) If there were a right way to do this weight loss thing then we'd all be doing it!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I have a protein shake for breakfast every morning. Fills me up and it's quick so I can get to work. I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing.
  • I think as long as you are getting about 1200 calories a day and you are meeting all nutritional needs and not looking at just calories that you should be fine. If they are enough to keep you full until your next meal then that is great. Someone asked if you are going to continue to have the shakes for 2 meals once you meet your goal weight. I do think this is important as well. You need to plan for that. Once you get to your goal weight, your calorie needs will change in order to maintain that weight. So I would consider what types of food (healthy eating) are going to help you maintain that weight. Most people lose their weight and once they reach their goal, they go right back to their previous unhealthy lifestyle. This is why so many people gain back their weight. So to sum it all up, I don't see anything wrong with doing 2 shakes a day, just be aware of what you take in once the weight is gone. Good luck! And hey, if it isn't too difficult I would like for you to email me some of those recipes as well! I would really appreciate it!
  • ame2010
    ame2010 Posts: 5 Member
    I love meal replacement shakes and would love to have some your recipes, maybe that would help me drop a few lbs. before my vacation in Feb.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    It's easier for me because of the work schedule I have, and with school too. There's days I close at work, and then have to open the next morning and I"m not a morning person so I was usually just stopping at BK or mcdonalds getting breakfast or dinner and it was just making the situation worse. I've seen people do these shakes and tehy can now eat regularly and I know its possible. I'm alreayd starting to crave more fruits and veggies, or healthier foods. So, eventually i will incorporate it into where I'm only doing 1 shake a day and then none at all and eating all 3 meals.

    I was just like you. Working and going to school with no time to take care of myself. But the truth is that you are very important and worth the time!
    It takes me 3 extra mins in the morning to make a whole wheat english muffin with 1/2 cup egg whites. I have many cookbooks that have meals (even dinners) made in 30 mins!
    I do have the Kirkland costco brand weight loss shake for days I don't get all my cals I can have a shake to make that up. Or days I am running out of the house late and need to eat on the way to work. But for the most part you will be a healthier you if you give yourself the time to eat.
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    I dont belive in those kind of Shakes...
  • Sakken I"m sorry you feel that way, but to each there own I guess.

    As for everyone else I put up some of the recipes on my blog! If you have any questions please feel free to send them my way!
  • Aartichokie
    Aartichokie Posts: 60 Member
    I read your recipes~fabulous! Thank you for sharing!
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So I am doing 2 meal replacement shakes, and then 1 regular meal of around 400-500 calories. Well I'm just wondering do people think I'm taking the easy way out by drinking 2 shakes a day. I've been doing them for a week, and I love them. I have about 20-30 different recipes for my shakes of things to include in them so they range around 300-400 calories/meal. Like one of my favorite is a shake that tastes like a butterfinger or reeses P.B. cup.

    So what do people think of meal replacement shakes?

    you sound like me. I make all kinds of tasty treats with protein powder.:drinker:
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