silentKayak Member


  • That dress is stunning.
  • In for more pictures of half-naked Chris and Hugh.
  • I don't think it's right to comment on other people's bodies, and I am sorry that insensitive people hurt your feelings. However, being thin you will receive many advantages over being fat. That's why so many people are here trying to lose weight, and only a miniscule number trying to become more fat (muscular yes, but not…
  • MFP is free. Don't trust any "diet" plan that makes money when you regain the weight you lost. My friends who do WW seems to be on a constant cycle of "go to WW, lose weight, stop WW, regain, go back to WW". That seems to be an expensive and difficult way to maintain. It's better to get on here, log every day, and do the…
  • I agree that you should have it altered. A few darts in the back will help it show off your shape more. Right now it doesn't flatter your waist or bust - though it does show off your great legs and arms!
  • Of course it's possible. If he's eating over maintenance, he'll gain muscle and fat. If he's not working that hard (not lifting the right amounts, in the right ways, on the right schedule), it'll be all or mostly all fat. He's sure not gaining a pound a week of muscle. At most you'd be lucky to put on one pound of muscle a…
  • If they're not close to you, just say, "Thanks, I feel good these days." And maybe even if they are. It's none of their business. You've made amazing progress - congratulations!
  • Meal timing is definitely the hardest thing to learn. I've been doing it for years so now everything comes out hot at the same time. You've had great advice: pre-prep your ingredients, start with the thing that takes the longest, and time everything backwards from when you want to serve. Once you get more experience you'll…
  • Since you go every week, I think you need a plan. Personally, I'd have a hard time if one day a week I only had food options that I thought would derail my plan. A lot of people here are arguing semantics but I think the point is that it's food which is relatively high calorie, that will trigger your appetite/cravings, and…
  • You're doing fine, really. Just cut your budget by like 250-300 from what you're eating now, and it'll start to come off. Dont't quit! And feel free to friend me.
  • Your calorie goal is too high. If you're maintaining on your current level, cut 250 calories from your budget and report back in 4 weeks :) Great logging. You can totally do this.
  • Someone in one of my groups just posted this, which looks incredible:
  • The counter tracks whether or not you log in. If you want to keep your number, you need to fire up the app. If you go on vacation, you'll lose your streak. But then, you'll be on vacation, so who cares?
  • Weigh every day at the same time each day. Use an app like HappyScale to track fluctuations, but only pay attention to "predicted weight", which smooths out the variance and shows the trend. That's the only way to tell if you're losing, gaining, or maintaining. You can't tell what's happening until you have at least 2-3…
  • "Skinny fat": we can't make you feel bad because of your weight, so we need to come up with something else to make you feel bad about.
  • To keep the weight off, you have to log what you eat. Some people can eat "intuitively", but you clearly can't because you have regained. If you keep doing what you're doing now, statistics say you'll regain all you lost AND MORE. It's like balancing your checkbook. You have to keep doing it, or you'll go into debt. Not…
  • Save some calories so you can have a drink. Avoid high-calorie drinks like fruit juice or soda based cocktails. Pre-log your drinks like your food. If she can't stop drinking more than she'd planned, maybe AA? Treated properly, alcohol is just another junk food - you can afford a little but not a lot. Unplanned binge…
  • I use gloves when my hands start to hurt. Mine are very lightweight lycra with an extra-grippy palm.
  • Try it as "sedentary" to get your non-exercise TDEE - that's what you'd burn if you didn't work out. Then you can calculate your actual TDEE by adding your exercise estimates (e.g. 400 calories per workout x 5 days a week = 2000 cals/week. And then average it: 2000/7 = 286 calories from regular exercise per day, on…
  • Are you sure your weight loss has stopped? It sounds to me like you're hitting a normal plateau in weight loss, then giving up and trying something different before the losses have a chance to start again. IF you're on a plan that caused you to lose, and IF you are still doing the same thing but your losses appear to…
  • Use an app called HappyScale to track daily fluctuations in your weight. After 2 weeks you really have no idea if you're losing or maintaining.
  • You can absolutely enter decimals. The breakfast cereal entry I use is in cups, but I usually eat half a cup. So I just enter 0.5 of a serving. Estimating is also fine, as long as you are close, you always round up and don't start playing games with yourself ("oh, I rounded up so I REALLY have extra calories even though it…
  • Log everything you eat and make it a goal to stay in your calories for the day. Eventually you realize that eating more is counterproductive because you have to pay for it with more exercise. And learn to exercise out your stress.