Weight Watchers or MyFitnessPal??



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Fruits and veg aren't free. A large apple has over 100 calories.

    This. I know WW would not work for me because of the fruit and veg thing. I'm older and short and have very little wiggle room in my calorie allowance for leeway like not counting my intake like that. It would only end in frustration.

    In fact, shortly before joining MFP, I found a points guide and calculated my points allowance and added up my daily points. I was just fine. I wasn't losing any weight. It had been eating that way for a while and was just stuck.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited February 2015
    Drewlssix wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Fruits and veg aren't free. A large apple has over 100 calories.

    ^^^This. I don't understand the idea that some foods are free. I tried weight watchers in the past without much luck. I've lost 75 pounds on MFP, and for the first time ever, I feel like I have found a sustainable eating plan.

    I consider a few things like broccoli to be "free" in that the calorie hit is tiny while the good stuff is significant. In stregnth circles the common line is "eat as much broccoli as you want". My wife did WW a few years ago and did well but couldn't justify sticking with it and dealing with the contorted diet it produces. Eating good stuff in a deficit beats picking random items from a list and being unhappy.

    You know? Saying that really depends on your calorie allowance. I get 1280 calories a day. I've eaten 120 calories worth of microwave steamed broccoli at a meal. I weighed my portion so I know the exact calories. That's 1/10 of my daily intake. Not counting that over time would really add up. Were I a 6'2" man, it might not matter as much. If I didn't eat as much broccoli, it might not matter as much.

    Don't make blanket statements about vegetables. They have calories. People can eat them in quantity, and the calories in those quantities can add up.

  • captivatedlife
    captivatedlife Posts: 60 Member
    Since you're on MFP, I think you have made your decision ;) However, everyone reacts differently to things. Weight watchers Points Plus is so easy to use and once you get the way that works for you, you don't have to change anything for the rest of time - there are still people on the old points system doing fine! Weight watchers is hard to start because you have to memorize different things, but once you are on it's easier because you just need to use up your points no need to log. LOTS of people do GREAT with WW - the support is phenomenal. I also like the points plus with the freebies - if you fill someone up on lettuce and cucumber and zucchini, they're not going to be eating barbque sauce covered ribs, margaritas, and hamburgers (can you tell I'm hungry....).

    That said, I like MFP (duh, I'm here!). I like the exactness of MFP. I could probably cheat with WW. I probably would - I'm weak willed like that. Here, I tell the truth and am seeing results.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    When I did WW, most fruits were 1 point, bananas were 2 points, most veggies were 0 except for peas, and carrots, I think. I did well with weight loss but always ended up not eating more nutritious options because I had no idea - I only went by points. I wasn't concerned about protein, iron, or even the amount of fiber, or fat...only "points." So I consistently chose as many low point foods as I could so I could eat more....nutrition came 2nd. Now since I ate a lot of veggies, I'm sure I got a lot of vitamins and minerals but really lacked in protein.

    MFP is far superior in this regard.
  • JWat2020
    JWat2020 Posts: 80 Member
    I prefer MFP BUT I understand the "free" idea behind fruits and veggies. In Weight watchers they give you less calories (points) per day than MFP, knowing that people will make up those points eating "free" fruits and veggies.

    It is a way to try to get people to eat more fruits and veggies.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm gonna go with the free one, every time. And the veggies/fruit thing "free" doesn't make sense to me. If that's the case, that's all I'd mentally "want" to eat.

    My Mom is a Lifetimer at WW. I got her to try MFP and she love it. Down 7lbs since January with 7lbs to go (doing things slowly after cancer and she's 61) and is thrilled.

    I lost 45lbs with the help of MFP in 2012, I will always recommend it to ANYONE I meet that is struggling! When I'm doing MFP right, I lose/maintain. If I get off it thinking I don't need it any more, the weight always comes back.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Fruit and veg aren't really 'free' on WW so much as pre-logged. You can do the same thing with MFP. Figure maybe 300 calories (or whatever value you want) as a typical or desirable day's intake of fruit/veg and and take your MFP calorie goal and subtract 300 but allow yourself unlimited f/v. Same thing. So if MFP tells you to eat 1500/day to lose, eat 1200 plus unlimited F/V.

    Sure you will go over 300 some days and under others but success is in the big picture, not the daily absolute values. If you're the rare person who can binge-eat produce, you know that already and know how to address it.

    Good luck!
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    I had lost close to 100 lbs in the past when doing WW, but sadly gained it all back and then some due to some rough patches in life. In the past year I had tried doing both WW and MFP to get the weight off again but it was just too much to deal with so I quit WW and just am sticking with MFP (and besides FREE is always a good thing). WW has also changed their plan so many times over the past few years it just didn't seem to "click" with me like it had in the past. The whole fruits/veggies thing being "free" didn't really make sense to me.

    So here I am...and here I'm gonna stay...and succeed!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I think the old WW was great. I liked that the points gently steered you toward healthier foods. But once they changed it (like 4 years ago?) and made fruit free, it just didn't work for me. As other have said, fruit is NOT free and if you eat too much of it, you won't lose (ask me how I know

    THIS!!!!! I lost over 30 pounds on the old WW system. I did it at work with most of my colleagues and I think the community aspect really helped (we would post points for pot luck items, etc.). When I first started WW, I tracked calories along with points and the points kept me about the same calories as I stick to on MFP. However, once they switched to the new system (Points Plus), it stopped working and I actually gained weight and only maintained when I was over-vigilant (e.g. only allowing myself 1 serving of fruit/day). This was when I was at my lowest weight, so I didn't have bad habits to cut or much wiggle room.

    Ultimately, MFP is just as good for tracking and controlling what you eat (if not better because you can adjust your calories/macros more transparently/easily than points) and it's free! :smile:
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    MFP is free. Don't trust any "diet" plan that makes money when you regain the weight you lost. My friends who do WW seems to be on a constant cycle of "go to WW, lose weight, stop WW, regain, go back to WW". That seems to be an expensive and difficult way to maintain. It's better to get on here, log every day, and do the same thing whether you're losing, bulking, or maintaining.

    Also WW tries to make calorie counting "easier" with the points system. OK, it's easier, but it's also less accurate. MFP gives you all the control.

    And MFP can be used with IIFYM to lose weight, where WW has their own philosophy of good foods/bad foods. Why should I get punished for eating chocolate and red meat, and why should I get rewarded for overeating fruit which is packed with calories? I mean, OK, if you're really trying to change your eating habits from all processed foods, maybe it would benefit you. But for someone like me - I eat a very healthy, balanced diet, but just too much of it to lose weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    MFP works and is free.
  • crocky64
    crocky64 Posts: 93 Member
    edited February 2015
    For me it's MFP for many reasons but the two main ones are it's FREE and you are doing the same as Ww but on here you get ideas for variety of foods from around the world and all healthy GET in !!!!!! I found that my wife when on Ww was eating same food as before but using the points to track her diet on here we both use the tools to find better options with proper foods not mass produced rubbish.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    MFP is a lot less complicated, has a better database, and gives a lot more information. I dropped WW after finding this site for those reasons (plus a few more).
  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm currently doing both :)

    Started with weight watchers, online only for the tracking. The points system is simple and easy to parse, I find it easy to use 'on the fly' with a quick glance at food labels and the 'free' fruits and veggies is an easy trap to avoid with some common sense.

    MFP is free, more accurate and tracks some things that WW doesn't; specifically your carb/fat/protein breakdown. The food database is larger, although I would recommend taking some time to build your own 'favorites' and to examine the items pulled from the database with extra care. There's people out there with a loose grasp on how many calories are in things, or how to measure a portion.

    I'll likely graduate entirely to MFP. The free is compelling, and having double tracked for the last few weeks, I'm getting a good grasp on how things translate between the two programs
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    edited February 2015
    I personally prefer Weight Watchers to MFP I just can't afford it anymore.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I've done both. I loved Weight Watchers but I now prefer MFP. The "free" fruit messes up a lot of people and I think it was a bad idea.
    But the reasons I like MFP better are: it's free, and I prefer just looking at the calories/fat/protein, etc rather than pulling out my points calculator to figure it out (call me lazy lol).
    The meetings are awesome (if you have a good leader) and that part of Weight Watchers is great. But overall, I think calorie counting and MFP are the better way to go, for me anyway.
  • scubagram
    scubagram Posts: 27 Member
    Either one will work if you follow your plan. However, it's just as easy to count calories as it is points (1 point is equal to 40 calories if I recall correctly); MFP is free and WW is not; MFP's app is superior to WW's.
    So I vote MFP.
  • CObluegrass
    CObluegrass Posts: 61 Member
    I followed WW for 4 years and lost 120 pounds. Their online tools are horrible, so for me the value came from meetings. but then my awesome leader left and they started using canned PowerPoint presentations and talking at us. I stopped meetings so there was no need to use their crappy online tools for however much it costs. MFP gives me waaaay more useful information and I'm eating a lot less. Getting a little more carbs and fat than before, which rocks for me. I feel like WW was a good first start to keeping track of my intake, but they need to make some serious changes to their business model to keep up with free sites/apps like MFP. I still miss that in-person check-in and having to weigh in front of someone else once per week.

    when WW moved to the Points Plus system and made fruits/veggies "free", then they reduced your total allotment of points. Before, a banana was 2 points but one of their chocolate bars was 1 point. They were just trying to get people to eat more fruits and veggies but many, like me, went a little nuts. One woman in the forums was talking about eating 7 bananas a day! C'mon. I'm much better off when I'm weighing my fruits and veggies and knowing exactly how much it's costing me in calories and macros.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    It's not that simple. At least with the old point system it was "roughly" 50 calories but the amount of fat and fiber played a part in the points allotted.

    Here is the formula for the Flex Points (old system): (C/50) + (F/12) – (R/5). C is calories, F is grams of fat, and R is grams of fiber.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    No contest for me. I lost over 160# using MFP and have been maintaining for almost 16 months. There are no foods that have "no" calories, so WW it seems, is kind of misleading people. MFP is free, but I, for one, would pay for using it. That is how well it works for me. Having said this, everyone has to do what works for them to be successful.