andyp79 Member


  • I've lost 2lb in the last 2 weeks! I think it might be finally shifting again! I just hope I keep it moving this week :)
  • My 5K race has been cancelled due to bad weather :( The park is unsafe to run around at the moment due to all the rain. It has been postponed until further notice :( I guess that gives me a chance to complete the program before actually running in a race!
  • I'm just going to stick with the upped exercise and making sure I eat back enough calories to be above my BMR for the next couple of wees. I am then going away visiting family for 4 weeks. I won't be in complete control of what I eat so it will be a real test. I'm guessing I'll be eating at about maintenance for some of…
  • I'm doing my next 5K in less than 2 weeks. I was hoping to have got further through C25K to help me run a bit more of it this time but the rubbish British weather is messing up my plans :( I don't have access to a treadmill and it hasn't stopped raining in what seems like forever!! I never thought I would be saying this,…
  • Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That feels better :) I still cannot shift anything. I have upped my exercise in the hope that I will lose inches if not pounds but nothing seems to be moving yet :( I am beyond frustrated. A busy and stressful week has not helped me. I have…
  • Thanks for setting this up. SW - 195 CW - 179 GW - 160 I lost the first 16lb fairly easily but then I broke into the 170s and stuck :( I have been gaining and losing the same 2lb now since March. I tried upping my calories having read all about the idea of eating more to weigh less. I haven't gained anything but haven't…
  • I don't think I've lost weight since march :( I haven't gained so that is the silver lining I'm looking at but feel free to add me to see if we can help each other out of it.
  • I'm on week 3 day 2 too. I was going to do it tonight but it is raining and I'm afraid I'm a dry weather runner! I'm going to jump on the exercise bike instead and hope it's dryer tomorrow.
  • I'm 5'11''. At 195 my size 16 (UK) were getting too small. I'm now 179 and just getting into a 14 (although they would look better if I lost another few pounds.) My goal weight is 160ish and I'm assuming to be a 12/14. I've never been smaller than a 12.
  • Yep, I'm from Derby. I've lost 16lb so far and have another 19 to go. Feel free to add me if you want someone else to support you.
  • Now you've posted here, it'll be in 'my topics' at the top of the page. :)
  • Mmmm pizza. A weakness of mine too. I haven't cut it out completely but I eat less of it when we do have that as a meal, I just full the rest of my plate with salad. I really need to start exercising again. I've stuck to diet but slacked off the exercise recently and my scales just aren't shifting - they're not going up,…
  • Just got back from a 5 day break yesterday! I didn't bother tracking any food. Didn't think about calories. Tried not to go silly but didn't deny myself either. Only gained .75lb. Straight back onto mfp today feeling very relaxed and ready to go again! It doesn't have to be a disaster.
  • I have just got back from my holiday. I didn't want to spend all my time planning what I was going to eat, stopping myself from having little treats, thinking all the time about food. So, for me, I decided not to log but not to go silly. I was away for 5 days, ate more than I intended to start with, but by the end of the…
  • I've got another 19 to lose before I'm at my target. I have been stuck at this weight for about 3 months now and it is DRIVING ME MAD!!!!! I'm off on holiday for 5 days tomorrow so am going to take a break from logging. I am going to try and make sensible choices but I'm not going to be 'dieting' as such. When I get back,…
  • I upped mine a few weeks ago but have been rubbish at tracking so I think I upped my calories to 1700, went over that with treats and had to stop exercising due to work commitments all at the same time! Amazingly I haven't really gained - just the same 2lb that I've been losing/ gaining for the last couple of months…
  • Yes!! As soon as people started to notice that I had lost weight I lost my motivation :( I have lost and gained the same 3lb for the last 3 months now and it is really starting to irritate me! I am back on track as of today and I will lose these last 19lb!!
  • My kids are 6 and 3 and I struggle with this too. I bought an exercise bike so I can jump on that while they are busy playing. Now the nights are getting lighter I'm going to start running again after they have gone to bed and my husband is at home. I jight even be able to get in a few runs with my eldest as she did race…
  • I have been running on and off for quite a few years now with some friends but I never manage to get all the way round without walking. The route we do is just over 2 miles and I would love to be able to run it all! I have downloaded the c25k onto my iphone and ordered a strap so I can wear it when running. Now the weather…
  • It does feel amazing! I treated myself by ordering some new clothes last night in the size I am just heading down into :)
  • I'm 5'11 SW: 195 CW: 181 GW:160ish I always thought I had a large frame but looking at those sites I think I was just fooling myself. I apparently am medium build and should have a healthy weight of 155 so I think 160 should look ok. I'm just going to see how I feel when I get there.
  • I'm 5'11. SW was 195 but I don't think I've got any photos of me at that weight - i hid when I saw a camera! CW is 181. I really wish I looked like some of you at 180! GW is 160 I think I'll go more on how I feel rather than a number on the scale.
  • I'm 5'11 and am aiming for 160. I'll see how I feel when I get there as to whether I want to lose a bit more. I'm currently 189 :(