beginner runners



  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    bump for later
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member

    It seems to be pretty hard on my knees... so I think I need to replace my joggers (I have to get the ones with super arch support because my feet roll in and give me shin splints, but I don't remember my knees suffering last time I took up running.)

    I started training for a 10k last year - went from hardly being able to run and built up to 20 min runs.

    Then I got on one of these apps and tried a 60 min (because that was the course) and in the last 5 mins it all went wrong - old knee injury kicked in couldn't shake it off. Felt really so so bad about not being able to do the 10k and running went from something I was not that bothered about to something I got so frustrated about that I couldn't do - so my advice here.. Careful of pushing when you know you are prone to injury and do a course that distance wise you have to do 2 or 3 laps so you can miss a lap if it becomes too much - the 10 min getting back home on an injury broke me bad... don't be a give up but be really sensible- not running a lap is much better than putting yourself out for 3 months

    six months on I've fully rested my knee and just got motion control trainers - and I can't tell you the difference they make don't run another mile if you over pronate without them --- the whole leg position and everything just feels right. I put off getting them because I couldn't believe they would make much difference - I cant explain how wrong I was

    Got a slight muscle pull from a bit of a sprint at weekend - sorted itself overnight - so happy I'm back to that level of 'injury' the knee was like someone sticking a knife in my knee
  • andyp79
    andyp79 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been running on and off for quite a few years now with some friends but I never manage to get all the way round without walking. The route we do is just over 2 miles and I would love to be able to run it all! I have downloaded the c25k onto my iphone and ordered a strap so I can wear it when running. Now the weather is lighter and warmer I'm hoping to get started on it and I might just surprise my friends by summer!!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I have never been a runner/jogger. I am fascinated by those who are, though. I work with a gal who is a runner, and I really admire her overall take on life, in general. And I have not seen any serious runners with weight problems LOL!

    I would love for my 2 teenagers to get involved in track or cross country at school. They are not sports-minded, and this would be a good way to get them engaged in some more physical activity. Maybe, if I start, they will follow?
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Does anyone have a link to a C25K program which are are either doing or have done? I have looked at a fair few and they all seem to be different to each other :ohwell:
  • kkramey1970
    kkramey1970 Posts: 82 Member
    Last year I decided to start running. I was never a runner. 20 years in the military and I did the fitness test twice a year. That was the extent of my running. Last year I decided I should run a marathon. I bought a book called the Non-runners Marathon Guide. It takes you to a marathon in 16 weeks. The only prerequisite sas to be able to run for 30 minutes non stop. Long story hort, on February 12th I did it. It was hard but not impossible. I didn't break any land speed records and actually ran a little slower than I had anticipated. But I did it :) Now I love to run. I run 3 or 4 times a week and run from 3 to 5 miles depending on time. Now I'm waiting for the 16 week mark before the next marathon I plan on running in November. All about will power and positive attitude. Good luck!
  • burninmoon
    hi i have also started running and decided i might enter do the blackpool hilton half marathon.
    i have never done a half marathon but iam looking forward to it.
    my running is kind of sluggish but to be honest i live in blackburn were each road is up hill, no really im not
    joking i didn't realise how bad it was till i started running.
    i started of running 3 miles which to be honest was taking me like 45 min !!
    i have slowly up'd that over the last three weeks and on sunday completed a 8.5 k run in 1 hour ( up hill :) )
    and so im happy with that and will be doing my first 10k next saturday.
    i run every other day roughly about 6-7 k and it take about 40-50 min depending on hill direction.
    i love my music and so skip to certain songs if say a hill is approaching :) .
    im going to be starting some fartlek training once im down to 16 stone ish...
    oohh and heads up you need RunKeeper in your life, its amazing at plotting routes as well as plotting goals and the app i
    awesome it tracks you via gps including the climb and distance as well as calories burned, the app also plots this on google map for you and uploads it on to your online profile so its there when you log on, its a massive community of runners at all levels and all for the low price of !!!!!! £0 yup zippo !!!!!!
    you can't say no ?!?!!?
  • AWME
    AWME Posts: 12
    I'm not a beginner, but wanted to offer my two cents. I agree with what others have said about getting new shoes. Also try new socks, they really do provide support. Belaga is my fave brand.

    I've had to take months off at a time before due to medical reasons, and find that the first 1.5 - 2 weeks back are the hardest. After that, my body seems to remember what it was doing before. So hang in there, you'll get it back! :)
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    I've been struggling with running on and off for years but found a good park near me last night that is quiet but fairly well lit and near a main road so nice and safe so I can run there at night, so might start trying again. Went a run there last night a bit unplanned. I'm guessing that it might be about 0.8 of a kilmetre around the park but I'm going to take my Nike+ tonight to measure it more accurately.

    I REALLY struggle with it, too, and find it weird because I'm quite fit when it comes to other things. I can walk for miles and miles without tiring and do cardio at least 3 times a week (Body Attack) where I sweat and get out of breath but don't feel like I'm going to die. I can also swim for ages without feeling knackered but I can't even run a full kilometre without thinking that my lungs are going to physically explode! It also kills my knees too, although I do have quite dodgy knees to start with anyway.

    I tried the C25K programme before and didn't like it. I feel like I'm achieving more if I focus on distance covered than time running, so I'm just going to try to slowly build up my distance a little at a time, I think.

    Any new runners up for starting a group where we can share our moans/victories?

    This is exactly like me. I walks between 3-4 miles daily, can do spin classes until my legs drop off and dont struggle too much with things such as 30DS, but I cant run for longer that about 3 minutes without feeling like I'm going to collapse. Its sooo annoying! I get so jealous watching people run on the treadmill for about 45 mins then dont even break a sweat!
  • Fezzle04403
    I have been running on & off for the past year or so but in the last 4 months i seem to have taken it a bit more serious, at 230lbs i'am by no means full of pace and speed. I have however purchesed the Nike+ for my ipod I can now run a 3k workout without stopping my PB is 20 mins. I'am now training for 5k by gradually increasing my distance training by 1/2k each week until i can run the distance without stopping..Why do i run? Decided it was time to start moving a year ago i weighed in at 265lbs & was a smoker, have now kicked the weed am and taking back control of my life. Keep up the running :-)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Can I join you good folks?

    I'll be doing a relay leg of the Belfast Marathon on 7 May - so that's 5 weeks!

    I'm reasonably fit, but usually avoid running as it bores me. I'm planning to go to the gym tonight and time myself for 1 mile, or 10 minutes, and draw up a training schedule from there.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member

    It seems to be pretty hard on my knees... so I think I need to replace my joggers (I have to get the ones with super arch support because my feet roll in and give me shin splints, but I don't remember my knees suffering last time I took up running.)

    I started training for a 10k last year - went from hardly being able to run and built up to 20 min runs.

    Then I got on one of these apps and tried a 60 min (because that was the course) and in the last 5 mins it all went wrong - old knee injury kicked in couldn't shake it off. Felt really so so bad about not being able to do the 10k and running went from something I was not that bothered about to something I got so frustrated about that I couldn't do - so my advice here.. Careful of pushing when you know you are prone to injury and do a course that distance wise you have to do 2 or 3 laps so you can miss a lap if it becomes too much - the 10 min getting back home on an injury broke me bad... don't be a give up but be really sensible- not running a lap is much better than putting yourself out for 3 months

    six months on I've fully rested my knee and just got motion control trainers - and I can't tell you the difference they make don't run another mile if you over pronate without them --- the whole leg position and everything just feels right. I put off getting them because I couldn't believe they would make much difference - I cant explain how wrong I was

    Got a slight muscle pull from a bit of a sprint at weekend - sorted itself overnight - so happy I'm back to that level of 'injury' the knee was like someone sticking a knife in my knee

    Thanks for that advice. I think I will reconsider my 'lap' because I know what you mean about getting stuck 2km from home (I learned the limitations of my injury through trial and error over the first 2 months of its development).

    Thankfully I am not prone to injury as such. My particular conditions where firstly, a hernia (so heavy lifting and downhill walking are risk factors forevermore), and secondly an incompetent valve in one of my large veins (created a painful hernia-like bulge). I don't know exactly what the risk factors are for that particular condition - they told me that I will make a full recovery.

    Regarding my shoes, they are the correct shoe for over-pronating (am I using the right word? feet that roll inward). I had them assessed. It just might be time to replace them due to wear (I want a reassessment anyway, and possibly a gait assessment from a physio since I spent the best part of 2 years trying really hard not to limp!)

    I will follow up further on the pain in my knees because I really do not wish to risk further injury. :)
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I'm going to be starting the c-5k training this month. Got to get myself a good pair of running shoes and some gear to wear, but I am SO doing this! I have decided that I am going to run in the Race For Life (not this year, but definitely next year!) and possibly work up to a few 10k charity runs. My Dad used to do a lot of running but is currently recovering from surgery. He's hopnig to slowly get back into running once he's fully recovered and has been given the go-ahead. He's 61 and puts me to shame because I've never run a step in my life! I hope that by this time next year, me and my Dad will both be running and perhaps pushing each other with a few races. ;)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm just getting back into C25K... I started it a couple years ago but gave up when the weather got cold (I'm a wimp)

    planning to start it today or tomorrow depending on the rain situation :)
  • ujoseph1
    ujoseph1 Posts: 2
    I'm a beginner as well. I had a car accident two years ago and it has been hard to get back in the swing of things but I'm determined to do so. I started using the free podrunner internal training and I have been doing great! It take you from day one of a 5K to the last day! I love so far. I'm running 2 miles straight at this time every morning!