Hello, anyone else for 20 pounds?



  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Can someone help me with my problem?
    The question(s) might be better addressed in the Fitness & Exercise Forum. Meanwhile, if your in for 20 pounds, this is the place for that! :)
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    I gained 1 pound overnight, feeling bummed out cos' i kept under my calorie intake so im not sure what went wrong :cry: But i lost 2.6pounds this week in total so it makes me feel slightly better!
    Keep going and fight on guys! :laugh:
    Yikes, what a bummer when you "do it right" but the scale says "hahaha".
    Today I made a recipe per my husband's request that is a favorite food of mine. Man it is soooo hard to resist eating favorite foods, or rather, hard to resist OVEREATING.
    I'll follow the above advice, keep going and fight on.
  • himel13
    himel13 Posts: 146 Member
    I need to lose 20 pounds..would be happy to lose even 5 right now, after being on a plateau for over 7 months! but I'm determined and will see this through to the end!\
    Anyone, feel free to add me! Will try to be as supportive as possible!
  • zambo22
    zambo22 Posts: 2
    Im an Aussie girl so I talk in kilograms. Im wanting to lose about 8.5 kilos which equats to approx 18lbs (I think) so Im definatly in on this one!! Im wanting to lose it over about 10 to 20 weeks. If anyone wants some friends for support and motivation (who can also motivate me) then feel free to add me!! Goodluck everyone!
  • andyp79
    andyp79 Posts: 34 Member
    I've got another 19 to lose before I'm at my target. I have been stuck at this weight for about 3 months now and it is DRIVING ME MAD!!!!! I'm off on holiday for 5 days tomorrow so am going to take a break from logging. I am going to try and make sensible choices but I'm not going to be 'dieting' as such. When I get back, hopefully my body will decide it is ready to shift the rest of this weight! I also think I need to change my diary to 'open' to give me some more accountability, as someone else said - make me think about what I'm eating as someone could be watching! Off to do that now.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Today I made a recipe per my husband's request that is a favorite food of mine. Man it is soooo hard to resist eating favorite foods, or rather, hard to resist OVEREATING.

    Ah ha, even with the left-over dinner of the yummy favorite food, I've remembered that secret weapon of MEASURING PORTIONS! And, it helps if the smell of food cooking for hours is not filling the house with temptation. Left-overs don't present that "hours and hours" of gooooood smells.

    I feel back on track today. Ready for a new week tomorrow. How did you finish up the week? Ready to take on Monday?
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    20 lbs is about what I would like to lose. I am down 30 now. Feel free to add me. I'm always in for more support! D
  • _jen
    _jen Posts: 11
    Hello :)

    I've just joined MFP to lose 20lbs before I go to graduate school in September. I'm all set for daily tracking - I've got the app on my phone and everything!

    So I'll join you (and everyone else who's posted on this thread!).
  • amanda30baby
    amanda30baby Posts: 7 Member
    i am a newly just starting please add me as i need all the support and tips i can get from you guys
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Monday went well. I made chicken fried rice (from leftover brown rice and a roasted chicken), and remembered to MEASURE my portions.

    Now I need to start really working on patience. It took me months and months to get so heavy, and I need to remember that I'll need months to get it off. Funny how when I'm in my "I don't care if I'm fat" mode, I just overlook how I look. But the minute I really start working on improvement, I get all bothered by my over-size.

    Does this apply to you: Why do we ignore our weight problem as it gets worse, then suddenly obsess over it when we finally decide on a positive change? How is that "ignore" switch turned on, or rather, what in the brain switches off?
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I've got 26 to go to reach my goal!!
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Need to lose 20 lb on the dot to reach my goal... And I need to lose it by August! Add me if you need support, i'm on MFP everyday!
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    How'd it go for YOU today? I learned to always read labels (I have another thread that explains how I bought an ORGANIC soy milk that had artificial sweeteners, yuck!). And that when I am starving for dinner after coming in from gardening, if I measure my portions, I can still enjoy what I want but keep my calories under control. Yea gardening: exercise that has a beautification benefit.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Yaaahoooo, one week and three pounds. My exercise has been gardening, which includes a lot of bending and lifting and walking. Plus, my yard looks nicer.

    Tonight I had a light dinner, and then got the munchies. So I had 1/2 cup of homemade chili. Arrrgh, I was still in the mood to eat. Technically I was not "hungry", I think I was stressed and yummy food is soooo soothing. But I"d been smart and had put away the food when I'd taken out my portion. Thus, when I wandered back into the kitchen for unneeded "more", the food was put away, and it helped me remember that my dirty dish should go into the sink and not be refilled.

    HINT of the day: take your portion onto your plate and then put the food away, before you eat, so that getting seconds is not as tempting.

    How did YOUR day go?
  • Hatbre
    Hatbre Posts: 7 Member
    Yes please! Add me :-)
  • uuyecarg
    uuyecarg Posts: 6
    i wanna lose 20 pounds too!!!!!
  • acidillusions
    I am up for it. Add me!
  • ToBeThin_12
    Me too I'm looking to lose 20 asap.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    20lb is precisely the distance between me and my target right now & you can all add me!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I've have 19 pounds left to go. Yay! I tend to do better with both exercise and clean eating during the summer, so I'm hoping to make go head way over the next few months. My big weakness is pizza, which I don't feel that I need to cut out, but I certainly need to cut down on how often I have it.

    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and love offering support:smile: