

  • Thank you for what u said.. I really hate feeling overweight because I never was and now I am here wondering what happened to me?? I do enjoy this site because I need to be open and honest and that's the only way I will see results.. So here goes I am 4' 11 and weigh 149 lbs I don't know how that happened!! I am not one to…
  • I don't even want to say my stats!! Because I am short I weigh about 149lbs but my height is the problem!! I can tell u I am not 5' nothing lol.. I always said if I was taller I would look great =)
  • Hi Jessa, I am the same way I don't see results I quit!! I just found this site tonight and I have seen so much inspiration in it! I am hoping I can stick with it myself!! Congratulations on getting married!! Lets try and and see if we can stick with together and make it happen!!
  • I have to say I have never made it my new years resolution to lose weight, I actually have never in my life made any new years resolutions.. So I guess this year will be it, But I am starting to work at my weight loss goals before the new year!! ; )
  • I agree A true inspiration!! Thank you for sharing!!
  • Hi and thank you!!!
  • I have always used the wii active personal trainer I loved it you have to really work out and it changes the routine for you everyday it keeps track of your progress and calories burned, I haven't used it in some time now but I'm breaking it back out tomorrow morning!! =)