5' 6" 160lbs?!!

Hey ladies!

Anybody out there 5' 6"... in the 160lb range? Looking for some motivating before and after pics!!! My goal is currently 130lbs.

Got down to 145lbs in August, and gained it all back! =( I was a SAHM and had a wonderful work out routine/eating schedule, but started back to work full-time and just completely lost all motivation... started eating out a lot, etc. Soooooo... looking for some motivation to get back on track. Before and after pic's, helpful tips for staying on track at work, etc!

Thanks a lot in advance!!! =)



  • I should say...

    WAS in the 160lbs range... in regards to before and after pics!

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hey there, I'll share. Here is me 5"6 @ 165-167

    Before 240's


  • bump
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    im 5'7 and 125 lbs atm if you wanna look at my pix. :3
  • Im 5'5 163 add me...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My starting weight was 160 at 5'5. Got down to 125.5, but happily settled into around 128-130# to maintain. (But I'm still getting smaller even though I've stopped losing weight. Yay for strength training!)

  • mustanggirl_2011
    mustanggirl_2011 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are, add me :)
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im 5 foot 7 and at 150 if you want to add me!
  • Hi, I couldn't tell if you wanted to see people who were at your CW but are now at your GW, or just people with similar stats :) Anyways I am 5'6" and about 154-155 -- uh, that was pre-Christmas though so we'll see what happens when the holiday bloat subsides.

    I think my GW is about the same as yours, though I am more concerned about body fat % and preserving the lean muscle I have, so I may stop closer to 135. I don't have a before picture from my fattest but I have a current picture from a couple days ago in my profile.

    Good luck everyone!! xo
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Feel free to add me if ya like! Good luck with your loss!
  • I don't even want to say my stats!! Because I am short I weigh about 149lbs but my height is the problem!! I can tell u I am not 5' nothing lol.. I always said if I was taller I would look great =)
  • I don't even want to say my stats!! Because I am short I weigh about 149lbs but my height is the problem!! I can tell u I am not 5' nothing lol.. I always said if I was taller I would look great =)

    You know what's interesting... I used to feel the same way; I would NEVER tell my stats. Once I started sharing them though they became just numbers and tools to get me closer to where I want to be, and they lost a lot of their emotional load.

    Don't be embarrassed, especially on these boards :) We are all here to improve ourselves and we all have to start somewhere!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I don't even want to say my stats!! Because I am short I weigh about 149lbs but my height is the problem!! I can tell u I am not 5' nothing lol.. I always said if I was taller I would look great =)

    I'm 4'11" and 185. I carry ALL of my weight around my waist. And my boobs. It's horrible. My UGW is 140lbs. That is where I look and feel my best. I got down to 120 when I was 21 and I looked like I belonged in the hospital. I was bony, gaunt and just plain sickly. I know all of the BMI charts and other BS charts say I should be 95-108 lbs, but those charts honestly do not take into account muscle mass, etc. I was a figure skater/hockey player for 22 years, college swimmer, weightlifter, and firefighter. So take that BMI chart. I'll get to 140 lbs and look DAMN good, thank you very much!!!!

    I know under my layer of "life fat", as I like to call it, all of that muscle is there, just waiting to shine through again!!!
  • Thank you for what u said.. I really hate feeling overweight because I never was and now I am here wondering what happened to me?? I do enjoy this site because I need to be open and honest and that's the only way I will see results.. So here goes I am 4' 11 and weigh 149 lbs I don't know how that happened!! I am not one to eat a lot I work full time and have 3 boys that keep me very active I just don't understand but trying 2!! How has my weight got where it is?? I have stayed at the same weight since my last son was born for some reason always lost it before right after!! But now I had my youngest 4 yrs ago and my weight has not changed so I can't blame it on the baby NO more lol!! Time to step up and make a change in my life!!
  • Thanks for sharing everyone!!! You guys are awesome! I'm gonna save you all... appreciate the response! =)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I don't even want to say my stats!! Because I am short I weigh about 149lbs but my height is the problem!! I can tell u I am not 5' nothing lol.. I always said if I was taller I would look great =)

    Being tall is not the answer.. let me tell you! At 5'9, I sometimes feel like I have as many height/weight issues as short girls.. if not more!

    I'm a taller gal(see above for height!) but I'm currently at 151 after starting at 180. My profile pic is me at 154.. I need to take a new one soon!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 142 lbs, which is on your way to your goal weight. My UGW is 138, but it is very elusive, especially after the holidays. I won't even say what I weighed this am. LOL. You can add me for support, if you'd like.
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 150. Would like to lose another 5-10 vanity pounds but am currently training for a full marathon so I need to make sure I'm fueling my body properly! I am also losing inches but the scale is staying the same! Love that strenght training!
  • I am 5'7" and 175 which is somewhat close to that. But I am a guy. Makes a big difference. I think.