Happy New Year

Hi! For the past five years, my new year's resolution has been to lose 30lbs. I am gung-ho in January but by March, my resolve is gone. I'm determined to make this year different! Hopefully with MFP, I can make a real change this year, :)


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Keep with it and you will make the change! That's a lot of will power to actually keep up with something for a long time. And make sure you are working out I something to like.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hey you can add me as a friend and we can keep each other going!
  • kellbell1981
    I have to say I have never made it my new years resolution to lose weight, I actually have never in my life made any new years resolutions.. So I guess this year will be it, But I am starting to work at my weight loss goals before the new year!! ; )