amanda_lessofme Member


  • I conceived naturally last spring with PCOS after losing 15% of my body weight at the time (around 45lbs), and now have a 6 month old daughter. However, it wasn't just weight loss. I was also using acupuncture and Chinese Herbs as well as taking supplements suggested here: Further, I was…
  • I get a much better response from a morning bowl of oatmeal (with ground flax) than I ever did/do with lactation cookies. I hadn't "squirted" in quite some time until I had oatmeal for breakfast twice in a row. Baby (6 months) popped off to look around and see who was in the room, and she got a face full of milk. Another…
  • No answers, just commiseration. My six month old wakes to eat three times a night on a regular basis. For the third, early morning, feed, I pull her into bed with us, and she drinks off and on at will for two hours till I finally wake up at 7. I'm exhausted. Would love to know the magic answer to your question. ;)
  • You are awesome!! I started at about the same weight, a few months after you, but have not lost nearly as fast. Just started weight training this month. I'm very impressed. Do you have a before photo of you at your highest weight?
  • My lunch during my work week is almost always the same--a giant green salad with a protein of some kind. On my days off, I usually have fish or shrimp and a green veggie with a small salad. It sounds boring, but with changing up dressings and proteins, it stays fresh. I've been doing this since last Nov. Now, if I miss…
  • What do you mean by "good" carbs?
  • In addition to what these ladies have said in regards to food. I try to keep my blood sugar balanced by eating throughout the day. I make sure I snack between meals. Snacks are always nuts (walnuts, pecans, or almonds in my case--never peanuts), and sometimes I add a bit of fruit or cheese in with the nuts to mix things up…
  • It not only depends on body shape; it also depends on starting weight. A 25 pound loss will not look the same on someone starting out at 275 and their friend starting out at 175. Even though it's the same amount, it should be much more obvious on the person with the lower weight.
  • For me, at first, it was just sheer determination. I decided that I was going to wake up at 6 no matter what. But, I also really wanted to get in 7 hours of sleep, so I made sure I started to head to bed around 10:30, so I'd be asleep by 11. I made myself quit using the snooze. I didn't allow myself "five more minutes." At…
  • That's fantastic!! I was just thinking yesterday about entering to climb Taipei 101 (101 flights) here in Taiwan.
  • That's fantastic!!!! I'm inspired!
  • How exciting!!! I'm so happy for you . . . and can't wait to achieve this same NSV!! :D
  • I always eat a huge salad at lunch. I make a "salad box" every week, and I try to include a different variety of veggies each week so I don't get bored. And, I vary the protein weekly too. The "salad box" is a large tray in my fridge filled with little boxes of veggies I've already washed and chopped. Got the idea from…
  • PCOS is more than just infertility. Even if I wasn't trying to conceive, I'd want to know if I had PCOS or not because it can reek havoc on your health. Of course, you don't have to know if you have cysts on your ovaries or not--and, in fact--some women with PCOS don't. However, finding out about PCOS is a good thing.
  • Yipee Skippy!! That is a real reason to celebrate!!! And, I'm right there with you. I've been struggling with PCOS since I was 16 (I'm now 33). I just got my second natural period in a row (25 day cycle)--OH MY WORD I was ecstatic!! I'd not had a period on my own in about 6 years. It is just a wonderful feeling.
  • First thing that pops into my head is are your hormones balanced? Is your blood sugar under control? Women with hormonal imbalances (including insulin insensitivity) can go on very strict calorie diets and still gain weight. Have you talked to your family doc about it? Print out a week (or more) of food and exercise…