

  • Agreed - the deficit is already built in on this site. I have always eaten back most of my exercise calories and have lost just fine. I do not eat back calories for everyday stuff I do - like "walk the dog" or "house cleaning". If its something I would do no matter what then I do not eat those back. They would have been…
  • I love Peanut Butter Chocolate pie that I can purchase at a local place or at home I make a wonderful Raspberry pie which I cut into 8 pcs. My treat of choice by far is a recipe from my grandmother for Rhubarb cake and that I have figured in here cut into 12 pcs. :bigsmile: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Steuben County :happy:
  • Thankfully my daughter has never come home with the problem. When I hear about it going around the school I break out my special shampoo, conditioner and spray. Has worked very well for me. Hopefully this site will help you understand more about it so when you do get thru you might have some ideas to prevent your daughter…
  • Thank you for the post. Today was my first day as well and I thought I might die by the time it was over !! Was not sure where or how to enter calories burned so I left myself a note that I did it. I was looking earlier to see where I could do a search for the info but did not find were I could look through for the info as…
  • FYI - As I come from the farming community I have seen many of those local farmers feed their stock. Do you know where the day old bread, outdated tweenkies, cupcakes, donuts go after they are removed from store shelves ? You got it ! Some farmers get it because its free and feed that to the stock !! Thank heaven my dad…
  • I thought I was going to hate turkey bacon but we tried Butterball turkey bacon and we loved it. I find if I put a paper towel on a plate add the slices and cover with another towel. We micro for 3 min. so its crispy. If you don't crisp its not nearly as good but if you do I think its super yummy. Had bacon, lettuce &…
  • I thought I was going to hate turkey bacon but we tried Butterball turkey bacon and we loved it. I find if I put a paper towel on a plate add the slices and cover with another towel. We micro for 3 min. so its crispy. If you don't crisp its not nearly as good but if you do I think its super yummy. Had bacon, lettuce &…
  • ok - ready to start this off. current weight is 254.6 goal is to lose 6 to 8 lbs by the end of February Diet & Fitness Plan for the month is : I will be logging all my food and drinks I will be making sure to get in the 8 glasses of water I will be sure to get my 150 min / 1540 cal burned in as a minimum every single week…
  • I'm in. With so many joining this may be the best thing ever for me :) Will post on Wed morning :happy:
  • I usually eat 1 full egg, 3 whites (depending on the egg size) mixed with 1/4 cup of milk & a little salt/pepper. With this I have a few banquet turkey sausage or oscar mayer turkey bacon. I tend to eat late in the morning so I have this with a small lunch later because it keeps me pretty filled up. :) note: sometimes I…
  • Welcome aboard Katie ! I am 42 yrs old 5'8" and currently 258.4 but working towards dropping 100 lbs. I was 134 lbs when I got married 18 yrs ago and after years of infertility issues, miscarriages & depression I finally ended up with 2 beautiful kids and a weight of 302 lbs. My little guy is 4 now and i spent that four…
  • I received some gift certificates to a day spa. I told myself I would hold onto them until I hit 250 lbs and then I would use them. I have 10 lbs to go :)
  • Wow !! You are such an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the great work !! :happy: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • LOL - I have done the same thing. I will send the friend request and then I shall have 2 !!! :happy: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods