nkraft Member


  • STOP taking HCG! I did this and it ruined my health for a year! Yes, I lost weight and I didn't think I would gain it back but I have. And more. Stop taking it and do something realistic where you can be successful and sustain it without hurting your health! It's dangerous and I didn't believe anyone that told me but I got…
    in HCG 1234 Comment by nkraft January 2014
  • I am interested in hearing how you are doing with K Snyder's detox plan. I have started drinking the GGSmoothies and am enjoying them....have you stayed on this since your post in January?
  • Hi, I've been doing the BAR Method in a studio that is near me, for over a year and a half. It is THE best workout ever! I broke my leg 2.5 yrs. ago and this did what no physical therapy could do...plus I've lost 60 pounds, changed my body configuration and feel so much younger...and that is a good thing when you are 58!…
    in Bar Method Comment by nkraft June 2011
  • Congratulations! You look wonderful! What are you eating???! What is the 30 day shred?
  • I have been doing the BAR method for almost a year now and it has been the BEST workout that I've ever done! Yes, I've lost weight but more importantly I have toned and tightened and reshaped my body. It's an amazing workout, tough but everyone works at their own level. The most important thing to focus on is form. It will…
  • Hi - I am 15 days as a vegan, 15 days gluten free...have not seen any weight loss at all! Help?!! I need some encouragement to keep going...I have been juicing and doing green smoothies and eating beans and rice and salad. I would have thought I would have just dropped at least 6-8 but no, only 3. What do you eat on a…
  • You are definitely NOT alone! Welcome to the site and to the board! Good luck to you and hope we can support each other.
  • Absolutely! Count me in! SW: 188 GW: 168 that's 20 lbs in 11 weeks. I think it's totally possible and with some focus perhaps I might surprise myself. Twenty pounds would mean that I will have lost a total of 56 pounds since March! NOW I'm on fire!!!