JennMarieFitz Member


  • When I was little, my dad used to mess with me because I was a picky eater. He told me once that peas were the little things inside of green beans, trying to convince me to eat peas, since I LOVED green beans. Joke's on him, because I stopped eating green beans. He also told me that refried beans were dog poop, and I…
  • 21 years old 5 foot 2 =) CW:130 lbs GW: 115 lbs
  • I don't believe that we should all quit dairy products because Megan Fox said something about it, but I have been on the fence about quitting dairy for a while. Personally, I have cut back quite a bit on cheese and milk as it is, simply because of the calories in them. I went through about a half a gallon a day. Between my…
  • =) Sounds great!
  • Thanks =) In all honesty, I just want to look stunning for my husband's Christmas party. It's the only time of the year I get to dress up! I guess even if I'm only three pounds down, I'll look better than I will now.
  • Personally, i don't think you're crazed. I have a lot of days when eating just feels like a chore! Like UGH I have to eat AGAIN?! I just did that a few hours ago! If it wasn't for my one year old, I'd probably push it off and ignore it until the last second, but I make him food at meal times, so it helps me remember that I…
  • My little guy's name is Aiden, but we rarely call him that! -Aido -Aido Potato -Potato -Potato Chip -Chip -Cheeks (He has chubby cheeks) -Cheeky -Cheeky-lou -Lou -Lou-Roo -Cheeky-Lou-Poof- Poof ( he was wearing a puffy jacket.) -Bud -Buddy -Bub -Bubba -Lil Man -Honey Baby -Munkin (A combination of Munchkin and Pumpkin)…
  • You can use zucchini in place of the pasta =) It adds a lot of yummy flavor to the lasagna!
  • When I did it, I also went for a half hour walk/jog during the day. In all honestly, I got extremely bored with the 30 DS and now do the workouts randomly when I feel I need a boost to my day.
  • I'm sorry it made you sick. Because of the different color, are you sure it was cooked all the way through? I know that I can't trust my husband to cook it because he can't tell when it is done =) We eat it because beef is hard on our stomachs and makes us sick. Personally, I love the taste, but it's a personal preference.…
  • Thanks =) You're probably right. I just really don't like being judged. My original post was really more of a rant because I was feeling down. I certainly did not expect 5 pages of responses. I was just hoping for a "chin up, he loves you and didn't mean it to be hurtful". Because in all honesty, I doubt he meant to hurt…
  • A lot of you are assuming I'm just sitting around eating ice cream and crying about it. I HAVE started working out again, and I've been eating better, like I was. I've "gotten off my *kitten*". I'm just insecure about myself now. All in all, there was ONE week that I didn't work out, so I didn't think it would do much…
  • Haha! He was speaking about my hips, specifically. I think he said "they're rounder than they were when you left" I'm assuming this means my muffin top has started to come back? I'm not sure! - To those who say "dump him", I'm not sure if you're being serious, but I'm married and love him very much. Even though this…
  • Is this correcting my grammar? I should have said "more round than usual", although I'm pretty sure he used the term "rounder". Thank you, though. Usually I am the grammar police...
  • I guess he had a point. I'd rather he tell me when it's just a little definition lost than a whole pant size up or something.
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one who got bored with 30 DS. I was so excited when I began it, but after a few days, I turned it off because I was so bored, and then went out for a jog instead. I haven't turned the DVD back on. Plus, it's a bit hard to do with a one year old. I'm thinking of switching to Insanity. - Not that…
  • I don't know about the "losing weight" part of this, but I know that if I eat low-carb, my belly roll is a lot smaller the next day. I figure this is because of bloating. I think eliminating anything from your diet is a great way to set yourself up for failure. - Unless you're a vegan or vegetarian, because usually those…
  • Yea! It's sure better than nothing, and it makes you feel great. I started out just walking (sometimes still do, but the weather just stinks right now!) and all of a sudden I looked at my husband and said "Race you to that pole!" I've always hated running, but it just felt like fun!! He won, but I still feel awesome that I…
  • Agreed!! Gah!! What I wouldn't give for some long sexy legs... mine are short, muscular and "cute". - Oh, and I'm really not always negative about my height. A lot of short girls look awesome, I'm not saying anything bad about us =) Just annoyed sometimes!
  • Is there anything you can do after you have lost the weight too quickly to fix it? My mother lost about 120 pounds a few years ago with gastric bypass surgery. The excess skin is causing sores because it rubs on itself, so does anyone have any advice for her?
  • I've given up all ground beef and switched to ground turkey and chicken. We don't eat sausage in my house unless it is turkey sausage. I get very sick to my stomach if I eat ground beef. For some reason, steak doesn't seem to make me sick, so we eat it on occasion, but not often. I'm actually tempted to start cutting back…
  • OOPS!! Goodness today is not my day. lol I did mean 12 hours a day. Geeze 12 a week would be awesome. I'd be at the gym every day!!!! I had it raised to 1360 a day, but I rarely ever hit 1200 anyway. I raised the cals thinking I'd be more inclined to hit 1200 if I did.
  • I do a little strength training at home, but not much. I can't really make it to the gym with a 1 year old and a husband who works 12 hours a week. You're right, though, I'll mess with the settings on my account. Thank you ALL for your help =) I'm going to be reducing my calorie intake, too. It was stupid to raise it.
  • I'm curious how low is too low? I'm not bashing anybody who does this - just honestly wanting to know! I had my cals set to 1200 for a long time and rarely went over, usually didn't even get to 1100. I did not lose an ounce! But when I went on vacation, I stopped tracking and lost four pounds! I thought maybe it was…
  • I'm currently doing the 30 day shred, because it's so ridiculously hot outside. The quick adds are usually a lunch that I've had before and don't feel like logging all the ingredients. About the cream cheese - You're right, I'm going to look into that. I do use VERY little, but I'm sure it's more than that. Thanks for the…
  • My doctor's office actually just ASKS my weight, with the scale in the room. I don't own a scale, so I never have a clue!
  • I started yesterday! I'm loving it so far. I'm just hoping if I work my butt off, I'll get results =) I've heard of some awesome reviews!