Food, Inc.
Hi. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I was hoping for a little help. A friend of mine had me watch "Food, Inc." yesterday, and I've watched a few videos and read a few articles that have stated a lot of similar things about the meat industry. I've cut down the meat consumption in my family by more than…
Is it possible?
In all honesty, is it possible to lose 10-15 pounds (in a healthy way) between now and mid December?
Moms with Toddlers
Hey! What are some good jogging strollers that won't cost me an arm and a leg? Right now, I have a regular stroller that has small wheels, and I have tried running with it. It works, but it's not very easy to run with, and I'm sure my one year old is being bounced around a lot. I also live in Italy, so I'd need something…
Taking things personally.
For the entire beginning of summer, I was doing a great job at taking care of myself. I worked out 5 days a week and stayed at my calorie goal basically every day. I was doing a competition with some friends to see who could eat/ be the healthiest over the summer. About halfway through, 3 pounds down, I visited my family…
Calling all Vegetarians!
I'm not one, but I'm curious, what are some silly things people say to you? I used to be one of those people who constantly gave vegetarians a hard time because I loved eating meat so much. Come to find out, beef makes me very sick and I don't like it very much anymore. I still eat chicken, and I'm allergic to fish, so…
Gorgeous Girl!!
Alright, I'm super jealous. I saw this girl at the grocery store in her gym clothes. She looked about 6 ft tall with lovely long legs and just an awesome frame. She wasn't stick thin, she probably has about 20-30 extra pounds. But she looked AMAZING. I saw her later at the pool, in a bikini. Still freaking amazing .So here…
Dealing with "You don't need to lose weight"
I currently live in Italy with my husband and 1 year old son, but my son and I are being sent back to the States for a few months starting next week. I will be staying with my family, who do not eat very well. Granted, I'm not the healthiest eater, but I'm working on it, and I'm worried that all of my progress will be shot…
I need help. I must be messing up somewhere.
Alrighty, I've been on this site since December 2011, where I logged everything perfectly for two(ish) months and ended up gaining 3 pounds. I had a huge breakdown and stopped logging for a while, so I didn't do myself any favors there. I ended up only fitting into my largest pants, so I started back up again in March,…
So, I'm wondering what people from hot places do for exercise. Recently, my favorite thing to do has been bike riding, but all of a sudden Italy has gotten this heat wave where it's almost 100 degrees all week. The only thing I can think of is swimming, and I've already signed up for a "mom and baby" swim class for the…
Calorie Confusion..
SO here's my problem. For about two months, I ate healthy - pretty clean and lean (with a few bad days here and there). Over the course of those two months I lost ONE pound. While my clothes did fit a lot better, it was disheartening to not see a big change in the scale. I did a lot of bike riding, running, and dancing…
Just curious?
I wonder if anyone would help me with something as silly as this. I figured this would be the best place to ask since I'm keeping my new hairstyle a surprise from everyone except my husband. I have fairly short hair, but it's grown out to the point I hate it. Right now it brushes my collar bones, and my bangs are way too…
Alrighty! I figured this would be the best place to ask since I'm keeping my new hairstyle a surprise from everyone except my husband. I have fairly short hair, but it's grown out to the point I hate it. Right now it brushes my collar bones, and my bangs are way too long. I could just get a trim and re-style it, but I…
Staying on track during vacation?!
SO, I live in Italy, but I'm from the States, and I'll be heading home next week to visit family for about 2 weeks. My husband and I will be staying with my parents for a week, and then his for next. While his family eats fairly healthy, mine does not. They really love instant foods, casseroles, and pizza. I'm worried that…
I've been having this problem the past few days. I've been HUNGRY all day. Even with eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I'm not talking about being bored and feeling like eating. I mean tummy growling hunger pains HUNGRY. I've been tracking my food and eating healthy for about a month and a half now with pretty…
For the love of Pasta..
I have this problem. I live in Italy. I LOVE pasta. I make most of my family's food at home to cut down on unwanted calories and all the extra things put into food in restaurants. (Granted, eating out in Italy doesn't weigh you down the way eating out in the States does). Does anyone have any low-calorie alternatives to…
Lost all Motivation.
So, I don't have a scale at home, they are too expensive where I live. (like 50 dollars for one that looks like it'll break if I step on it) So I just weigh myself at doctor's appointments. I thought this was fine, except for I worked my butt off, eating right and tracking everything, only to find that I GAINED a pound in…