Staying on track during vacation?!

SO, I live in Italy, but I'm from the States, and I'll be heading home next week to visit family for about 2 weeks. My husband and I will be staying with my parents for a week, and then his for next. While his family eats fairly healthy, mine does not. They really love instant foods, casseroles, and pizza. I'm worried that I will succumb to their eating habits, because frankly, they were my own habits for most of my life. I also don't want to be the one stuck making dinner for everyone the whole time I'm there - I know I'll be tempted out of habit. I know my family is open to other foods, but how should I go about bringing the subject up without sounding awful?


  • ttxqiu
    ttxqiu Posts: 27
    Just be honest with them. Tell them that you're trying to eat healthier, and that you've cut out a lot of fast food and processed foods, and loading up on fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Ask them to please keep that in mind when they plan the meals they're serving for the duration of your visit.

    And there's nothing wrong with indulging yourself a little on a vacation. Just make sure to moderate your portions.

    I'm going to China in a week to visit my significant other, and I totally plan on living on a diet of kebabs and dumplings and ramen noodles from street vendors. I always lose ten pounds whenever I go to China to visit friends/family, in between the microflora in my gut adjusting to the fact that China's FDA is basically the Honey Badger (HONEY BADGER DON' CARE! HONEY BADGER DON' GIVE A ****!) and having to walk everywhere and not being able to sit down even on the public transportation because there's so many people. I figure it'll balance out.
  • BlowYourMind
    I say enjoy yourself, just don't go way out of bounds. Besides, if you don't want to eat what they eat politely tell them you already can eat pizza and stuff in the United States and that you would rather try the fresh stuff over there. I'm sure they'll understand! Good luck with your trip... :flowerforyou:
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    Good Luck, my last two vacations were not food friendly. I gained 19 lbs on the first one and went off my weight loss program after the second one. GOODLUCK
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Enjoy yourself and do the best that you can without coming off as overzealous. You say you live in Italy so I assume that you don't get to see your family that often. They are probably looking forward to seeing you and they may even plan on treating you to what they think are your favorite treats. One week is not going to undo everything you have worked for. Again do your best and enjoy this time with your family.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    Enjoy yourself and do the best that you can without coming off as overzealous. You say you live in Italy so I assume that you don't get to see your family that often. They are probably looking forward to seeing you and they may even plan on treating you to what they think are your favorite treats. One week is not going to undo everything you have worked for. Again do your best and enjoy this time with your family.

    I agree with this poster. Enjoy yourself and let your family enjoy you. Just watch your portions. They will be disappointed if you don't eat at all but it will be easy to chalk up your choice of smaller portions to your European experience.
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    Enjoy yourself.. But try to remember all the good habits you have developed recently. My husband and I recently spent 9 day in Vegas... And I actually still lost almost 1kg (2 pounds). I didn't formally track, but I tried to be good - carried water everywhere,walked as much as I could, opted for seafood when eating out, and sharing a dessert with hubby rather than ordering my own ;). All the little things added up! I was aiming to maintain my weight, but was thrilled to find I still lost! It to do so spurs you on when you get home :). Think about your food choices.. Have what you want, but balance by eating a lower cal breakfast or less snacks... Or boost your allowance with a long walk :)