

  • 4/10 - 556 4/11 - 0 4/12 - 1177 4/13 - 194 4/14 - 2040 4/15 - 679 Total March and April- 9471 April goal- 10,500 remaining-3532
  • 4/10 - 2 4/11 - .5 4/12 - 2 4/13 - 2 4/14 - 1 4/15 - 3 total-28.5 remaining- 71.5
  • 4/8 - 350 4/9 - 724 Total March and April- 10545 April goal- 10,500 remaining-6041
  • 4/9 - 4 more miles total-20 remaining-80
  • hopefully better late than never. I lost 1.8 lbs and was down 6 inches overall from when I took measurements 2 weeks before. Felt really good until I tried on bridesmaid dresses and found a new motivation to work even harder.
  • My goal is to reach 100 this month. 4/6 - 12.6 walking and biking 4/8 - 3.4 walking total-16 remaining
  • 4/1 - 381 4/2 - 0 4/3 - 590 4/4 - 98 4/5 - 588 4/6 - 941 4/7 - 784 Total March and April- 9471 April goal- 10,500 remaining-7118
  • 3/30 - 369 3/31 - 0 Total - 6089
  • 3/22 - 1.73 miles running and walking 3/23 - 4.32 miles so far today running and walking. 3/24 - 1.01 walking 3/25 - 1.17 walking 3/26 - 0 sore ankle 3/27 - 0 sore ankle 3/28 - 1.00 walking 3/29 - 1.71 walking and running 9.06 miles remaining
  • 3/17 - 413 3/18 - 298 3/19 - 125 3/20 - 318 3/21 - 487 3/22 - 565 3/23 - 842 3/24 - 773 3/25 - 726 3/26 - 0 3/27 - 326 3/28 - 265 3/29 - 582 Total - 5720
  • 3/22 - 1.73 miles running and walking 3/23 - 4.32 miles so far today running and walking. 3/24 - 1.01 walking 12.94 miles remaining
  • 3/17 - 413 3/18 - 298 3/19 - 125 3/20 - 318 3/21 - 487 3/22 - 565 3/23 - 842 3/24 -773 Total - 3821
  • 3/17 - 413 3/18 - 298 3/19 - 125 3/20 - 318 3/21 - 487 3/22 - 565 3/23 - 644 Total - 2,850 I can't beleive how quickly the calories are adding up.
  • Try the couch to 5k program. I have never been a runner and started this today and it seems very doable. Good luck.
  • This sounds like a great challenge! Here are my goals Weight loss - 15 lbs- 1.5 lbs per week Non-scale - lose 5 inches off my body Exercise- excercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day and finish the couch to 5k program I started today. Nutrition- consume more whole foods and less processed food. Good luck everyone. We all…
  • I find that it helps to surround myself with positive supportive people and to also let others know my goals so that I feel more comfortable. Also trying new things. I started the couch to 5K today and love the app they have for the iphone. This has really motivated me. There are also other apps for phones such as map my…
  • 3/22 - 1.73 miles running and walking 3/33 - 3.41 miles so far today running and walking. 14.86 miles remaining.
  • Hey, I just joined the group today and am super excited about this challenge. I have been logging for about the last week so here are my numbers. 3/17 - 413 3/18 - 298 3/19 - 125 3/20 - 318 3/21 - 487 Total - 1641 Ashley
  • Hi, I am new to the group and thought this would be a great challenge that I would love to complete by the end of the year. My name is Ashley and I am 27 and live in a small town outside of Rochester, MN. I have been back on the site for about a week now and am ready once again to lose the weight. Hopefully with some great…
  • Hi, I am new to the group. I just joined today. I am really excited to really challenge myself and be pushed to hit some big goals. I do not have a gym membership and my bike is broken so I will be doing all my miles on foot. My goal for the end of the month is 20 miles. 3/22 - 1.02 miles 18.98 miles remaining. I am hoping…
  • Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend for some added support.
  • I was so excited about this that I pulled out my pedometer this morning when I woke up and put it on. Got ready for the day new I had prob a 1000 steps in by the time I got to work. (it is a really long walk into my sons school) So when I got to work I looked at my pedometer and it said 37 steps taken. I guess I will be…
  • Welcome!! I hope you find that this is a really useful tool in your weight loss journey. Everyone here is really nice and has a lot of good knowledge and advice to share and they are also really supportive.
    in New Comment by aml0484 February 2011
  • I am honest about it. With unhealthy choices I try and give them examples like instead of that 240 calorie bag of chips with your lunch you could have an apple and a banana for 190 calories and try and explain that they can consume way more healthy whole food instead of all the processed junk. I also try and share some…
  • Is it to late to join this? I think this is such a great idea.
  • Way to go!! Great results!!
  • I am so excited to be restarting this journey with you. Any questions let me know. I have learned a ton on my journey and can prob talk about it for ever. The best thing I learned was whole foods over processed foods. Which means yes you are going to have to cook from scratch. Not as bad as it sounds I will send you some…
  • 6067+37=6104 Wow that is a lot less fat in the world. way to go everyone!!
  • I am the same way except The only meat I eat is chicken and it is about once a week. Here are two of my favorite recipes: Jamie Oliver's classic tomato spaghetti By Jamie Oliver Serves 4-6 This pasta sauce takes minutes to cook. What's great about this recipe for beginner cooks is that once you've done it a few times, you…
  • very interesting. Thanks for sharing!!