

  • Hi! Haven't heard of it myself, but am going to research it now.... maybe see if it would be a good "boost". and if I can get any around here... I'll be watching to see anyone else's responses!
  • Hey guys! Back from the trip to Mississippi. I left with bitter sweet memories, getting to spend time with my Nanny (Godmother/aunt) rocks, i don't see her often enough! But going for a funeral for a 20 day old baby was so not good. She was beautiful, and looked peaceful, the parents were torn up, as to be expected. We…
  • Thanks to all of ya'll for the condolences and the great advice! We will be leaving tomorrow, it's an 8 hour drive from here. I was so excited to get on the scale this morning, and then so disappointed to see I was at 212! Ugh, after all that work! BUT I do believe TOM will be here this week, so I am going to blame it on…
  • Hi guys. was just going to bump this but need some advice.... My nephew's baby died today, she was only 3 months old. She was born with some serious heart defects, but was doing well after the surgery, she had a heart attack this afternoon. My question is this: I am not sure about the rest of the country, or the world for…
  • I made a dish called Tallarini the other night, it was quick, easy and the kids enjoyed it too! Here it is: 1 lb lean ground beef (you can use turkey too, I used ground sirloin) 1 onion, chopped 1 1/2 c tomato soup 1 1/2 c water 2 cups uncooked wide noodles 2 c whole kernel corn 1 c chopped ripe olives (yeah, I skipped…
  • is it really just Tuesday? Wow, it's been an incredibly busy week already and I have done absolutely NOTHING! Let me explain if I may.... Saturday we had a flat on our van, no biggie, the dh was there to change it and patch it, but I thought I would be the good supportive wife and help him out.... I tried pulling the BIG 3…
  • Hey all, new to this post! I love the idea, it may help keep me on track! So, just had breakfast so far, 2 cups of coffee with one tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of fat free light creamer... I know, not a healthy breakfast, but I have never gotten into the whole breakfast thing, though I did buy some oatmeal lol, now to remember…
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  • Michelle that is too funny! I have boys that have broken, bruised and cut open every part of thier bodies lol I am a BIG sissy when it comes to pain! Thanks everyone! I did take it easy today, may do a little swimming tomorrow, if its not better i will go in and see the doc!
    in HELP!!! Comment by pennylbunch July 2010
  • Hey ya'll! Penny from Sulphur, Louisiana! We are in "da heel of da boot"
  • LOL too funny! I was just sitting here think.... hmmm what would be good deep fried and covered in chocolate? LMAO You guys have really given me a chuckle!
  • Welcome Sarah! I am still a "newbe" here too, but I am so in love with everyone on this site! Have not seen ONE word of critisism from anyone here! Add me if you like! We can do this together!
  • Interesting stuff there.... I had decided NOT to use artifical sweeteners and to just cut back on my real sugar. I have cut my sugar consumption almost completely out, just 1 tsp in each of 2 cups of coffee in the mornings. But I have noticed that I still go over on my sugar allowance daily. So I even though I am not…
  • Today someone screamed loudly after seeing a werewolf rapidly coming and devouring a small hairy troll which had purple hair cascading down to a watery muddy swamp filled with thick green sludge that smelled somewhat funky but tasted rather sweet, like snickers candy bars or sticky peanut brittle and milk chocolate mixed…
  • toss, (or give to your kids) who wants reminders of an ex? adult children that can't do anything on their own? (lol, trade you for those toddlers!)
  • lust :flowerforyou:
  • weighed in at 210 this morning. That's a half pound lose. Almost depressing BUT I did have a few "bad" meals this week. So, my own fault.
  • Actually a little nervous about my wiegh in, I stepped on the scale once this week, and it showed that I may NOT have lost those 10 lbs! New scale, guess i will figure this out eeither tomorrow or next Friday when I weigh in again! Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • Keep, or send it to my house, I have a kid who collects coins lol 54 empty water bottles I keep meaning to "refill someday"
  • Today someone screamed loudly after seeing a werewolf rapidly coming and devouring a small hairy troll which had purple hair cascading down to a watery muddy swamp filled with thick green sludge that smelled somewhat funky but tasted rather sweet, like snickers candy bars or sticky peanut brittle and milk chocolate mixed…
  • Ohhh, oatmeal baths help too! I will grind oatmeal in the blender and add it to the bath water, or put some in an old stocking and hang it under the running water, no itch AND smooth skin too boot! You can also add some powdered milk to the oat meal for a special moisturizer in it.... you will compeletely forget you are…
  • tough choice, can I have both? Please? chocolate or vanilla?
  • Beautiful morning to you all! I bought a new DVD yesterday, cardio walking or something, has a segment for walking indoors when it's raining outside or something. Going to watch it during coffee this morning and try it later today, I hope I like it as much as I enjoy the yoga! Heck, I just hope I can get through it! LOL.…
  • I have a sever allergy to seafood, not just shellfish, but anything that comes from the water. That combined with the fact that I live in Louisiana, makes eating away from home almost impossible! Every resturaunt in town sells seafood! Samples are everywhere! It really is so bad that I can not eat something that was cooked…
  • Hi guys! Well turned out to be a fairly stressful day around here, though not my stress at all, but everyone else's just rubbing off on me! Julie and I planned to go to the gym this evening but we took her car and it broke down on us, BUT we did breakd own in front of another gym, haha so I took the tour while we waited…
  • Today someone screamed loudly after seeing a werewolf rapidly coming and devouring a small hairy troll which had purple hair cascading down to a watery muddy swamp filled with thick green sludge that smelled somewhat funky but tasted rather sweet, like snickers candy bars or sticky peanut brittle and milk chocolate mixed…
  • Today someone screamed loudly after seeing a werewolf rapidly coming and devouring a small hairy troll which had purple hair cascading down to a watery muddy swamp filled with thick green sludge that smelled somewhat funky but tasted rather sweet, like snickers candy bars or sticky peanut brittle and milk chocolate mixed…