jacz83 Member


  • Awesome! This makes me want to build back up to running again! Making my confidence come back! :happy: Great job and keep sharing your story!
  • I like this! The idea of not being a slave to the scale. Focus on the changes you are making. "A watched pot never boils" I'm moving this week. I think I should slip and toss that sucker (the scale) good bye. Whoops! :bigsmile:
  • I agree. I think for me; I am letting other stressors currently in my life completely take over. Moving, job searching, house buying, etc... it's freaking me out. I log breakfast and lunch religiously. I am vowing this week to include dinner. Other things I am going to try--- no drinking, less carbs...more protein. I also…
  • Hi There! My husband just thinks about losing weight and it happens! He coaches two sports and gets fitness in that way. We are setting a goal together to do a race soon--- possibly a half marathon. You have to express what you need to succeed to your husband, and how his supports fits in. To me, my husband is my best…
  • I agree... in that my advice is probably not helpful. Do not surround yourself with a-holes. If you want to salvage your marriage, I suggest you approach him calmly and seek help together. Stand up for what you need. Do things for you. Start small--- be active at work, on your lunch break. Confide in us here or people you…
  • Life ain't a track meet, it's a marathon! :) From an awesome oldie but a goodie --- you can do it, put your back into it! Be kind to yourself and stick with it. You're worth it. :)
  • There have been some really good ideas on here. I agree with all of them; for you, planning will be a must. I'm also a fan of going with natural food intake versus "diet" meals. It sounds like you need a change in your outlook on this. Like others have said; this is about you being healthy... not "skinny." Perhaps the more…
  • progress is progress! BOOYA!~
  • I don't really have anything new to say besides what others have touched on. I'm sorry that this person has made you feel as though you don't deserve credit for your efforts et al. Sending positive thoughts your way. That strong person is in there, somewhere. And when she comes out, ... that poor example of a husband had…
  • Like most things... listen to the wisdom of Nike. - "Just do it." You're not going to like everything.. but your body will thank you, and you will develop a taste for it. Roasting is amazing, and brings out the natural sugars of any/all veggies. Seriously, toss with evoo, salt and pepper, (I always add garlic powder), 350…
  • I agree...I still struggle, but am still improving in the couple weeks I have been rededicated on here. I tend to do real well with breakfasts and lunches, logging, but struggle at night. ANYWAYS.. I think what I am most proud of is really thinking about the quantity that I am eating. As I eat smaller portions, I wonder…
  • I really appreciate this post! Just because something is easy doesn't mean it's the best. Keep on keepin' on! :bigsmile: :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • Age: 30 Height: 5'5.5" CW: 185 GW: 150-145 I'm a foody- love cooking, etc. Looking to ensure that most of what I put in my temple as fuel is nutrient dense- MOST :wink: and up my physical activity level. Go out and grab the spoon!:bigsmile:
  • the most important person you can do this for is YOU. people mean well, but are often dumb. I know that I myself take awhile to notice things... and when I finally do, my mind is blown. You are the star of your own life. You knowing how much you have accomplished is like getting to be in on the best secret, ever. :)
  • That is amazing dedication! Keep it up!
  • Thank you, repliers! So, technically, when you exercise, you are supposed to get those back? As in, eat your net? Does not doing so result in unhealthy or too speeded up of weight loss?
  • I'm about to start again with my motivation with weight loss. Let a few rough patches derail me. I would like to lose at least 30 pounds. I actually just read this article on yahoo--- about Jennifer Aniston's yoga approach. In that article, they mention short term goal setting. I find value in that idea, because frankly,…