Completely Stuck!!! Help!!

Hi All,
I have been stuck in the same 2 lb yoyo for weeks. I am tracking and staying in my calorie range each day (1400-1600 depending on my Fitbit adjustment). I do not always use my exercise calories. I have been walking 2.5 miles each morning and have over 10,000 steps every day for the past two weeks. Even though I am feeling great, I am discouraged by the scale. I know that is not the only measure I should go by, but jeesh, it's totally frustrating when I really want to lose another 30 lbs. I've been reading a lot of post where people are actually increasing their calories to get there bodies back on track, but I am hesitant to do that. (Not sure of the science behind it and don't want to gain)

It is also very hot and humid and I notice I seem to be retaining fluid. No matter how much water I drink and activity I get outside of my 9 hours each day either driving or sitting at my desk, I am waking up to swollen hands and feet.

Any thoughts from people with similar experiences are appreciated.


  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    What's your diet like?
    Do you have a cheat meal weekly?

    I tend to ignore scales mainly because your water weight will differ every day/week.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    you may want to rethink your sodium level on humid days--I do. Also--PUT AWAY YOUR SCALE FOR AT LEAST A MONTH. Try instead to just maintain and go with the flow--sometimes we get stuck, I do. Just maintain for a couple of weeks and then start again. Sometimes all it takes is a little shake to get things going.
  • What's your diet like?
    Do you have a cheat meal weekly?

    I tend to ignore scales mainly because your water weight will differ every day/week.
  • I count calories and eat pretty healthy. i don't deny myself if I really want to have some chocolate, etc. but I make sure I count all calories for everything. I pretty much stay away from processed foods and have been eating a lot of salad and veggies out of the garden with various grilled meat for the summer. I don't really have a "Cheat Meal". I'm not feeling deprived so I'm just going with it.
  • It would be so hard to put that scale away!!! I'll give it a try to a week and see.:happy:
  • Mom2Lizzy
    Mom2Lizzy Posts: 23
    I've been experiencing the same thing. Up and down 2 pounds over the past 3 weeks with healthy diet and exercise. Last year I used MFP and lost steadily for months. When I reached my goal, I tracked for a few months and had been maintaining - then I stopped. A few months later I started feeling lethargic, heart racing, just not well... Although I hadn't been tracking, I was pretty sure I was eating okay... However, I'd been gaining steadily over that period. I'm up 26 pounds from last year... UGGH.
    I said enough already, and returned to MFP. I've gone to the doctor suspecting thyroid, but my TSH came back normal. I've modified my diet to eliminate gluten, most processed foods, etc, and still don't see the scale budging. I def. feel better, but it is tough. Hormones can play a role in your ability to lose weight. Reduced estrogen levels can make your body work to store fat so it can try and regulate itself. Thyroid problems can prevent weight loss. I will continue and hopefully my body will kick into gear. Don't give up. Try something new. I'm about to start resistance training again - with my Bowflex. Hopefully, that will help.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Well if you're looking to lose weight you need to eat under maintenance cals, Having chocolate won't help and I don't call it eating pretty clean if you just eat what you want lol.

    Why not cut out chocolate and other crap for 6 days then on the 7th day last meal at night add some for dessert. Don't go crazy but see how you go
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    i'm here with you!!!!! i ended up taking the battery out of my scale and throwing it this morning!!!! i am also going to try decreasing my carbs. My weight has been going back and forth 5lbs since the 4th!!! hoping that works
  • i've experienced the same thing so i know how frustrating it is. in my opinion, you're either eating too little so you won't lose weight cuz your body is using all that you're giving it and storing stuff cuz it thinks you're starving, you're eating too much and not tracking all the extras you forget to track, OR you're taking in too much sodium. i bet if you're really diligent in logging your food for a couple of weeks, you'll see a difference.

    more importantly though, STAY POSITIVE AND DON'T GIVE UP!! as frustrating as it is, don't give in and quit.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Look let's be real here. All this talk on here about having the scale stay the same is complete bull****. This is called body recomposition (losing body fat and building muscle at the same time) and of course it is real, but it is painfully slow.

    If you are in a modest calorie deficit you should be losing weight, period, because the rate of muscle gain would be in the ballpark of 1:10 to fat loss.

    The problem is there are many other factors that go into actual weight loss on the scale, not the least of which are related to water retention, glycogen balance in the muscles, and ... "digestive" stuff... Also as a woman, the menstrual cycle will have noticeable effects.

    If the scale hasn't lowered after 3-4 weeks however, your calories are simply too high and you should consider dropping them slightly, perhaps 100 or 200 per day.
  • Definitely not going to give up. I am feeling great and I do care about that more that what the scale says.

    And just to clarify, I never said I eat clean, just healthy, with the occasional hershy kiss thrown in for good measure. i track it all and don't go over my calories. Someone mentioned that i was on maintenance calories and therefore was not losing. i am eating the calories that MFP says to for 1 lb per week lose (1410). I occasionally go above to around 1600, but my Fitbit adjustment is well over 400 calories per day. I will gladly cut out my one hershy kiss a couple times per week if that all it takes. LOL

    I appreciate all the people who are in the same boat. i know we can get past this hurdle.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    It sounds like you're already on the right track. Stick in there :)
  • Get rid of the sodas in your diet, and if you take ibuprofen, that can make your ankles swell. Hope that helps. It did me.
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    Sounds like my story! STUCK!
  • jacz83
    jacz83 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree.

    I think for me; I am letting other stressors currently in my life completely take over. Moving, job searching, house buying, etc... it's freaking me out.

    I log breakfast and lunch religiously. I am vowing this week to include dinner.
    Other things I am going to try--- no drinking, less carbs...more protein.

    I also have a fitbit and almost always get the 10K steps.

    Sometimes I don't know what I think about "starvation mode.." are there any other resources out there to look into it? I am not depriving myself at all ... and I don't see how my body with how much overweight I am thinking I am "starving" in the least bit...


    Keep up with the suggestions! It's great to not feel alone! :)