kristinc06837 Member


  • Heck yes Mary I know you can do it! We are doing a fun run bubble run in August! Not going fr time just to play in bubbles!
  • That sounds like a lot of fun! Great job!
  • I have not started this like I wanted to, I have stayed busier than usual which is a plus and today I've even kept my food reasonable fingers crossed for the rest of the night! Don't know why i can't find the energy to just get it done!
  • Way to go Mary!!!! That's awesome! I have a 10k this weekend I'm hoping I live through! Lol
  • Down to try this Mary! I'll start the 4th too! I need to get back to doing anything to make me feel strong again and not lay on the couch all day like I did today!
  • Mary I was thinking maybe we would just give our selves goals to try and keep each week and go from there I am open to suggestions! Just know that being active with my ladies on here helps me so much!
  • Okay, i failed miserably. Here's my "confession". I imbibed both nights with a "glass of patience" In retrospect bad plan for this week, my son had surgery on the 22 on his nose upper lip and inner lip, which the inner lip sutures came out early due to his highly active energy and I'm shot, my patience, strength or even…
  • Welcome Lucy!
  • Welcome! Sorry to hear about your GI issues :( I was lacking energy as well till I started really focusing on my nutrition and supplements and it's seemed to help! Hopefully we can all help each other get a bit more motivated and and a little social aspect as well! I live way out in the woods and have a couple close…
  • I agree, I have struggled for years with BED and Have gotten to a point where I can't seem to control it again. I extend my friend ship as well we can help one another
  • For lactose intolerance there's what's called a hydrogen breathe tear that tests if your digesting the sugars correctly
  • First off your brave for reaching out for help. I struggle with Binge eating as well and it just seems to be getting worse as I get older. I'm currently pregnant so i just have excuses coming out my ears for why I do it. I gained 75+ lbs with my first child while already over eating due to binge eating. OA is a great…
  • BMI seems to be a more archaic term of measure I have read that the waist to hip ratio is a much more accurate sign of health
  • Way to go sharks on dominating last week! You guys are doing so awesome! We have had a cold snap up where i am at that has been highs of 6 degrees! Not so much fun for this mama! But at least it is supposed to start warming up a little and then snow . . . ugh lol I am already counting down the days till spring! Have a…
  • I love love love JMBR and you could definitely add in running she has said her self feel free too add in extra cardio even on top of strength days or to the cardio days just do not add extra strength because she has a science to her muscle splits lol Love the program lost a lot of weight with it before I got pregnant and…
  • I love love loved 30DS and pretty much any program by Jillian. It cracks me up because if you ask her what she thinks about 30DS She says its old and get the new version which is Ripped in 30 which I also have and love. I personally think you will get more accelerated results with Ripped in 30 and it comes with an online…
  • So far I love my Body Media Fit arm band. I have been curious to see how accurate every one else has found their own to be? I am currently wearing my while pregnant just to try and keep a handle on things and am not sure how accurate it can be with no way to tell it i'm pregnant or whether that even matters.
  • I was doing really good about using pregnancy dvds and my elliptical and then around begining november I got lazy and really slacked off and am paying for it now. I am getting ready right now to do my yoga dvd to see if that can help put a little energy in my step. I wish walking was still an option but i'm covered in snow…
  • This thread really helped me not feel alone as well. I was doing so well til the end of my second trimester and it has gone down hill big time. I'm glad to read on the lack of protein and am going to try that for sure. i have been craving carbs and sweets big time and I feel a million times worse after eating them. I will…
  • I found this article on fitbottomedgirls about t a great sports bra for bustier woman! Thought it might help!
  • Well I must flogg myself.. . . I baked . . . A lot . . . That's a bad mama lol Thinking of trying some yoga with my son today...I'm feeling I will regret the descion but I have read a lot of articles about yoga and hyper kids . . . Wondering if it will do any good lol He's only 2 years and like 9 months but he's already…
  • This is something I am nervous for after baby #2 comes in january. I have a beyond active 2 almost 3 year old who is no longer napping which is when I used to work out lol. I'm overweight to begin with so I am really hoping to get back on track once baby is here but not sure how to make that happen. I live out of town and…
  • I will try to post pics after baby is born :) I had trouble breastfeeding my son as well he was born with a cleft lip so a nipple shield was used and that seemed to cause more harm than good he also had a tongue tie with made matters worse. He had jaundice from being two weeks so we were told to supplement 1 oz a day when…
  • My son has taken a vitamin supp (generic) with fluoride in it for the last year and half and has had no problems and smart as a whip. I trust our ped completely she delivered my sister and has been my dr since I was a small child and I feel has a very good handle on trying to be as natural as possible but she felt the…
  • I am curious about this as well I am a second time mom but hoping this will be a EBF for at least 6 months. With my first son we never got a real good start since he was born with a cleft lip that caused latching issues so I tried pumping but with a lack of knowledge and just being that pumping did not work well for us I…
  • Happy Tuesday Sharkies! I hope you all have a great healthy day planned! We got a bit of snow at my house last night and for the next week the highest temp forecasted is 19! lol I guess winter is in full swing! Gonna spend the day doing a little bit of sorting and organizing and working on potty training! Eek lol Son is…
  • Well Sharks the time has finally come that I have to slow it down :( Started swelling last night and the dr suggests I start taking it a little easier I can still clean and do all that stuff but she said working out other than yoga probably isn't the best bet lol Still gonna stay on and cheer everyone on tho! Good luck…
  • 210.6 so staying on track so far :)
  • Oy my fellow sharks I got nothing in this week :( I've neen so busy and tired I literally got zero anything :( except water lol sorry to not be a help this week but between appts hubbys work schedule and three holiday dinners I've been cleaning shopping amd baking lol next week is hopefully a new week! Sorry to be so…
  • 35/35 - water 5/35 - sodium 30/60 - Work out BH + 25 GH + 25 2/7 Support Post 2 points 0/5 - smack talk :( Total - 122 Sorry for posting so late its been a hectic weekend!