bmi measuring

The doctor said I suppose to be at 120-135, because of the height I am. I am 5-5 weighing 270-275. and I am big boned so would my weight ratio be different


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Well ok, pretend he said 170 instead. If you get there, you can re-assess your bone structure and goals.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    how do you know you are big boned?

    Anyway, see how you feel and look as you lose weight. I mean when you get down to 150-170 you can always stop.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I used to be "big boned" too, then I woke up and realized that I was just fat. BMI is a basically useless measure, but your doctor is right, you need to weigh less than you currently do, the actual number is mere semantics, body composition is far more important than an arbitrary number, still, 270 is not a healthy number.

  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    I just feel that someone that works there *kitten* off, should have a lower bmi measure then someone just sits on there *kitten*
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    BMI for an individual is junk. Currently just sliding under the overweight line, yet thanks to my high lean mass, I'm in size 6's. Keep your deficit moderate, strength train to help retain lean mass, and odds are, you'll be looking fantastic at a higher weight. Have too aggressive of a deficit, don't strength train, and you'll just be a smaller version of the current you.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    BMI for an individual is junk. Currently just sliding under the overweight line, yet thanks to my high lean mass, I'm in size 6's. Keep your deficit moderate, strength train to help retain lean mass, and odds are, you'll be looking fantastic at a higher weight. Have too aggressive of a deficit, don't strength train, and you'll just be a smaller version of the current you.

    judging by the OP's picture and stats that does not seem to be an issue for her and the BMI at this point is as valid as anything else.
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    BMI is just a general measurement. It isn't for everyone. I am 5'5" as well and I'm trying to get to the high end of our BMI spectrum (155 lbs), because I have naturally large thighs and a big butt. lol. Do what you can do. If you feel great when you hit 180 lbs, then stay there. Right now, you should be worried about losing that first pound. Then you can reevaluate your final weight goal.
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    BMI seems to be a more archaic term of measure I have read that the waist to hip ratio is a much more accurate sign of health
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I used to be "big boned" too, then I woke up and realized that I was just fat. BMI is a basically useless measure, but your doctor is right, you need to weigh less than you currently do, the actual number is mere semantics, body composition is far more important than an arbitrary number, still, 270 is not a healthy number.


    i could have written this. although it took me months of lifestyle change and a 25kg loss of fat to work out i was actually not big boned or genetically "heavy set".

    if i work out my BMI i'm overweight....and under 20%BF. go figure!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    You are not big boned.

  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    BMI for an individual is junk. Currently just sliding under the overweight line, yet thanks to my high lean mass, I'm in size 6's. Keep your deficit moderate, strength train to help retain lean mass, and odds are, you'll be looking fantastic at a higher weight. Have too aggressive of a deficit, don't strength train, and you'll just be a smaller version of the current you.

    judging by the OP's picture and stats that does not seem to be an issue for her and the BMI at this point is as valid as anything else.

    The bit about retaining lean mass is very much an issue for her now, or should be. Muscle is more easily retained than regained.

    OP, if you're at all active then you should have some good quality muscle just from hauling those 270 pounds around. Look at the photos in the "Success Stories" forum and you see that a lot of people who start out in your current weight range look like a million bucks well short of their healthy BMI range *IF* they've done what they could to conserve their existing muscle mass on the way down. i wouldn't worry about whether or not you're really big boned at this point, though. Any weight goal you set now is likely to need some reassessment later
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    My Dr told me not to worry about bmi after he weighed me, measured me three times... bmi tells me to loose 20+kg, Dr said he would recommend 10kgs, and then re-assessing when I get there... this is me in my profile pic with a BMI 27, started with 29!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    BMI for an individual is junk. Currently just sliding under the overweight line, yet thanks to my high lean mass, I'm in size 6's. Keep your deficit moderate, strength train to help retain lean mass, and odds are, you'll be looking fantastic at a higher weight. Have too aggressive of a deficit, don't strength train, and you'll just be a smaller version of the current you.

    judging by the OP's picture and stats that does not seem to be an issue for her and the BMI at this point is as valid as anything else.

    I started at 245 pounds - a small deficit and strength training from the beginning is why I kept all but a few pounds of my lean mass. I know there a ton of others on here that have experienced the same thing.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I dont know why you are arguing that you are big boned. Does that really make a lot of difference?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I dont know why you are arguing that you are big boned. Does that really make a lot of difference?

    Yeah it does when people still think they are fat cause they are big boned & not just cause they are fat from fat.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I dont know why you are arguing that you are big boned. Does that really make a lot of difference?

    Yeah it does when people still think they are fat cause they are big boned & not just cause they are fat from fat.

    Really? So when you have a BMI of 50, for example, its all because you are big boned?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I dont know why you are arguing that you are big boned. Does that really make a lot of difference?

    Yeah it does when people still think they are fat cause they are big boned & not just cause they are fat from fat.

    Really? So when you have a BMI of 50, for example, its all because you are big boned?

    Nope. No such thing as big boned at all. It means you are fat, but then that depends on your height. For me it would mean being obese..... I have a BMI of 21. For me 50 would be so not great cause it would mean I'm back where I started plus extra
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just feel that someone that works there *kitten* off, should have a lower bmi measure then someone just sits on there *kitten*

    go work your *kitten* off and you will have a lower BMI....
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I dont know why you are arguing that you are big boned. Does that really make a lot of difference?

    Yeah it does when people still think they are fat cause they are big boned & not just cause they are fat from fat.

    Really? So when you have a BMI of 50, for example, its all because you are big boned?

    Nope. No such thing as big boned at all. It means you are fat, but then that depends on your height. For me it would mean being obese..... I have a BMI of 21. For me 50 would be so not great cause it would mean I'm back where I started plus extra

    Eh? BMI is based on your height....
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    There are illnesses where excessive bone growth occurs but I am sure this would have been diagnosed by now so I cannot use this excuse either!

    When you stop making excuses and decide to tackle the problem it can be done, 105lbs lost in less than 11 months by just eating less moving more, its not rocket science.

    Lose the excuses, eat less, move more = lose weight!