seussbaby Member


  • check into ketogenic diet.. big reduction in carbs which convert to sugar, and increase in protein and good fats. good luck!
  • I'm nervous too! Keto is exactly opposite of how i've been eating for years, however, with all the juicing and low fat stuff i've been doing, now my blood sugar is up. living can be very confusing!! when did you start keto? i'm a week into it and struggling.
  • when are you guys doing a weekly weigh? Sunday or Monday?
  • 40 in 6 mos is amazing too! do you exercise like a fiend? ! ;-) my left leg had 2 knee surgeries so that + weight gives me a bit of a problem.
  • that's so great!!! how do you feel? 60lbs crept up on me and I feel like crap! hope to be consistent and get rid of it!
  • Sat 8/13 uggh. not sure what I'm doing! having difficulty with macros meeting required calorie intake for keto... plus not really hungry!! Logged: :smile: Water: :smile: ... continuing on. weigh day in the morning.. scared!!
  • how do you edit the post? i'm unable to "quote" a post or get back into mine to post the dates...are we supposed to make a new post each week?? spreadsheet seems like s good idea, but i dont have a google email to access the app. any suggestions or do i just have to track it somewhere else? thx **ahh. i guess a post can…
  • thanks everyone! its late right now but i'll dig into this in the am!
    in Macros Comment by seussbaby August 2016
  • it's GOOD! i think the capers make it! :smile:
  • hmm Tue 8/9: Logged: :smile: Water: :smile: Exercise: 27 mins errand walking :smile:
  • hey .. i'm trying to figure out the app..i've connected with a few of you on my profile, and bookmarked this thread.. i guess we post updates here occasionally? also.. i found a challenge group i thought seemed interesting.. to lose 40 lbs by 12/25..…
  • omg. i would fall over. glad to find this and know we're cheering each other on! i have zero local support do very much appreciate this! SW 207 DEC 25 167 final GW 140
  • sw 213 cw 207 this is week one for me, but started trying to figure out modified ketogenic on friday, and have lost 6lbs of myself in that time. this week's goal is to log daily, and connect with those doing modified keto.. i'm a bit in the dark!
  • sorry for the typos in that recipe... doing it from my phone, without glasses! :-)
  • Atkins has a really good egg salad recipe… egg salad with capers. 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon small capers or chopped large capers Half teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon or quarter teaspoon crumbled dried tarragon salt-and-pepper to taste combine eggs…
  • thanks for your reply! what is "trac and large ketones"? i've heard the stix arent great, but i thought it would be good to have a visual idea.. even if a "sketchy" one!
  • Ask the doctor to check the standard thyroid panel as well as for hashimotos. also VERY IMPORTANT to ask to have ferritinchecked. Ferritin is basically your iron "storage" level and should be roughly 60-110. low levels can cause hair loss and low energy. sometimes it can be improved w dr monitored iron supplement, or…
  • hi, add me if you want to!
  • this is a great thread! im looking to connect w keto friends too. i am looking to lose 60#, reduce glucose levels and high BP. not really sure what im doing.. appreciate connecting and support. currently have none!
  • same stats here.. 5'3 206, want to lose 60. looking to tap into ketogenic eating to help.. i have hashimotos and losing weight is really hard for me. issue w left leg (acl repair) makes full workouts a challenge. would like to virtually connect w you guys for support on this path! cheers!
  • thanks for your reply! im hypothyroid w hashimotos (on dessicated replacement) appx 65lbs overweight. borderline high bp (no meds for it) and doc just found high glucose levels and said its prediabetes. told me to look into ketogenic plans and cut out carbs- wants to check levels in 3 mos to see if i need meds. want to…
    in Macros Comment by seussbaby August 2016
  • hi.. thanks for this explanation. i would like to change MFP default to reflect good macros to help me follow a ketogenic plan but im confused as how to find the correct numbers. are you able to help me?
    in Macros Comment by seussbaby August 2016
  • im interested to know more too.. im hypothyroid w hashimotos, prediabetes and 62 lbs to lose... hypo/ hashi has been a real struggle, but weight is worse. why is keto bad for hypothyroidism?
  • is "low carb" the same as keto? i think keto means more fats but i'm not exactly sure what to eat
  • oh no...i'm the lone american... i've always had difficulty relating to people in the US! my mum was from london, my aunt and uncle lived in sale - outside manchester, i've got cousins in west midlands and essex and a friend in norwich. if anyone wants an american fitness pal buddy... i'm here! i need to lose ... about 3st.
  • hi - did you find out anything from your sensitivity tests? my gp just ordered them last week... i dont "think" i have sensitivities or allergies.. but... you never know!
    in Welcome! Comment by seussbaby April 2014
  • Hi - i've got 50ish pounds i want to get rid of. I'm 49 - was diagnosed with hashimotos about 15 yrs ago and put on pediatric dose of synthroid. lots of hair fall out, for YEARS, no energy etc. last year i found gena lee nolin's page on FB and started questioning. got a new endo who basically said that i hadn't been…
    in Welcome! Comment by seussbaby April 2014
  • Hi - I'm trying to figure out what to do. i'm a mess. need to loose 50lbs; i have hashimotos thyroiditis / hypo thyroid. seeeeems like i have to stay away from gluten, soy, dairy etc etc and it looks like i have to do paleo or AIP - i'd like to know what to set the micronutrient levels at in the MFP - i just feel like i'm…