redhd_n_nc Member


  • Baby steps! Take it one day at a time. You got this!
  • Hello. I am hypo as well and diagnosed with Hashimotos. I have a high stress job and work a lot so focusing on eating better and selfcare. If you are getting treatment for your thyroid and still feel icky, make sure they test you for autoimmune issues. Best of luck on your journey!
  • I am training now on the flat greenways so nothing too strenuous other than milage, I start bonking arounf 35. Looks like I will need to be patient :-) Good idea Sunny_Bunny! Thank you!
  • I had a tummy tuck 5 months ago. The results are amazing! The first 3 days I was regretting my decision since I was in so much pain, but then I started to feel better. I am not skinny from the surgery, but I look great and feel great. Feel free to ask me anything and happy to post pictures.
  • I had a tummy tuck 2 months ago and I love love love the results. I am excited to improve my figure more by exercising. I feel confident in all my clothes and love being naked. I could never say that before, even when I was thin. I can wear anything I want. Regarding the scar... my husband is the only one who sees me naked…
  • After a long day of work and taking care of the family, I love to watch tv and drink wine. Well the wine makes me want to nibble. So I am only allowing myself to drink wine a couple days a week and not snack. But ooooohhhhh how I enjoy this ritual after a hard day. I do not want to completely deny myself, but know that it…
  • I recommend the Arc trainer since it seems to use similar muscles in biking. That is my main machine when I cannot get outside to ride. There are programs on there that will work you (strength)! I do intervals of 20/30/40 (levels) manually and sometimes mix it up with a set program. Let me know if you try it and what you…
  • Our riding skills compliment one another. She is faster than I am, but I have better endurance and technical skills. We encourage one another. She is a a great riding partner. Now that we know we can you do it, you are right, nothing can stop us! so time to step up our game. The next race is in two weeks! I think I prefer…
  • 5'5" Age 41 Female (and a mom) SW 154 CW 150 (I think.. I am terrified of the scale right now, but last check 150). GW 135
  • I am a redhead in North Carolina.... I've been using it for years since it is cute :-)
  • I lost my sexy too! I looked under the couch, behind the TV, and then looked in the mirror realized I needed to make some changes :-) If you need support, please add me as a friend. I too am looking for support. Getting to where I want to be is hard work!
  • The Arc trainer is " The science behind the Arc Trainer's big calorie burn is the arc motion. It engages quads and glutes – that demand lots of energy from the body when they are called upon to work. That means calorie burn and, because the Arc Trainer is demanding of the muscles – not the joints, it can be used longer…
  • I am a mountain biker and my goal is to ride 25 miles every weekend... for now. As daylight expands past working hours, I plan on 40 miles a week. I rode 25.5 miles this weekend! Maybe some trainer time here and there, but most of my rides will be in the woods. I ride down to about 34 degrees so we will see what old man…
  • Week one complete.... I lost 5lbs. However, I had a cheat day Saturday since I mountain biked for 2.5 hours (mostly uphill...ugh). I ate more than I should have yesterday, but wasn't horrible and I biked 1.5 hours. I'm afraid to get on the scale today to see where I stand, but will by Wednesday. So lesson learned for next…