SaraShyding Member


  • Logging and planning are my best tools. Every week I prep all my meals for the week and it simplifies my life so much. I don't feel as compelled to run thru a drive thru for a quick meal. If I had one piece of advice it would be to plan one week at a time to succeed by prepping meals and sticking as close as possible to a…
  • I have been wavering between 355 and 365 pretty much since Thanksgiving so I'm no stranger to the holiday plateau. I'm just thankful I didn't gain to much. I weighed in at 355 this morning so I'm back to where I started and hope to see it continue its way down. I will be back to a normal routine next week which…
  • Therapy can be very scary for sure but I have been seeing my therapist the whole last 9 months while I've been working with my addiction issues and behold I have managed to lose 80 pounds so far. I think her help has been critical to my success because this kind of addiction isn't like drugs or smoking or booze. You can't…
  • Ohhh yes! Do not get discouraged...keep doing what you're doing and you will see change. Patience is a key with this lifestyle. I think when you drastically change your eating habits in the beginning your body freaks out and is resistant at first. It happened to me too. And eventually your body gives in and gets used to it…
  • I don't believe I've ever tackled this problem with the addiction fighting frame of mind before and I have done this (beat addictions) several times before. Or so I like to think. There is still a root reason why I have switched from one substance to another to another and that is something I'm working on tackling this…
  • Awesome thanks a bunch for your response! I think I'm sold! :smiley:
  • I have to say, literally hand writing my menu every week is probably one of the biggest keys that I've always been missing in the past. When you write it out and then prep it all it tends to require some level of commitment without really realizing it. It takes all of the imagination out of meals. I don't get to think of…
  • Any where is fine! Glad to add you to my cheerleading team! :D I can completely understand the yo-yo! That's pretty much the story of my life! Haha! Working towards fixing those bad habits! Ferziano, I see you do a lot of lifting and that is great because I also really enjoy lifting. It's my favorite kind of workout. I…
  • Yay! Good to meet you Alison! I know I can do this a little bit at a time! :smiley:
  • I wonder if you could go to the store and take a picture of yourself holding them next to you for comparison and print out a large copy of that. Short of being life size perhaps that would have the same effect and you wouldn't actually have to buy the pants that you will never wear.