chaines7169 Member


  • Committing to your challenge to move more.
  • I've had a life losses this past year too, My mother and niece and nephew who I was very close too. It has been tough but I always remember others have it tougher. But I have 'let myself' go in taking care of others. So I am back to doctor, review my goals, back to fitness pal and back to getting healthier, we can do this…
  • My favorite things to do to move more, is kayaking (I live on a small lake) walking slow with my camera and taking pictures of things that peak my interest, bike riding, swimming and dancing. I am retired so time to work those activities in the day is not a problem. But my laptop is. I have to change my couch potato habits…
  • I am borderline and don't want to pass over to type 2, my hubby is and he is struggling too. Have you worked any exersize, fun stuff, to do in your day. Walk during lunch time, ride a bike, join a hiking group, tried a challenge? Maybe ya got no energy, I struggle with that, so walking/biking in morning 1st thing (I push…
  • It sounds like you want something salty and quick and easy. Cucumbers dipped in salt is my go to. cold,salty,crunchy. fresh spinach on sandwiches, in tacos, with strawberries or rolled up with hummus inside, cold, crunch, fresh. I purchased that spaggatti gadget that turns zucchini into spaggatti which I stir fry, add…
  • I make it special, put lemon or raspberries, blueberries, cucumbers in mine. They I do switch to sparkling water with the fizz. but watch the salt. Hot tea when I am really cold, which I count. Could you make your own green tea and put it into your old bottles. Maybe tricking yourself and add a little sweetness-honey.
  • It sounds stupid, but good old cold water with lemon or lime, I have to stay away from nuts, because I eat too many, cucumber with a little salt for crunch and salt, sweet-rasperries or blueberries.
  • I'm baaack, and going to lose and move this year. Question, is a cup of water 8 oz. I drink the 16oz bottled water, so that means 2 cups. is this correct.
  • my comment might get lost, because of so many posts, but I got that spaghetti gadget from bed and bath. I have made zucchini spaghetti, like it much better than spaghetti squash, less sweet and eggplant great with tomato sauce, spicy chicken. I love this gadget. about 14.00…
  • What is your favorite: Spicy, Crunchy, Sweet, Creamy or Salty? Mine is Salty which I need to slow down on, so my go to are cucumbers, radishes, pickles. Things that are easy to grab with a little shake of salt. Find your craving taste and you will find your snacks. Spicy- salsa and 10 chips, Crunchy - 9 nuts, Sweet-…
  • I will not be able to be a partner, but I will be a friend. I am committing to daily checking in for the next 100 days. Feel free to communicate if you want, I will answer. I am not dairy intolerance but I am cutting down on meat and dairy this year. I am 60, I commit to being more active this year and plan on losing 20 -…
  • today: 1. write down food 2. stationary bike 20 min. Freezing today so no walk outside, Boo Hoo.
  • I added my name to the spreadsheet and printed it out for me to look at daily. Count me in and thank you for providing this opportunity.
  • I know you want to weight in everyday, I know I do, but being 59 I am use to the 5-7lb fluctuations all my life. You are young, especially with PMS, expect 5lb fluctulations, so maybe for you weight yourself every 3 days or even just once a week. and Be kind and gentle with yourself. Just be glad your are back in the gym,…
  • fABOULOUS, WAY TO GO, What you have done already is reason to celebrate! You go girl!
  • goal is 180 min a week bike 30 min 6 times a week. this week March 3 Week # 1 – March 3rd -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: 30 min of stationary biking, arm exercises during :wink: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 180
  • goal is 180 min a week bike 30 min 6 times a week. this week March 3 Week # 1 – March 3rd -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 180
  • I am adding you as a friend. Don't get discourage, Keep you chin up and walk with your knees up too.
  • Morn, cut up fresh fruits in morn and a slimfast, coffee & cremora Exersice 1 hour outside if possible, walk, kayak, or stretches Lunch: salad with fresh vegetables no creamy dressing) Dinner: Carb or some sort (rice, couscous, noodle, potato or beans), vegetables, palm size of meat or fish Snack: nuts, slimfast,…
  • I'm in. This is very doable and yes we can. :smile: I am joining a fitness group tommarow morning and my friend is joining too. Exersize 5 days a week 8-9am hopefully. She is picking me up so no excuse.
  • I weighed in, I do that on Tuesday, but it wasn't pretty. but I am here to stay accoutable. I am going to walk today, 30 min, do my arm strengthen, and stick to my written down eating plan.
  • Watched it too, She is a little like me, committed sometime, but keeps falling off the wagon and going back to former weight. The trick for me is to keep plugging along. I hope she keeps plugging along. but I was impressed with her walking the grand canyon with all that weight on her. It is something I want to do, I was…
  • Watched it too, She is a little like me, committed sometime, but keeps falling off the wagon and going back to former weight. The trick for me is to keep plugging along. I hope she keeps plugging along. but I was impressed with her walking the grand canyon with all that weight on her. It is something I want to do, I was…
  • It took a while to gain your weight, it will take time to lose it. even if you stay the same for one week, it is better than gaining a pound that you have to lose again. So be patient with your self and check in daily. I'll be celebrating with you if you want to friend me.
  • Hi group! I really need accountability. I live with going to be soon retired, way to huge, couch potatoe husband who loves to eat. I love to cook, so does he, but I really want to follow fork over knives, and Engine 22 Vegan diet as well as possible. I just went to a new doctor and blood sugar up, vitamin D low, but we…