ks_mommaof5 Member


  • I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I can relate to the depth of your grief and want you to know that you are not alone. I was in the midst of my weight loss journey in 2012, and had lost nearly 40 pounds, when my mother was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. She had tumors in her brain, spine, hip and lung.…
  • Congratulations!!!!! Truly inspirational pics! :)
  • What an amazingly refreshing post! Your perspective was exactly what I needed to hear tonight .... thank you so much for sharing your story!!!! Keep your positive outlook and there's no doubt 2014 will be your year!! :)
  • C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look absolutely fabulous and are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Thank you both so much - I really needed the reminder that I'm not quitting just because I'm recovering. :) I hope you both have fabulous day!
  • First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! You are ROCKING that bikini ... your success is truly inspirational!! Please know that you are gorgeous - inside and out. Treasure the new you and celebrate every inch of your new body - even those inches that are not flawless. :)
  • Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment!!!! Thank you for sharing your story - you are truly an inspiration!
  • Amazingly written. I loved every.single.word because they are so heartfelt and REAL. As you continue on your journey, know that you have some spunky company here who share your feelings about the roller-coaster that is "getting healthy." {{{{HUGS}}}}
  • Congratulations on your progress thus far!!!!! You look fantastic and I am confident 2014 is going to offer you amazing opportunities! ;)
  • This is EXACTLY what I needed to see when I logged in today!!! I'm not trying over here. I'm doing it! ;) I lost 45 pounds two years ago with the support of MFP and its community. Then my mom was diagnosed with late Stage IV lung cancer and I became a working mother of five caring for her mom while running my body into the…
  • Hello! First and foremost, congratulations on taking steps to achieve your goals! Likewise, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Your post really struck a cord with me and I want you to know that you aren't alone. I was also a young mother and know first-hand the stress and strain you feel. Just remember to cherish…
  • a-maz-ing!!!!! congratulations on your awesome results!!!!!! thank you SO much for sharing your story!
  • Thank you SO much, RachelsReboot, for your thoughtful reply! I love the idea you shared about brief periods of activity during the seemingly endless amount of waiting!!! And I'm working to get better about asking for and accepting help from friends and neighbors. I also really appreciate your comments about taking care of…
  • Thank you both SOOOOO much for your thoughtful replies!!! Rationally I understand ... and reading your messages I realized I've seen my weight loss effort as either "on" or "off." Clearly I need to reframe the situation with a more leveled perspective and a "middle-of-the-road" approach. Your point about having strength,…
  • congratulations!!!! you look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))
  • oh my gracious! AMAZING story!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your "new" self! You are goregous!! Reading your story truly inspired me ... thank you for sharing!!
  • i am SOOOOO glad i'm not alone ... i was just thinking about how i replaced one addiction (to eating candy at my desk between meetings) with another (obsessively logging my food intake and reading the latest success story news) ...
  • W.O.W. You are truly gorgeous!!!! Congratulations on your amazing journey AND your stellar results. Thank you for sharing your story - it was both informative and inspirational!!!!
  • I didn't just date someone ... I married him!!! (I am non-religious and my husband is Jewish) 12 years into our love affair, we have an amazing, inter-faith family with 5 children who have learned the single greatest lesson we can teach the next generation -- to respect, value and admire diversity. Our oldest two children…
  • C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done!!!! :)))))
  • you can ABSOLUTELY see a difference!!! i JUST had this exact same day ... i'm down 25 pounds and am hitting a "wall" mentality ... i want to see an instant, significant, amazing, primetime-tv-ready difference. take comfort in knowing you are on the right path!!!! and you are looking dazzling!!!!! :)))))
  • I am in the EXACT same boat!!! I keep rationalizing my habit by explaining that I only smoke when I'm alone, in the car, commuting to/from work ... but it still equates to a half-pack-per-day habit. My five fabulous kids don't know I smoke and I typically can last the weekend/evenings without ever even thinking about it.…
  • Though many have already said it, it's worth saying again - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Having endured depression for years myself, I know all too well the "shame spiral" ... you feel unbalanced and sad without measure ... leading you to feel guilty for feeling bad ... adding shame to an already dangerous cocktail. What I can tell…
  • Holy catfish!!! I've found my home!!!! Reading this thread has been exactly the motivation I needed this afternoon! You are all amazing and I know you are going to reach ONEderland and achieve your ultimate goals (whatever they may be). As a mother of 5 amazing children under the age of 14, I haven't seen ONEderland in 15…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are stunning, both before and after! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your advice ... it means the world to me to read everyone's fabulous results ... SO inspiring!!!! :)
  • Wow! This is fabulous ... it's my first challenge (just completed my first 30 days on the site). Thank you for doing this!!!! :) Name/ real name: ks_mommaof5/Kelly Goal weight on February 29th: 222 2/01: 2/06: 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29:
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! As a fellow former smoker, I applaud you for having quit WHILE losing weight!!!!!! ah-maze-ing!!!!!
  • Love this idea! Thank you to everyone who posted before me ... I take so much comfort knowing I'm not alone! I'm a working momma of 5 amazing lil ones ... 14, 12 1/2, 9 1/2 and twins (boy/girl) who just turned 6. I had great success getting back into shape after the births of my first three. But the surprise addition of…
  • hello! i'm working mom of five (ages 14 through 6) and can completely understand your dilemma! i'm still a work in progress, but am having great success in my first month by using at-home workout videos. i've had the video i swear by for over 10 years and have used it successfully to fully lose pregnancy weight after the…
  • oh my gracious ... reading your story brought tears to my eyes! congratulations on everything you have achieved!! you are truly an inspiration! :)