im 19 & 205lbs :( need friends

I weight 205 pounds and really want to lose as much as I can. I want to be around 130 pounds. I'm a stay at home mother of one. I'm 19years old. and obesed. I don't have my own car and no money togoto the gym, I do own a workout dvd called 30 day shred by JM. I just feel to lazy to do anything and its hard with my son he is always up my butt if i do try and do the workout. I'm getting married OCT. 20th and would love to be at least 140pounds so that gives me around 9 to 10 months. im in size XLarge shirts and size 16/18 size jeans and i do have a pair of jeans size 13 and I fit them last year around christmas time. and i love them and i want to beable to fit them again.. I hate looking in the mirror. tell you the truth I start to cry everytime i look at myself because knowning I have lotts of pretty clothes actually like 3 big boxes of clothes that i loved to wear and now since im so big i cant. i never want to really go anywhere because i know people look at me and think "wow, shes FAT and cant fit her own clothes"...


  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Start off small and gradually work your way up the fitness ladder!

    Start by going for walks outside or purchasing either an exercise bike or a treadmill. It may seem expensive, but it is a really good investment! It's easier to workout when the equipment is waiting for you in your living room or basement! Indoor bikes are less expensive & if you put it in front of the tv, you can watch your favorite shows as you pedal. It makes time feel quicker.

    You could start by pedaling 15mins a day and as your body gets used to it, increase it to 30mins or 1 hour if you wish. My mom is 175lbs (5'3") she was doing 30mins a few times a week & this week she's upping it to 40mins. Bikes are also good if you're heavy because there's less stress on your ankles. A lot of weight should come off just by adding in a daily walk or bike session. Eventually you could up the intensity to jogging, running or a really tough resistance on the bike!

    Dieting is a bit more complicated, but for starters get yourself a little book to use as a food diary (The one on MFP can be a bit complicated if you're not used to measuring food or counting calories). Write down everything you eat, this will help you keep track of what you are eating & how much. An easy way to fix one's diet is to try finding healthier substitutions for the junk food you eat. If you drink any sodas, juice or energy drinks, replace them with water, flavored water or skim milk :)

    I'm sure you know which foods are good and bad, so it's up to you to begin buying healthy snacks and passing by the bad ones when you're in the grocery store.

    Good luck! You can do it! And eventually you will have enough energy & enthusiasm to try that DVD or venture into weightlifting! You can do it :) And congrats on your engagement!
  • grizzlyacnp
    grizzlyacnp Posts: 5 Member
    Well, you've made the first step in you process. I would suggest reading as much as you can find on nutrition. How to eat for your body, what to eat, what not to etc. This is so key to your goal. You can also surf the net/YouTube for lots of home work out ideas. Don't forget about craigslist for used work out stuff. Resistance bands, weights etc. Take a look at Beachbody web site which is the parent company that offers P90 X, Insanity, etc. There is lots of useful information on that site as well for nutrition, weight loss, and exercising.

    MFP is good however there is a learning curve to get it to fit your life style. Don't forget to look at your personal settings to fit in meals, snacks etc.

    We all are looking forward to see your progress. You can friend me username grizzlyacnp.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Well, you've made the first step in you process.

    Exactly. Turn your sadness into determination and keep looking in that mirror everyday. Remind yourself of where you are and where you want to be.

    Also remember... it's never going to be harder than it is in the beginning, and that's true to any challnge in life.
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello! First and foremost, congratulations on taking steps to achieve your goals! Likewise, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!

    Your post really struck a cord with me and I want you to know that you aren't alone. I was also a young mother and know first-hand the stress and strain you feel. Just remember to cherish each moment with your lil' cherub ... as a mommy of five, I have learned to take each moment as a gift and strive hard to live in the now.

    From a weight-loss perspective, I have had success as a mother by planning. I have to carefully carve out time to exercise. I have to shop and prepare food ahead of time in order to eat healthy meals. I have to budget for exercise equipment. I say "have to" but I really mean that I "actively choose to" - there's a subtle difference in point of view implied in the choice mentality that helps me take pride in these activities that may seem obvious and easy to others.

    Beyond planning, my other suggestion is to visualize your success. Your wedding dress is a powerful visual. For me, I can't "see" what healthy will look like, so I verbalize my story when I have time alone in front of the mirror. I pretend like I am being interviewed by Oprah for having achieved my weight loss goals and I explain all of the decisions I made ... finding creative ways to juggle caring for my lil' cherubs while working out and eating right. I also talk about how I feel having achieved my goals ... sexy, accomplished, graceful, stylish ... This technique may sound weird and feel a bit awkward at first, but in time you're day-to-day decisions will align with the story you tell yourself. :)

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help ... I look forward to seeing your progress!!