Working Moms support Jan2012

Hi! I am hoping there are other working moms interested in a topic where we can motivate each other and share ideas for eating healthy and squeezing exercise in where we can!

I am Jodie, I live in Winnipeg, Canada with my 11 year old boy, a 14 year old girl, husband, dog and lizard! I work full time at a job that keeps me at my desk most of the time, with lots of meetings. (does carrying my laptop from room to room count as weight training? LOL)

Hope a few of you join in with tips that work for you :flowerforyou:


  • butterfly0475
    butterfly0475 Posts: 91 Member
    I am in the same boat. Two kids boy 13 daughter 9, single mom, live in mom (handicap from car accident in 2003). Feels there is not enough time in the day. Trying to get 7 hours of sleep to improve stress levels as well.
  • ajcrider
    Glad to see this post! I too am a working woman, wife, and mother of three (9 year old boy and 7 year old twins - boy and girl). I don't get home until 6pm and try to get the kids in bed between 8 and 9 PM (usually have a strict 8PM bedtime, but with homework my 9 year old is often up until 8:30 and 9). From 6 - 8, I am rushing to get supper ready, help with homework, eat, get kid's baths, brush teeth and in bed. By the time the kids are in bed all I feel like doing is taking a shower and watching TV with my hubby til bedtime. I have started sitting on a fitness ball while watching TV (in my brain this is better than just sitting on the couch), but really need to work in some real exercise. This is my first full week on MFP, so I am hoping to meet others to help me get motivated :smile:
  • OlibecaMom
    Amen, Ladies! My name is Daisy and I work full time M-Th 10 (or more) hour days - at a desk or running to meetings. Loved the comment from someone earlier that carrying the laptop is weight lifting! I have two little girls ages 3 & 6. I go to the gym 3-4x/week and they usually go with me. I totally related to ajcrider - 6-8pm is a sprint almost every night - and we don't even have much homework in kindergarten! LOL! I have found that keeping to my gym schedule is really important. It helps keep me feeling good and grounded in my weight loss goals. I also try to get out of my office - even for 15 minutes - and take a walk a few times a week. The hardest for me is planning for dinner. By the time we get through the sprint tonight, I'm exhausted and don't want to think about tomorrow's dinner.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I'm with ya! I'm a single mom living in Atlanta, GA with a 11 yr old girl and 15 yr old son. I work full time at a desk job. I manage to get to the gym 3 times a week - would really like to make it 4 x but that's a struggle plus I fight with guilty feelings of leaving my kids at home while I go to gym. But I've come to realize that taking care of myself and making myself a priority makes me a better mom. Tuesdays & Wednesdays are definite workout days because kids are with their dad but other than that I don't have a good workout schedule so it makes it hard. Honestly though my kids don't really care if I run out to the gym for an hour - after all even if I am there, they would be on the computer, PS3, phone, whatever just doing their own thing!
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I concur... I work 9-1/2 hour days mostly spent at a desk and have a very active 1-yr old at home and my husband doesn't like to help much around the house so I end up doing the majority of that as well. Thank goodness that my work does offer us 3 hours a week during our regular work days for exercise and the gym is only a couple bldgs away so at least I know that 3 days a week I can get a good solid workout in. The other days, well I just try my best to find a way to get some cardio at least even if that means jogging in place while watching Dora!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm in. You can start a group and that might be easier than a thread. :)

    Hi all, I'm Meghan and mother to the most wonderful (usually) 3 year old. I have been a single mom since he was 6 months old. I work full-time and it is after 5 by the time I get him from daycare. I am considering joining a gym right by his daycare so I can workout before getting him. Although, the mom guilt is eating at me about that.
  • a6ftdiva
    a6ftdiva Posts: 88 Member
    HI!! Im a semi single (seperated but ex sleeps on my couch because he is getting on his feet) Mom of 3 Girls (age 4, 5 & 11) I work full time M-F from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and dont get home until 6:45 after picking everyone up from daycare and aftercare. I also help take care of my terminally ill Father... My 11 year old is ADHD and has major meltdowns with homework. The schedule is frantic at my apt almost everynight.

    If I get dinner on the table by 8 it is a good night.

    If the little ones get a bath it is a good night.

    If the little ones are in bed by 9 it is a good night.

    the 11 year old presents her own challenges and when I tell you we do homework for 6 hours I am not exagerrating. I am exhausted every day and never sit to eat with the family... I am always picking or eating waaay too late (after 10pm)
    after bedtime its packing lunches, snacks picking out clothes, cleaning and then maybe by 1am I can get to bed.
    , then up at 5:45 to start the day...

    After my 2nd was born I did WW and lost 60lbs really easily. I did not exercise just changed the food I ate... Now that I am older and have had 3 C-sections I am finding it so hard to lose even a half a pound & it is frustrating. I had a bad week but am hoping today will be a good day for me!

    Hitting 40 has been stressful along with all the other thigns going on and I started drinking a glass of wine to get to sleep at night... I realiazed that my "glass" of wine was really more like 3 because the glass is as big as my head lol...

    my motivation right now is to be able to fit on the rollercoasters when I take my girls to Disney in April... (I got kicked off a ride @ six flags NJ over the summer because the lap bar wouldnt close) HOW MORTIFYING!

    I hope all you ladies reach your goals with no obstacles, but if you do, I will be here if you wanna chat! Im sure to have some horrible days at the beginning but am really looking forwad to successful days weeks and months ahead!

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    i am a full time working mom. I know the feeling of working til 5 and rushing home to make dinner and then spend time with kids and hubby. I have 3 kids, 12, 14, 16, and a dog. I felt like i never had time and said, you know what, instead of sitting around watching tv, i can use that time to do a bit of working out. I play Dance Central 2 for about 45 minutes with the kids at times and love Taebo. Just half an hour of Taebo burns over 400 calories. You just need to set your mind to it. make it a ritual. I find that keeping the journal is important. It really makes you keep on track. I used to be the one watching biggest loser in tears wondering why i couldn't lose weight. For the past 2 weeks, instead of watching, i work out during the show. Welcome and good luck. feel free to add me.
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    HI!! Im a semi single (seperated but ex sleeps on my couch because he is getting on his feet) Mom of 3 Girls (age 4, 5 & 11) I work full time M-F from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and dont get home until 6:45 after picking everyone up from daycare and aftercare. I also help take care of my terminally ill Father... My 11 year old is ADHD and has major meltdowns with homework. The schedule is frantic at my apt almost everynight.

    If I get dinner on the table by 8 it is a good night.

    If the little ones get a bath it is a good night.

    If the little ones are in bed by 9 it is a good night.

    the 11 year old presents her own challenges and when I tell you we do homework for 6 hours I am not exagerrating. I am exhausted every day and never sit to eat with the family... I am always picking or eating waaay too late (after 10pm)
    after bedtime its packing lunches, snacks picking out clothes, cleaning and then maybe by 1am I can get to bed.
    , then up at 5:45 to start the day...

    After my 2nd was born I did WW and lost 60lbs really easily. I did not exercise just changed the food I ate... Now that I am older and have had 3 C-sections I am finding it so hard to lose even a half a pound & it is frustrating. I had a bad week but am hoping today will be a good day for me!

    Hitting 40 has been stressful along with all the other thigns going on and I started drinking a glass of wine to get to sleep at night... I realiazed that my "glass" of wine was really more like 3 because the glass is as big as my head lol...

    my motivation right now is to be able to fit on the rollercoasters when I take my girls to Disney in April... (I got kicked off a ride @ six flags NJ over the summer because the lap bar wouldnt close) HOW MORTIFYING!

    I hope all you ladies reach your goals with no obstacles, but if you do, I will be here if you wanna chat! Im sure to have some horrible days at the beginning but am really looking forwad to successful days weeks and months ahead!

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Hi, wow, i give you props for going through all this. I think you need help with your son and his homework. Maybe an after school program that can help him. My son has ADD. I know what you mean about spending a lot of time with homework. Getting him focused was horrible. Feel free to add me. I hope you achieve your goals. You will have a blast in Disney.
  • tpmomma
    tpmomma Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm a working Mom with three kids. By reading the posts, I'm not sure I need to say anymore...but...
    I have two girls aged 8 & 10 and a three year old son. I completely agree with everyone else's comments about crazy hectic nights trying to get through dinner, homework and baths (if we're lucky!)
    My youngest was born with many health issues that we continue to struggle with.
    I want to be a good role model for my girls. I want them to see a happy healthy mom, and I think losing some weight will help me achieve that.
    I too have that sedentary job that keeps me sitting at a desk all day long. I've been trying to make a point of getting out and taking a walk at lunch... but really need some support!!
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    LOVE this idea!
    I'm Kerry - Mom of 2 (12 & 9yrs) and work away from home 45+ hours per week! I am very lucky to have a very helpful husband who also works similar hours. We are often headed in 2 different directions every night with the kids activities or our own so... the eating healthy is the easy part (and the most beneficial for weight loss) but fitting in time to exercise regularly is definitely my challenge (I also have a torn acl, waiting for surgery, so limited in the type of exercise I can do).
    Looking forward to getting to know you all who are in a similar situation - feel free to friend me if you want:)
  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Love this idea! Thank you to everyone who posted before me ... I take so much comfort knowing I'm not alone!

    I'm a working momma of 5 amazing lil ones ... 14, 12 1/2, 9 1/2 and twins (boy/girl) who just turned 6. I had great success getting back into shape after the births of my first three. But the surprise addition of the twins brought a level of chaos to my life that I'd never before experienced!

    Seven years of excuses later, I rang in the New Year at the very same weight as the day I delivered the twins ... 6 year ago. ACK!

    This is the year I stop making excuses and start living!!!!!!!!! Please add me! :)

    P.S. I totally love hearing about everyone's day-to-day life ... it's nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles to get everyone fed, helped with homework, to/from sports, bathed effectively and to bed on time! :)))))
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I have a lot of respect for you single, working mommies specially. I don't know how you do it all!

    I am mom to two - a 7yr old and a 20 month old and have a very supportive hubby. I work full time as a software developer. While it is challenging work, it is sedentary and that's partly the problem. I have slowly accumulated the weight over the years. It is hard to fit exercise into my routine. I got serious about exercising 2 months ago. I can't go to gym because 1) we don't belong to a gym and 2) if I were to buy membership I'd never find the time to go. So I started doing exercise videos. Figured I could do it at home on my own schedule. Started with the 30 day shred and completed it. Yay! Now I'm doing the Brazil Butt Lift videos. I am so motivated now that I feel like something is missing if I don't workout one day. I find I can fit in exercise in my routine afterall.
    Feel free to add me ladies!!
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    HI!! Im a semi single (seperated but ex sleeps on my couch because he is getting on his feet) Mom of 3 Girls (age 4, 5 & 11)
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    HI!! Im a semi single (seperated but ex sleeps on my couch because he is getting on his feet) Mom of 3 Girls (age 4, 5 & 11)

    Wow! that's a challenge I can't even imagine. I wish you all the best on all sorts of fronts!
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    YAY! I'm so happy to see so many here with similar challenges!

    I'll look into starting a group and let you know if I figure it out. LOL
  • stwalsh226
    My name is Shannon. I have a two year old little boy and am a single working mom. I work night shift and am with my boy all day. I work at a psych hospital in the crisis department and boy does that keep me on my toes!!! It's time for me to lose my post-high school, post-baby weight and get back to being fit and active!! Between my toddler and my job, I can't afford to be unhealthy any more. I'll end up getting hurt or sick or something. It's hard though not having much support. But my son really is the joy of my life and every time I want to give up all I have to do is look at him and I have all the motivation I need!!
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    OK now I feel like a goof! I just checked the groups and most are for moms of some sort or other! That's what happens when you are new!

    I am going to join one of these groups. Probably the one for moms who work outside the home. Hope to see you there!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Hi, single mom of two teenage girls (15 & 13). So much fun in my household. My youngest does gymnastics so I'm always running her back and forth to practice (4 days a week). I try to get my workouts in while she's at practice as well as make dinner. I don't belong to a gym, so all my workouts are at home. Dinner is a big task...I try to have it planned while am at work so when I get home I just have to do it...most of my meals take 30 minutes or less to make! I also work a desk job..but I find time on my lunch break (when possible) to get a 30 minutes workout in.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I work full time, and homeschool my LD teen the rest of the time. Both hubby and son have sleep disorders, so some nights I don't get much sleep. My husband is home with the son during the day, so the house is a mess when I get home. I cook all from scratch, as I am vegetarian, dairy free, grain-free, with other allergies between me and my son. Busy mama!
