Same here Pauline. Only 4 months left to shad the weight
It's nice to pass milestones. My trip to Cornwall these last few days has knocked me back butonly a hitch It's a long journey for me but this site has been a lifesaver for me
I lost 15 pounds in Januart, my first month
I have always dreaded the seatbelt problem and the traynever comes down. I also have never used the toilet on a plane as I don't know how big they are inside Long flights would be a problem!
I am from Halifax In my 3rd week and lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Anyone can add me
Fantastic pictures and a great encouragement to me.
I am where you were and hope I can get where you are now. Well done
On the border of Halifax and Huddersfield been here 1 week and 5 pounds down!
I have just had my first weigh in after week one and I have lost 5 pounds. Long way to go but I will get there.
Excellent. I am just starting off on the journeyso I hope I do as well as you. Perhaps the Yorkshire stubborness to carry on will help me