AmyBinthe603 Member


  • I'm being especially good for breakfast and Lunch... and then not logging dinner!! Indian food in Downtown Boston !
  • Today I hustled to Sympathy for the Devil -Rolling Stones. Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke Suit and Tie - Justin Timberlake Crazy in Love - Beyonce and others But I want more!! So keep posting .. Bump! :)
  • For me.. I have to be careful of how many carbs I eat. There's a lot in that Subway roll.. Also, look at your sodium for the day - if you went way over, you could be retaining water. And lastly.. as strange as it sounds .. everything hits me on Day 2. If I over eat.. it takes 2 days for my body to figure it out.. the same…
  • Try to up your protein.. This has happened to me in the past, and I found that if I eat more protein , it helps. But also see your doctor to make sure everything else is okay. A tube of blood can tell you lots!
  • My current salad consists of lettuce, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, a protein (usually Tuna or Chicken) and a balsamic vinaigrette. I was just readying about Red Raspberries - Low calories and loaded with vitamins and potassium.. and sun dried tomatoes and dried cranberries! Thank you! I will add those and I will totally…
  • Not trying to go real low sodium, just trying to bring it down a bit. I have been eating too much and have been over the MFP limit. My reason for lowering it is to see if it helps with retaining water (especially once a month...) and also want to see if it makes a difference in my blood pressure for which I take meds for.…
  • Good topic, and interesting responses. I've been paying attention to my level also because of blood pressure. I've noticed that 90% of the foods in the MFP database don't include the Potassium count. I've been spending a lot of time on my foods and trying to find the potassium info and include it on my foods. But even with…
  • Meee too!! The more friends the better! I'll add you and everyone is welcome to add me as well! Thanks
  • wow. This is amazing.. I sent the link to myself at work so when I'm bored later I can spend more time on this! Amazing! Isn't excel just the best thing !!??:smile: :smile:
  • Thank you all. You have been very helpful! And thanks to you, I think I finally have my settings figured out. Gonna go grab a yogurt ;)
  • I think I changes my settings so people can see my profile?? A protein shake is a great idea - Thank you
  • Think about cutting out carbs completely for days (except low carb veggies). Lean meats and veggies only for a few days may get you over the hump. Works for me