

  • I wear a 36 GG - but even when I lost loads of weight last time I was only down to a 36G. I like my big boobies! :D
  • I am with you on this one - lets see if we can do it!!
  • Sorry I can't help, but that is terrifying. Especially if you love cheese - that'd be awful for me :cry:
  • What on earth is a Graze Box?
  • where are these menus from? Are there any English Menus? Because I have a feeling that some of the stuff we can't get in this country, or I've never heard of :) x
  • The gap between my legs would be nice - but I know never in a million years will my thighs ever shrink that much. as I exercise I build muscle really fast so instead of being fat they're muscular, so still fairly massive! :)
  • I want it to go from my *kitten*, but it just stays there - forever. Although my stomach does normally lose weight first and get fairly flat. If my boobies got smaller though I'd crrrrry! Just got to love yur body whatever it's like :)
  • I love Pepsi Max, and as it's diet it has a low calorie content so it's good for your diet, but in some ways it's not good for your appearance, it's bad for your teeth and the fizzyness can make you bloated and not make you look your most slender. So I drink it now in moderation!
  • Lose 100lbs (50kgs) so I'm around 60kgs. WOO. Also have some milestones: lovely wedding in March - need a nice dress and good legs to go with it! Young Farmers AGM - need to look good and keep up the pace with everyone else!! Holiday in July! - WEAR A BIKINI!!!!!!!!
  • Your stomach is amazing!
  • I'm new too and it's a great website - I feel SO motivated!!!!
    in New Year Comment by SophW27 January 2012
  • I'm 21 and I know the nightmares of studying and healthy eating. My uni is famed for it's drinking lifestyle and at the end of it a lot of girls are known to have developed the famous "Harper *kitten*"...I'm not at the end of it and my "Harper *kitten*" is already here. I had originally wanted to try losing 50lbs to take…
  • Well I wasn't intending on losing 100lbs (although I need to - and my aim was much lower) after looking at all the positive comments this thread then what have I got to lose? In fact when you break it down to 1.9lbs a week it doesn't seem like such a mountain. Bit more exercise, slightly fewer calories and boom. Let the…
  • I'm from sunny Shropshire and am thinking that by having friends on here who are in the same boat I will be motivated to lose some of the flab! :) Add me, I need all the help I can get!
  • Satsumas, prunes and jelly!!!
  • Go to Tools then ticker then retrieve ticker code or something :/ Really really chuffed that so many people are getting involved. We can do this, one tiny pound at a time :)
    in Newbie! Comment by SophW27 January 2012
  • I want to lose 25kgs, I want to wear my old clothes again, I want a flat tummy but still want curves and I want to be as fit as a fiddle. So that's it - NO MORE PASTRY - my downfall!!
  • I'm 21 and in my second year at uni - gaining weight at uni is so easy and so hard to shift. Looking to lose 25 kgs and get myself back to my fit self! Best of luck. Add me.