2012 Goals

Hey All,

So my new goals of 2012 are:

1. Lose weight/inches ready for a wedding in 4 months (May 4th) Will be meeting all my new bourfriends family and I aim to make a good impression.

2. Quit smoking - To make sure my skin and hair will be all nice for the above wedding. Im on day 3 of the patch and so far its going well :-)

3. New tattoo to cover my old one - This will depend on how much weight is loss as to when i'll be getting it though...

4. Drink more water...

Anyone care to share theirs? xx


  • nboss
    nboss Posts: 7
    -get to 190lbs by 11/7/12

    -Get higher then a 3.33 gpa my last semester of High School and get higher then a c- in Math

    -Get out of my comfort zone and ask out a girl on a date just one on one and get a date to the last dance of highschool since I haven't gone to one

    -My hardest goal No Soda all of 201!<-- this one is hard sooooo hard
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    Saw a commercial yesterday on TV. Lose 12 in 2012. Seems like a small managable goal for many American's. I think I can stick with that. :smile:
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    1. lose 30 lbs. within a year that should be managble with hard work
    2. be able to change my wardrobe to clothes i actually want to wear and be able to show off my hard work
    3. figure out my next step after undergrad
    4. improve my health both mentally and physically :)
  • shazzamax11
    lose 34lbs
    improve my fitness generally
    buy a nice fitted dress
    move in with my boyfriend
    change career

  • Get to 140lbs by the end of the year.
    Do well in my undergrad
    Sort out my finances!

    Congrats on the nuptials by the way :) And good luck to all of you with goals for 2012!
  • m1nky
    m1nky Posts: 104 Member
    * Maintain my weight loss and focus on building muscle.
    * Sign up for a class/find a tutor and learn German.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    I have a lot of goals that I want to meet:

    1.) Lose 25 pounds (It would put me at 120)

    2.) Cut my body fat at least by half, meaning get my body fat to at least 15%

    3.) Start a reading list and read at least one book a month.

    4.) Read the entire Bible

    5.) Cut out soda

    6.) Get to where I can run 5 miles nonstop

    7.) Learn to live, laugh and love more

    8.) Get promoted at work to a different position

    I think those are my main ones :)
  • davant21
    Goal 1: Reach 210 pounds by April 1st and maintain this through the whole of 2012
    Goal 2: Make some friends on mfp
    Goal 3: Give £3 to Children in Need for every pound I lose

    Be happy all!!!
  • SophW27
    SophW27 Posts: 19
    Lose 100lbs (50kgs) so I'm around 60kgs. WOO.

    Also have some milestones:
    lovely wedding in March - need a nice dress and good legs to go with it!
    Young Farmers AGM - need to look good and keep up the pace with everyone else!!
    Holiday in July! - WEAR A BIKINI!!!!!!!!
  • rebecca_d35
    1) To weigh 135 pounds by my 35th birthday (I'm 5'10, so this might be impossible)
    2) Run a half-marathon
    3) Write a novel

    No big deal, right?