"Gimme a litre o' cola" -farva

Here it is, simple enough, I love me some Diet Coke to start my day off. McDonald's Dt Coke is like coffee to me bc I dont touch Java! Will me forfeiting my addiction really pay off? The "No pop" debate seems very undecided. (It's not like I'm drinking regular or Mt.Dew.)

Any advice is appreciated, and seriously considered, even if it suggests giving up my soda pop.

Thanks, Tiffany


  • jimmynorton24
    there is alot of research and evidence supproting both sides to this story some say give it up some say u dont have to, i say as long as diet soda doesnt replace your water comsumption for the day and you enjoy it go for it!!
  • chargermama0501
    couldn't have said it better myslef. its not like a take a gallon of dt soda to the gym. i take my gallon of water, i do my reps/ cardio/etc and stay hydrated in a healthy way.
  • Todd08
    Todd08 Posts: 80 Member
    Everything in moderation.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I cut down significantly when I started my weight loss. But I was drinking 3-4L of Pepxi Max a day. I cut down to about a litre (and replaced my other fluide with plain water) and am now down to about 600mL a day. I still have days I go over that of course. (never go under!)

    In just under six months I've lost 25kg/56lbs. The sites that tell you soft drink, aspartemene and sugar are of the devil are biased. They're not the best thing to put in your body, but they're not the worst either.
  • SophW27
    SophW27 Posts: 19
    I love Pepsi Max, and as it's diet it has a low calorie content so it's good for your diet, but in some ways it's not good for your appearance, it's bad for your teeth and the fizzyness can make you bloated and not make you look your most slender. So I drink it now in moderation!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm not really a fan of aspartame. I'd rather have a regular Pepsi. That being said, calorie-wise diet is better than regular. Even loved drinking coffee which I like with sugar and creamer. BUT in trying to eat cleaner, I just leave it all alone. Empty calories and chemically-laden processed foods never got me anything but overweight.

    I will confess that this morning I wanted something hot to drink and had a cup of Hazelnut General Foods International Coffee with added sugar -- I feel dehydrated already, the acid is rising from my stomach and I'm slightly nauseous. LOL. Another reason why I cut out coffee. I felt the same way over the holidays when I had a soda.... I couldn't even finish it. I ended up throwing over half of it away. Confirmation for me that my body can certainly do without it and is far better off.
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    I love regular coke and was addicted to coke zero for many years before. Too many people told me about the bad things that the coke zero was doing to my body and told me to drink regular coke instead. I think coke zero is considered to be cancer causing (like most things!), but realistically they would have removed it from the market if there was enough evidence to support that (because of possible law suits). I prefer not to drink it now and drink a little regular coke. I'm trialling iced tea at the moment to try and get alternative sugar/caffeine needs to try and avoid the coke. This also has an added benefit of not being carbonated and I have since observed a reduction in bloating as well as 'wind.'

    I know that when I was drinking coke zero - that's often all I would drink (and lots of it) - which would also mean water retention as caffeine is dehydrating and I was drinking a lot! Water is so much better for you body, but I'm struggling at the moment too. I did try sparkling mineral water with a fresh lime slice in the bottom of the glass, which was great, but the wind effects were substantial.

    They say that an apple in the morning has more 'wake up' in it than a cup of coffee. I have yet to try it, but it might be a healthier alternative if this works.