I googled it and what I read was..that it's quite normal to have it early and to even skip a whole month. I started working out about 3 months ago and I use to get my period every 35 days. After excersing the past two months I have been every 28 days. So its normal. They said if you skip more than one month you should see…
You Inspire me Tinkz! All women who have had children, and have those aw ha moment! When you include your children in physical activies. I have 3 children that I gave birth to and I have been working out my youngest and she is two. I think you have to make a personal choice to make it happen in your life. No matter where…
Level 2 you burn 276 and level three you burn 259....level 1 you burn 241....I got that information from
I'm still on level 2...its still kicking my booty...and I'm on day 40...I've breaks in between...having results...and I'm still pressing forward....
Im on level two and have been for awhile...can't say I've completed each piece with excellence...I did however try level 3 just for ****s and giggles...and whoa...horses...I went back and did my regular level 2. So listen to your body and push yourself thats what I say.
heck Yah!!!
wow! Thats crazy cool...good for you!!!! Not easy and lots of work I Know. I just started on this journey about 40 days ago and Im learning so much....but I don't know alot if you know what I mean. Nutrition I need to learn more. Anyway Congrats on your hard work. Keep on Keeping active..Jewels
It is kicking my but...exactly what I I cant wait til I am stronger...
I would say go to the next level and challange yourself. Thats when change happens...thats what Jillians says....
thats awesome your at level 2 on day six!!! I did level 1 for two weeks. Then I started on level 2. It kicks my but. I tried level three just for trying and oh goodness. Lets just say Im not near that level yet or even close.
Great work...I just started on my journey 40 days ago. I've lost only 5 pounds. I'm working out and trying to eat right. You look great!
Your pics look great! Awesome work! I just started about 40 days ago and some sucess. Still working on trying to eat the right things. My goal is 132.
Awesome!!! I just started getting in the hang of things. Along with my daughter...we are working hard and trying our best!!!