Having Babies is no Excuse



  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    Ladies ladies...for all of those that were offended by the OP's 'style' there are many pages of women that found it motivating.
    I respond well to the 'get off your *kitten* and stop making excuses mentality'. I was using pregnancy and a baby as a reason to stay heavier than I really wanted to be. I am not anymore. And I am starting to look and feel really good.
    The OP's post was really targeting those like me...and I wasn't offended.
    So if her style of motivation isnt for you..move on.

    The way I see it.

    OP...Challenge Accepted! <---In my best Barney Stintson voice

    I wish this site had a LIKE button!
  • Elona_30
    Elona_30 Posts: 66
    WOW you look amazing I so wishing that I looked half as good as you, I have only had one, an the weight i have gained was not from her, I gained the weight from stress from being with my ex, its so hard to lose it, I had school and crazy hours for my co-op placements and yes I know these are excuses for not working out and keeping on track but its not always easy, your an inspirtation to most Im sure

    Thanks for sharing your story
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I completely agree with you. I can't imagine the toll a baby does to a woman's body but if your last kid was 5 years ago there is no reason to be using that excuse anymore. I hate when people give excuses for not being healthy.
  • priescm
    priescm Posts: 95
    Shoot! Your body after 6 kids looks better than my body does before having ANY kids!
    You are awesome!!!! You are total proof that having kids does not necessarily mean your body is done for good!
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I completely agree with you. I can't imagine the toll a baby does to a woman's body but if your last kid was 5 years ago there is no reason to be using that excuse anymore. I hate when people give excuses for not being healthy.

    The original poster was trying to motivate people and that is a good thing she meant well. I think for some women it's not just work hard and lose weight, yay you can do it because sometimes like in my case having babies changes your body chemistry. I developed PCOS after having my twins and my body with working out hard and eating well barely loses a pound but being healthy doesn't always mean a size under a double digit. If you look at me I have a muscular lower body and a heavy set upper body and I don't look healthy because pound wise I am overweight. My lab values blood pressure/cholesterol levels, glucose ect ect are all excellent, not good, but excellent, so technically I am very healthy, healthier then some "healthy looking " people. Babies take a toll and sometimes things like PCOS and metabolic conditions occur that really don't show how hard you work at eating and exercise to reflect it and it's frustrating if someone comes off as if diet and exercise is the only answer because for people who developed conditions after having babies sometimes even with hard work from diet and exercise you hit a brick wall. Many women don't even know they have these conditions because it can be difficult to diagnose. The original poster meant well and was being positive and that's the bigger message.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    :flowerforyou: OP - you rock!! I love the message and totally agree! I've also come across many mom's who've used this excuse and it makes me sad. Some have even come back to me saying that I just must not be as busy as them. Anyway, keep it positive and keep your head up. You look fantastic. :drinker:
  • 1natacha
    1natacha Posts: 14
    5 kids and I've lost all but the belly--which looks a lot like your first belly shot--depending on what time of day you're looking at me. I've been hiding behind vests, jackets and loose shirts. I really appreciate seeing your before and after shots. Since I have so little left to lose it's been going sloooooow.
  • sarainca
    sarainca Posts: 19
    Bumping so I can remember to read this when I feel all hope is lost. Thanks so much for being so motivating ladies! :)
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    I agree! My profile pic is from a few days ago. It's not perfect, but pretty damn good forgiving birth 2 1/2 months ago!
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    I agree! My profile pic is from a few days ago. It's not perfect, but pretty damn good forgiving birth 2 1/2 months ago!

    pretty fantastic if you ask me!!! :) good job
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member

    But for those that seem to have poor reading comprehensive skills, I think I will state things a little clearer so even those people can understand.

    Hmmm....oh yes you definitely sound like someone i want to take advice from. Such intolerance to anyone who has a different opinion then your own...wow

    Then get off of my thread! If you don't want to take my advice, why read and reply? Seems to me like you just want to keep coming back to pick a fight with a stranger...like you have anger issues, so lets attack the mom of 6 that has worked her butt off to lose her baby weight. I bet that gives you some joy!!
    IF you are a mom that has never used the excuse that you can not lose weight or get fit because you have kids, then guess what, this post WAS NOT FOR YOU! So move on and stop calling me names and being rude and hateful.

    Then you should have just stated THIS in the beginning instead of acting like ALL women blame their children for what is clearly their issue. Maybe you should just admit that you could have reworded your original post better instead of leaving such long rambling replies trying to justify what you wrote.

    Guess what...I never said that ALL moms use this excuse....you just jumped to that conclusion....or MAYBE you do use this excuse but you do not want to admit it....just a thought!
    Also, there are moms that are on here and then get discouraged....read the posts and threads and you can see it...we come on here to get strength from each other and to learn from each other. There have been many woman that have posted on here and have sent me PM and FR, they said that my thread inspired them to stick to it and to keep on doing their best.

    I do read them, that is why I read them. Your post however I did not find inspiring (as did some others) I found it offensive. Some of us stated that and why....you are the one that got all bent about the dissenting opinions. You are the one that should let it go.
    Instead you practically break your arm patting yourself on the back here, and insulting us by implying that we are less intelligent than yourself, since we could not possibly understand what you wrote.....pot...this is kettle....you're black.

    I had to state this because I had two moms say, that I must be directing this to moms that are not on MFP because since moms are on MFP, they do not deal with this issue....well, yes, there are moms that deal with this issue that are on MFP right now.

    So, just curious, when others post their success pictures and tell others what they have done...are they being braggarts or breaking their arms to pat their own back? Or are they doing so because we all enjoy seeing success and this makes us work harder? My guess, is that you get angry and jealous!
    BTW...never called you any names...what are we? 8th graders? What names? Just opening up discussion and you are getting your feelings hurt because we don't agree that your post is inspiring.

    Ummm...I was called a bully! I guess you missed that post!

    What is quite funny, is that this could have been a pleasant thread, where moms posted their before and after pictures. Where moms shared what they did. There are going to be moms that are soft spoken and then there are moms that yell and get excited like they are at a game. We all have different styles, why get so bent? I bet you feel good that you attacked a fellow mom, one that has had 6 kids, one that has either been pregnant or breastfeeding for the past 17 years of her life, a fellow mom that also has hypothyroidism (and....still loses weight despite being hypo!), a mom that replies on other success stories and gets excited for those stories, a mom that helps other moms in my gym with their diet and their exercise, and a mom that helps other moms on MFP.. AND then when you insult that mom, you get angry when she hits back! Wow to you girl.

    Now make sure when you post your success story and post pictures, that you say it in a super nice way and do not get excited or you might offend someone...because people are just so darn sensitive these days.

    You are getting your feelings hurt about a post that was never intended for you!

    Can't you just agree to disagree and accept the fact that people are ALLOWED to have different opinions?
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    You really like the sound of your own voice don't ya tinks? Another longwinded sermon from the mightier than thou :laugh: Are you sure you're not a preacher? Can't you just agree to disagree and accept the fact that people are ALLOWED to have different opinions?

    Please. Just stop. You are beginning to sound...pathetic. I'm sorry, but that's the nice way to put it.
    This is TINK'S SUCCESS STORY. You don't agree with the way she worded HER own story. You aren't motivated by it. We get it! Move on! Go write your own success story. Best of luck to you! And when you do write your own personal story, I sincerely hope you don't get the same treatment!
    This is the SUCCESS STORIES forum. This is the one place in our lives where we should feel perfectly free to brag, gloat, or even bloody preach about the hard work we have done. I just cannot fathom why anyone feels the need to try to knock someone down on their own success thread. If you are that sensitive, please consider for your own mental health whether or not places like this should be avoided.
  • Sascha
    Sascha Posts: 204
    Hey Folks- we wold really like to keep the MFP posts as friendly as possible. Just a friendly reminder that if you do not agree with another user, to kindly pass on responding or respond via private message. Please keep this guideline in mind: No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    If these guidelines cannot be followed we will close the post- again, let's keep the MFP posts a friendly environment!

  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    You really like the sound of your own voice don't ya tinks? Another longwinded sermon from the mightier than thou :laugh: Are you sure you're not a preacher? Can't you just agree to disagree and accept the fact that people are ALLOWED to have different opinions?

    Please. Just stop. You are beginning to sound...pathetic. I'm sorry, but that's the nice way to put it.
    This is TINK'S SUCCESS STORY. You don't agree with the way she worded HER own story. You aren't motivated by it. We get it! Move on! Go write your own success story. Best of luck to you! And when you do write your own personal story, I sincerely hope you don't get the same treatment!
    This is the SUCCESS STORIES forum. This is the one place in our lives where we should feel perfectly free to brag, gloat, or even bloody preach about the hard work we have done. I just cannot fathom why anyone feels the need to try to knock someone down on their own success thread. If you are that sensitive, please consider for your own mental health whether or not places like this should be avoided.

    Thank you!!!!! :drinker:
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    To all of you other moms. Great Job! I am inspired to see all of y'alls hard work and kick butt attitude!!!

    So, to those that disagree, just move on.

    But to those that agree and want to post a picture...please do it!! I know that other moms LOVE and NEED to see other fit moms!!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You really like the sound of your own voice don't ya tinks? Another longwinded sermon from the mightier than thou :laugh: Are you sure you're not a preacher? Can't you just agree to disagree and accept the fact that people are ALLOWED to have different opinions?

    You really need to get your head out of the 1950s. All of your posts indicate you are completely unwilling to change your outdated views on health and diet.
  • Jujurenae
    Jujurenae Posts: 15 Member
    You Inspire me Tinkz! All women who have had children, and have those aw ha moment! When you include your children in physical activies. I have 3 children that I gave birth to and I have been working out my youngest and she is two. I think you have to make a personal choice to make it happen in your life. No matter where your at. Its like brushing teeth...you need to make it happen or they will rot and ferment. Its walking, dancing, it gettin the movement to happen. I am glad I had the light switch to invest in my family and because I did I am more fit! No excuses here in my house!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I also loved reading your post,it needed to said. :wink:
    Too many ladies use having kids as a reason to let themselves go. Why is that?:huh:

    I loved reading this thread and looking at other Mom's pictures. It shows that they care about themselves and want to look good and live a healthy long life. For themselves and their families!

    Don't pay attention to the haters! We all know you rock!:flowerforyou:
  • mama4fitness
    Just want to say...
    Tink...I love ya girl...I love your VERY INSPIRING thread!!! I'm very much into workingout and I try my hardest to eat healthy, but I definitely have my down days. Posts like yours are just what I NEED when I'm feeling down...even though I'm a member of MFP. ;) You amaze me and keep up your hard work!! I'm proud of you!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Tink, I <3 you. This post is very motivational. You're one of the sweetest people I know. You should be VERY proud of your results because you work your *kitten* off for them!
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